Sunday, July 12, 2015

Time: A Time Changer- History, Present, Future: Preferrably the Human Soul & It's actions!

Time can bring a marriage to the World to a forefront! Time can change a person a million times over. Time changes a Million things! Explore the Human Emotion & Heart of Our American Civilization books and see for yourself the Hearts & Emotions of the People of the Past and How we Advance in Knowledge each year as it annually goes by! Time could bring Pharm Animals to medicinal purposes where we could have Once died at age 60 of Cancer and then instead of dying be cured at 60 and live until a 120!  Do you know how wonderful that would be?  Wouldn't you want a better quality of life and redirection from the hatred you want to thrust on the World when you are down or discouraged?  Think no one understands you or that no one understands?  Express with earnest efforts to make sure that they do!!!!  Pharm animals have medicines we need!!! For instance, take the poison of a snake bite!!! If you change the make-up of a snake's poison into something medicinal that changes the chemical content and reactivity or you change the body's reactivity to the chemical or both you are perfecting the practice of healing in medicine in the Hippocratic Oath!  One day, a poisonous snake just might not be poisonous, just might heal you instead!! Just One Day, that Hardest Struggle might Strengthen you!!!!


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