Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Review of Maria Sutton's "The Night Sky: A Journey From Dachau to Denver and Back"

A heart wrenching story that touched my life was that of one by Maria Sutton in which her Mother's life story began of a separation from her family that began in a displaced persons or internment camp in Germany, left her on the Breitner farm with her first love Jozef, pregnant and deserted with her first two children, Krystyna and Maria and married and on her way to America with her new husband in whom she struggled to learn to love after several hardships everyday in which she was in Germany during the Haulocaust when WWI and WWII took place. An amazing tale of life stories, Maria's stepfather loved and took care of them everyday and many times Maria's Mother told her stories about her life beginning in Poland and being separated from her family, her brother Wasyl, and encamped in Germany with Jozef and on the Breitzner farm. I am so inspired to see her tale of courage of wanting to find her family's generation's worth of life stories. It's so amazing to see that they were Catholic and many thought they were Jewish and that it wasn't a certain religion that had gotten persecuted. Looking objectively I realize my religion had as well. So it was especially important to me to see that Maria learned the hardships and joys of life through her Mother's stories and the atrocities of WWI and WWII through her search for her biological father. I believe the story has taught me to respect all avenues of life and to look objectively at history and not repeat its mistakes. I especially liked how a wise history teach once taught me that "History" is "His" and "Her" story. It's amazing and heart-warming to see that in the end after 43 years of searching for her Father she became like a sister to her biological step-sister and embraced many strangers and traveled through her search of trying to understand her own life and her and her Mother's past. I especially enjoyed when Maria flew 1400 miles with her Mother to meet Wasyl her Brother. It's amazing to see how life's tragedies and joys make us a mix of who we are and that we are all retentiously the different but the same. We are equal, and even after all these years generations have proved their courage to live the American dream in having a good place for their family and earning a living and providing for them. It was amazing to see such courage and I want to thank Maria for her writing of the book, "The Night Sky," which taught me that the Haulocaust was a tragedy for all of mankind and truly showed the truth about how the atrocities of war had changed the lives of many innocent people. No matter who we are may we each have the will to live and change the world with the way we live and not die..This story proves that each of us no matter what part of the world can live our life with a legacy..not to terrorize when we are mad about an injustice that has been done to us but to truly choose kindness and peace for the well-being of mankind. Just think, if we all were to have to relive the atrocities of the war of the Haulocaust which was a detriment to mankind. Please..always live your life with legacy and earn what you have in life heroically like many others and especially that of Maria's stepfather who choosed to take what happened with him and live a better life because of it. He wanted a brighter life for him, Julia and Krystyna and Maria. May you always have the will to live ...and thank you Maria Sutton for these writings which shed much light on those times!


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