Friday, November 20, 2015

The Heart Condition: Physical vs. Figurative

Some may wonder what kind of heart condition I am talking about.  Is it a everyday health problem such as a murmur or something of the sort of depression.  If you really want to know...

I would like to define the two types of heart conditions for you!!!

The Physical Heart   The Heart is the core muscle that pumps blood for the body.  It has an Aorta and several capillaries & veins and it provides oxygen and works with the brain.

The Figurative Heart The Figurative Heart is a response to the situations a brain perceives.  Most often we'd like to think of these perspectives that have an effect on our body and the way we feel through our senses and emotions.

If you think with a figurative heart and are constantly emotionally driven chances are your perspectives when you speak are emotionally driven and without logic due to other's responses and lack of using logos or logic.  Many times this is common.  But just as with a kid brain an individual can fail to see the intellect within the situations presented to them. 

They say there is a difference in a child brain and an adult brain.  We all mature at different rates based upon the individual.  However, just like the adult brain vs. the child brain words such as rape to a normal brain and a rapist brain have a different emotional response in the frontal lobriac.  A rapist however doesn't have a change when the word is stated to them.  The response therefore between an adult brain and a kid brain is its trained perspective.  Whereas the difference between a normal brain and a rapists brain is an emotional response.  Sometimes trained sometimes not and poor social skills.  Thus, therefore we must look at the sociological perspective of discipline vs. reward or incentive in the one's life. 

Many times all of this is due to poor interdeveloped social skills, knowledge, ability or an overpowering and indulgence which is just the opposite. 

**That is why it is very important the way we train and change and adhere to changes in our belief system or psychological perspective.  WE AS INDIVIDUALS MUST BE SELECTIVE IN OUR ADVICE. 

Often times, we are the ones that know what best adheres to our makeup and then it is a professionals choice to work with us to develop those skills spurring growth!!!

Many times an individual, myself being one of them; can suffer stifling growth based upon the personal basis of others which is when it is best not to get too interinvolved.

What can you say!?!

A true friend is a friend for life!!!

But NEVER let your treacherous heart betray you!!!

The One Thing We All Have: Not a Sterotype but a Heart!

Of all the actions we could make we all have one thing in common!!! We have a heart.  In the Bible we are taught to War in actions of truth and righteousness in our affairs and in the love towards our neighbors!  The oldest book alive from our forefathers teaches us THIS>>>......

It is the condition of the HEART!!!

So therefore,

Can you kill hate with hate?

Can you kill hate with Love?

Can you kill another?

The answers are




It begins with warring in actions!!!

Sure you can be disciplinary-

But can you really kill and leave innocent victims

When you get more with Sugar than Spice???

Therefore begin with the condition of the Heart

Emotions & Feelings control the minds actions.

If you promote negativity?

Dark, Dark World!!!

Please, For the Sake of Our World!!!

Work on bettering yourself & others not warring and taking everything they have in a personal gain!!!!

The Heart Condition: God is LOVE

Love is What the World Needs-

Therefore, look at the condition of your heart

-Like a reflective mirror

What does your heart condition say about YOU?!?

Does it say Uncle Sam Wants You???

Does it say that You Need God????

Most of all is it full of atrocity?



Love is the highest form of act in any discipline.

Let your discipline of the way you trod your feet light your life!

Be a Great Heart!

Be A Legend!!!

Security Vs. Privacy: The Integrity of Our Organizations: Business Planning Talk

I Jessica Gerlemann stand as a gatekeeper in my organizations and make things fair for other people thus paving the way for myself. 

Gatekeepers secure the privacy of organizations, entity or businesses, & that of the individual!

I learned long ago that when one's rights are infringed upon that means someone is trying to break the integrity of one of these 3 above examples.

In social barriers we most often run amuck and problems begin to grow among us due to the balance of the integrity of our organizations and how much power we allow them to have over us!

