Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Prior to & Valentines Day Fun~

So I wrecked my car right?? Well Wednesday a friend came to pick me up and we went to Wal-Mart and the bowling alley and we picked up one of our friends and went back to my house so I could show them what my wrecked car looked like and set the example for them of what not to do. He was kinda one of the first guys that I practiced french-kissing on when I was a Senior and he was a Sophomore..I know bad of me right? Well I always looked at him sorta like he was this cute, younger little boy that I adored and wanted to teach things and he came back and tried to be the man of my dreams. He bought me a little glass rose and a pink valentine's monkey. And I spent the evening with him and our other friend since I was kinda sore from the accident yet and it sorta hurt to sit after clumsily falling out of the swing bc it broke on me just as I was talking about it breaking! So I was a happy camper..and then Thursday rolled around and I promised Elysia before I wrecked my car that we'd hang out right? Well Mom and my bro took me in and we ate at Applebees together and had some yummy-yummy food, and then it was off with Elysia for a day of shopping at JC Penney's buying clearance shirts and looking at Kohl's stuff and buying Melissa a wedding present that I hoped was too cute so I could repay her for my cutzie coasters! So we went to Kohls and saw Bailey there from Sullivan with a friend and then we went to Rue 21 and I had to buy me a different purse since my other one was broken and dirty from the falling out of the car and everything. After that we got Frappacino's at Starbuck's in Target and went to get some dessert at Jack In The Box and went to see Man On A Ledge before my met us to take me home! Friday I was just chillin and relaxing and talking to Brad off and on and then I went to the K-hall Sunday and got used to my sore butt as much as I could! We sat by Grandma and Carol and I got to talk to some ppl before leaving and then we ate at McDonald's and went to the grocery store and pretty much went home. That Sunday I was brave enough to play the guitar with a new pick,..lol one that picked up the sound that so-happened-to-be a quarter!! Monday it snowed and I never had to go to the psychiatrist and I got to talk to my old boo who I nominated as my husband when I was in college who just so happens to also be a pen-pal to me! I talked to him last night and we video chatted so I could see him again..although I never video-chat except when it's someone I'm close to like Sarah on my Dad's computer since mine doesn't have the camera..which I'm just sorta glad about..but I love my boo yet..so since I've been learning French,..I got to have a special conversation with my Belgium boy/husband who I just absolutely love, love,love to talk to. I also heard from my Aunt Ruthie that day and she told me Happy Valentine's and b-day, she is from my Dad's side..and even though I'm not really supposed to celebrate it, I eat the attention up and love to hear kindness coming from my family and friends. Well today,...and I got to see that all my friends wished me to have a good day and even though I'm not supposed to celebrate I still get to see how much they care and how sweet they are!! After doing that and cooking and sleeping in and listening to the radio I got to talk to my double sweetheart..who just so happens to have been one of my best friends in college who I thought one day I just might marry someone like him too and he called and we have this stubborn-headed battle off and we yell and mimick and make fun of and hang up on each other!! Boy that was fun,...and I just have to say to all the world and especially my family and friends...Thank you for Loving me, because I definitely Love You Too!!!


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