Thursday, July 09, 2015

Here Is Your Cause! A Cause For Healing & A Cause For Life!

If A*B =AB & Ax+By=C and they all represent situations and outcomes with a play of logic

and probability we have the ability to perfect our World beyond belief.  Many times he World is

broken down but in Sociology a positive variable that always has the possibility of changing within

various reasons we with the right logic have the control to build the World Around Us.  In All

Situation: Scientifically something can change within a million times and in a million ways but has

had one main component Energy of Life! So therefore, the outcome of all negative situations are

negative for the parties involved and the positive outcomes for all positive situations are positive for

the parties involved.

The Social Laws of Reform, Darwinism (Evolution), Socialization and Order; Organizations Control

have endless positive effects for all of us. 

 If then, in all doctoring practices we perfect ourselves in the knowledge of these laws in our societies

we achieve great healing power & gifts for Our World.

Precisely, the life from the beginning in 

Perfection that God gave Us!

-yours truly

Dr. Jessica Gerlemann


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