Many times people become angered at what the actions are at one another and usually it is due to the unbalance of power and the lack of enforcement of laws protecting either the organizations, entity/businesses, or individuals privacy. 

Legislatively specifications need to be set in making the laws of how to run the businesses of the 3 examples!

Judicially actions need to be made in the courts to enforce the respectability of the balance of these 3 examples.

Execute the imbalances of individual's rights being infringed upon!!!

Believe it or not;
The balance of the government must also exist in the individual's life so that the individual has an opportunity to thrive & thus attain a contribution to the outside World!

Plausability, Skepticism, & the amount of Risk involved in making judicial decisions are best done by our wisest judges! 

How Vulnerable Are We?

Persuasion and gullibility are often done by those who criminalize or intend to criminalize you!!

However, a Citizen, or Good Samaritan has the ability to instead use their use of resources so that they can contribute their work to the balance, integrity, & execution in a programmable sense to produce a better outside world due to the actions they take in their respectability to run and attribute to the outside World!!!


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Scriptures Devoted to Mankind's Children:

Galations 5:13 You were of course called for freedom brothers only do not use this freedom as inducement for the flesh but through love slave for one another.

Exodus 34:28 And he continued there with Jehovah forty days and forty nights.  He ate no bread and he drank no water. And he proceeded to write upon the tablets the words of the covenant, The Ten Words.

Psalms 110:3 Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force.  In the splendors of holiness from the womb of the dawn.  You have your company of young men just like dewdrops.  Jehovah has sworn and he will feel no regret.  "You are a priest to time indefinite.  According to the manner of Melchiz'edek!"

1 Timothy 4:1 However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies marked in their conscience as with a branding iron forbidding to marry commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by those who have faith and accurately know the truth.  The reason for this is that every creation of God is fine and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified through God's word and prayer over it.  By giving these advices to the brothers you will be a fine minister of Christ Jesus one nourished with the words of the faith and which old women tell.  On the other hand be training yourself with godly devotion as your aim.  For bodily training is beneficial for a little but godly devotion is beneficial for all things as it holds promise of the life now and that which is to come. Faithful and deserving of full acceptance is that statement.

1 Timothy 3:16 Indeed the sacred secret of this godly devotion is admittedly great.  He was made manifest in flesh was declared righteous in spirit, appeared to angels was preached about among nations was  believed upon in the world was received up in glory.

Romans 13:10 Love does not work evil towards a neighbor therefore love is the law of fulfillment.

1 Timothy 4:10 For to this end we are working hard and exerting ourselves because we have rested our hope on a living God, who is a Savior of all sorts of men, especially the faithful ones.  Keep on giving these commands and teaching them. Let no man ever look down on your youth.  On the contrary become an example to the faithful ones in speaking in conduct, in love, in faith in chasteness.  While I am coming continue applying yourself to public reading to exhortation to teaching.  Do not be neglecting the gift in you that was given through a prediction and when the body of older men layed their hands upon you. Ponder over these things be absorbed in them that your advancement may be manifest to all persons.  Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching.  Stay by these things for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.

1 John 2 My little children, I am writing YOU these things that YOU may not commit a sin.  And yet, if anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteouse one.  And he is our propitiatory sacrifice for not only Our Sins but for the Whole Worlds.

World-Wide Support For Non-Emotional Objectives Yet Sympathetic Viewpoints For Understanding An Individual's Outside Resources & Environment

