Monday, January 01, 2007

Craziness of Life in the Last Five Days

The Restaurant Lately

Today I had a long day! Wow..Hehe funny that I got counseled by the brothers. Ok this is literally bad. There is soo much manipulation between people no-one hardly knows who they can trust anymore. I'll probably help the brothers from here on out so everybody better behave themselves. ~Smiles~ I know everyone loves me! One of the brothers it turns out was actually only worried that I was letting my spirituality dwindle to nothing. Then a couple of friends and family stepped in to explain everything I've had to deal with at the start of the school year this year. Haha..well let's say with people there are some regrets on their part and I was off on my way to find a job in no time! I found myself taking the determination to drive a dually diesel in myself that I never drove on the highway yet because the keys to our other vehicle happened to be in my Mom's purse! Well let's just say I'll try to accomplish 2-3 goals at once because it worked out perfectly in wanting to make it to the Thursday night meeting too that night! I literally though drove in primarily for that and then the job came second. That's how important Jehovah is to me. I just practiced driving on the dirt road along the way when shifting but mainly had idea and knew how to drive it. Wasn't ever allowed to..but took it upon myself because it was my goal to accomplish getting a job which happened to take place during a Christian get-together we had for the Benacks at McDonald's. Stayed at McDonald's for a couple of months about two or three and then farewelled a job I would miss with the people I knew there at the Union McDonalds. Included Amy, Amber, Amber, Brandy, Mandy, Mary Beth, Bret, Josh, Josh, Josh, Jessica, Randy, and all the other wonderful people that I also came to know there! Amber the hiring manager is truly a sweet-heart and there is a lot of good-hearted people there! Amber I remember was trying to help me in my situation and helped me get on with just enough of an emount of work to get off on my feet and help me. I didn't want to ware out my welcome and it looked like McDonald's gave the opportunity of job to those who needed it most so I moved on to let someone else chance who would need. Well anyhoo,.. today was my day off and yesterday I worked at my new job at D'Angelos again! I love it and there are some pretty awesome people who work there also. I want something established for this restaurant though.. I wanted people to see that we truly are caring compared to some who are not. People would drive for miles for some resting place of sanity and security to get away from things. Awhile back it was really great because I got a really good Hawaiian Pizza from there that was extremely delicious!! It's pretty neat there! Adam and Chris is the boss of both restaurants. Both husband and wife along with their daughter Airicka are truly good-hearted people. Truthfully it's becoming anymore a rare thing! Tina is now our manager and I can tell it may be a little stressful because of the more responsibility but does really well with it despite and likes being the manager. She loves her family a lot and is evidently a devoted person who likes to be a leader in taking control of things and manages very well! Jaimee our waitress is an awesome friend that I'm really glad I have gotten a chance to know and work with. She knows how to be a real and true friend to someone in need and is indeed a caring person who knows how to move people with her ~coolness~ go Jaimee! Maelee is one of our other waitresses who is devoted to her job and seems to care a lot about what she does and loves her little baby girl and boyfriend. Nathan is and was hilariously funny from the moment I met him when I came in to apply for my job as hostess! I remember also shaking Adam's hand and thinking he was a very warm-hearted person and could just tell by the way he acted that he had to be a father. He's definitely a good dad and husbad to his wife Chris and his daughter Airicka. Chris enjoys the business of D'Angelos very well and loves to answer our phone here at the Union restaurant. She is the boss of the other restaurant in Pacific. She was inspired and wanted to run the business over in Pacific most likely by Adam. She is an extremely awesome person who also still likes to kid every once in a while and remind me that the floor is wet so I don't slip and fall on my butt..Haha.. Airicka is their goofy teenage girl who loves talking with her friends and above all likes to feel the acceptance of others with spirit of kid at heart. Airicka loves to hange with her friend Alyssia who is one of our other hostesses at D'Angelos and does very well! She loves laughing and cutting up with Airicka and has come in to eat at D'Angelos before with her family and her brother Levi that also still goes to High School along with Airicka also! Daniel is our driver along with Laura her friend and Steven at D'Angelos. Daniel is a good girl who loves to hang with her boyfriend and lot and who's dad is a cop. Oh and don't worry ...I didn't forget you Justin I was just wondering if anybody I knew actually read my blogs. Believe me..I know who you are and above all I wouldn't forget you..I was just curious to see if any of you were reading my some day I don't know hopefully you all might get to! Just recently their was an incident on the news that involved the police and a shooting and suicide in New Haven Missouri, Daniel knew a little bit about the situation was close to Miller St. where my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins live. Laura all around is a wonder ful person who is friends with Daniel and got on at D'Angelos later on. She seems to have a very sweet-hearted personality and is also one of our good drivers! Steven our third driver is a goof along with the rest of Every once in a while we're onery to each other there. Family means a lot to Steven and he'll stick up for what he believes is right. (By the way where is Steven lately?) lol.. Dominic along with Kenny, Adam, Justin, Jason and Shawn are our cooks. Jason is over at the Pacific restaurant. Dominic is funny and between Justin, Shawn, Adam, Adam and Kenney along with the rest of us we all like to play tricks and jokes on one another just to be onery and have fun with each other here and there! D'Angelos is an awesome place to work and I've already become attached to the people at the restaurant! The food is unbelievably awesome and as always Kenny has always been a good kid since I've known him from about Middle School. Adam does well to do his job and always work at D'Angelos. Jason came from the other restaurant I think to help us here for awhile who has a wife and a young son. Shawn is a pretty neat kid along with Dominic who both have quite interesting personalities. Shawn and Dominic both are nice guys and I think it's both of them that also know Sarah Melies and Courtney Jacobs. I love Sarah and Courtney! We also have another hostess from Washington named Danny and she does well at her job also! She likes to hang with her boyfriend and would evidently take a punch for him if needed. So all in all that's the restaurant news! We've been having some extremely good customers and I can't wait to meet some more! The restaurant feels up twice as much here and there even. I think I'm going to keep working here for quite awhile and I also will start pioneering with the money I make the summer!! Yeah I'm going to love that! Maybe I can make it up to Melissa Wachter to Auxiliary pioneer with her and Kimmy and we'll take Callie along too if she can, Kimmy, Mom, John and whoever else that wants to pioneer the summer! I can't wait the summer will be great!

Thursday 28, 2006

Tonight we just barely made it to the kingdom hall and was over in Washington part of the day. I had to get a couple pairs of pants and we had went out to eat for lunch and go to Wal-Mart, Cartridge World and a couple of other places for different things. We went out in service some time this week I've already forgotten..itz crazy! Anyhoo, ..we made it to the Thursday night meeting that night and the brother I guess really didn't counsel me but moreless offered me a book study with sister Warren to keep my spirituality up. Well least to say I wonder how much the hall knows what I have gone through lately now? I didn't really want to even let my own friends or family know before! Anyhoo, Gary stuck up for me and there isn't any hard feeling all I cared was that I would attempt to do it but they talked me back out of it because they said I wouldn't benenfit because I've been so extremely busy lately! Well I'll just be sure to have that study in the summer..speaking of Yay-- my bookstudy is now Saturday morning with the Gregory's!! That's what I wanted! Finally-Yay! But it was all cool becase tonight on top of it I got to say hi to Drew and we ate at McDonald's later on. It was a lot of fun! After that we went to Mary and Kassi's house afterward where John, Drew, Mom, Wes and I all hung out and we had hot cider and cocoa afterwards!

Friday 29, 2006

I tried to clean my room just a little bit more today and helped around the house. I took a walk down to our field and put the door up in our deerstand while walking around our property. I went down by the creek and ran for it at other times because it was starting to get late and by looking at the sky I guessed it was 2:00-2:30pm and I got up to hte house out of breath and I was right! it was time to chow down on an open beef sandwhich to build up some energy and head off to work! I left the house in a hurry with my grandma being here from coming over earlier in the day to spend the night with us! It was a great night at work again and I love greeting customers and being in the restaurant environment anyhow. I think I missed John, Kassi and Drew cosmic bowling that Friday evening. It was kinda crazy but I wanted to make sure I made it to work and spent some time with family because I think that today was the day actually that we went to a movie and out to eat during the day! Dad came home from Cape Girardeau later on that evening! He bought me a popcorn popper..hehe yay!