Many times because of our necessities and resources in a given location jealousy arises over the ability to acquire one's riches, home or even beliefs in one's country.  The Ten Commandments that represent America and fighting for its Freedom & Legacy are based upon not breaking these Bible standards due to the factual evidences of crime and past war situations in which the tally of lives lost were very high! Fatalities almost always occur no matter the efforts towards ending violence because in the end the most who sacrifice for the legacies we believe in sometimes lose their lives due to the situation of their circumstances in fighting for it.  Sometimes Trial & Tribulation & Death before Life is what occurs for more unfortunate people in other lands. To KNOW DEATH & LIFE & How it Exists and the characteristics of how our society and economic environments operate is Essential.  Having Faith in a Good, Fair, & Just World is essential as long as it does not trigger unnecessary advances towards psychological improprieties!  A World-Wide Network of Friendship & Alliance to prevent World Violence is Needed for America to Love it's Neighbor's although rather not risking the security of the Countries in which the Network exists.  So When do you call an act of violence an "infringement" of rights to an individual in the Court of law? Given, in all circumstances, wariness of one's adversaries is recommended or One Party most often Unfairly takes advantage of the Other!!!My Friends- Remember how lucky you are to acquire the love of your God.  Nothing is perfect and we can't put full-proof faith in one another to not make mistakes because it is the equivalency of playing a dangerous game of Russian Roulet!  However, we can changed the way we act to Terrorism.  If we have World-Wide Support for Bible Standards and following the Ten Commandments & Respecting and Loving Our Neighbors Unprejudiced and in Fair Judicial Environments we don't need to War.  However, Our Societies depend upon a working government full of people who +Need to Make an Effort to Improve things.  The Wise Elder realizes that he does not get paid for the reward of the sowing of Fruitful Works of Surplus here and in Other Countries.  But when Terrorism and War occur uninvitedly to a Country such as Paris which is known as a place for Love then truthfully The Big Brother-The Alliances of Network of Legislature or the World Powers who overlook the Welfare of the World Need to Make An Appropriation Towards Ending Terrorism thus bringing up the Topic on the Much Needed War on Terrorism and the Controversial Efforts of Individuals in the World to gain their attaining rights to express +Healthy Freedoms in their country as Individuals!  Also, lessening the Worst Stereotypes of Hate Crimes And Thus improving Our World Environments In Every Way!  We -All Play a Part!

**Liberty & Justice For All**
Habeus Corpus
Fair Judicial Law

Fair & Tolerant Attainable Individual Rights And Freedoms

One's Individual Rights & Freedoms

**Freedom of Speech
**Freedom of Religion

-Non-freedom in persecution of other

**A  Violation of the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments brought about by the Oldest & Wisest Men For the Welfare of Mankind

To Find a World Where Neighbors Love One Another & There is Freedom of Expression and Attained Happiness!!

Remember, Religion is one's expression of their beliefs not an infringement of another's biased opinion towards +the World!!!

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Algal Blooms & the Balance of Chemicals In Your Environment & Body

Many times we might fertilize our field to grow our crops more plentifully.  Whatever the need of the case may be we find many times for certain reasons the environment becomes unbalanced.  In certain cases, toxins may be produced in the algal blooms from farm run off in our creeks.  Algae or algal blooms produce a sulfuric-looking yellow toxin that is introduced into the air and environment.  Algal blooms that have a plentiful (too full/rich fertilized) oxygen-water environment rich home in our creeks, lakes, rivers & streams tend to unbalance the rest of our environments in which the possibility of an increase of toxins and allergies in the air may make us sick, give us allergies or produce a threat to thrive to our bodies due to the way a plant may be engineered.  In this case, using fertilizer/oxygen -rich supplements to grow our crop from our animals may indeed be very helpful and what we need to use for the field but the streams of water also need to be controlled by being treated from over-production in the algae-like plants or otherwise there is a surplus and our water environments are not controlled.  Sometimes our drinking systems are the same way in our towns and cities.  We start off with luscious nutrient-rich water and end up with something with too many chemicals harming our body and causing cancer and other illnesses.  In this case, locally the algae just needed to be controlled.  Also, chemicals are harmful, some chemical compound helpful and natural-remedy medicinal medicines worthwhile.  Let me remind you of how important the balance is!!  Without a properly balanced environment we a famined war-fare of havoc!!  Chemicals are toxins out of appropriation of balance!!!