Saturday 30, 2006

Today we hung around the farm. We fed the cows and I ran naturally with the bucket of corn and our good old bottle calf that is now a heifer came a chasin after me while I was cutting up laughing, hoopin, hollerin and running while she tried to get her snoot in the bucket! I slept in probably till about eleven or twelve o'clock. I got up and took a soothing shower. I took off at 3:30pm for work starting from 4:00-10:00pm. Another fun day at work! I came home and studied the Watchtower for Sunday! Everybody had already went to bed except for Mom and Dad who were up waiting why I got home so late in which I explained that I was helping close the restaurant today/tonight and was rolling silverware and talking to Tina. Fun day but couldn't go to sleep at all!

Sunday 31,06

Booya! Got all of my Watchtower studied except for two paragraphs and woke up to a phone call of John and Kassi asking if I would want to go to the Bowling alley in Union after the Kingdom Hall at Oasis Lanes. It was hilarious..first we stopped at Wal-Mart where Kassi's Mom Mary, was doing some shopping and buy the time I got up there from looking for lost keys and a glasses case that weren't really lost at all I was just really following them to the house. Naturally the Wal-Mart bathroom was closed as I tried to change into some leisure clothes. So we got back outside and it was turning ice cold and I looked at the sky as I observed the sun still shining while clouds right beside and cool weather conditions where it started raining and the sky looked gloomy! Mom said somethin about going out in service at the hall but by then it was a little too late because we didn't have the magazines. Not that I wouldn't have attempted. Kassi came with me to meet up with John and her Mom at her house. We went in John's car and when we got there played video games till the line died down. Kassi and I played a Jurassic Park game where we started screamin when we were shooting dinosaurs that came after us and then we drove the cars, payed for bowling, got a lane, haha..I made strikes on a couple ..then dwindled down b/c Kassi and I got all caught up in the music playing! I wanted to play Lips of an Angel by Hinder and Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy plus bunches more we spent our money on! We had about a half our left till I had to completely go home so we went to Wal-Mart to shop with Mary. After that we all went home and I got home and went along with Mom, Dad and Wes to go up to New Haven for a get-together, helped mom make the cream cheese dip then we went up and we got to see Teresa, Wayne, Joe & Tyler along with Jessica, Danny, Wyette, Tracy and her husband of the Mueller's and some more of their friends or family! We played clue, listened to music downstairs in their basement, played pool and tennis, ate and went home. I drove..hehe ..we took it slow and relaxed and got home about 1:00 in the morn.

January 1, 2007

Today I woke up to a call from John and Kassi telling me I better wake up if I planned on coming along to the NFL football game of Jehovah's Witnesses! It was really fun seeing Breanna, Brooke, Tammy, her brother, Gabby(shortly), Sarah, Angela, Allie, Madison, Tommy, Drew, Kile, Alex and a few other of the brothers and sisters who all came to Manchester from all over to watch or play in the football game where Jefferson City beat Pacific 47-7..haha woohooo and yay it was all fun! We went to the get-together at Allie's house afterward and had a blast there! Nathan came along with us when we went up and I guess a couple of other people weren't going that I was hoping could. But anyhoo.. Nathan found a couple of girls he liked the attention from. It was really cool they were playing loaded questions and we playyed pool for the most part and played with the couple of puppies one of the brother's brought down that were extremely cute! They had the best food ever there and it was really cool gettin to kno everyone! I said bye to Breanna, Sarah, Angelica, Madison, Allie, Drew and a few others before we left.


At 9:52 PM , Blogger Jellybean Jezzica said...

Hi bopower! Hey thanks for letting me know, sweet!


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