Sunday, December 25, 2011

Comfort All The Mourning Ones: My Review: Tried to write so more than one can enjoy!!

#1) Jesus said that his food is to do the will of the one that sent him and to finish his work. He considered part of that work a God-given assignment to display his great love for people. The apostle Paul noted that love when he said that "Jehovah" was the "God of all comfort."
#2,3) We should imitate Christ by giving others comfort because the Bible says many would be sufferring the trials and tribulations that come with living in this world. 2 Timothy 3:2-4,13
#4)World conditions in our time sometimes worsen instead of getting better so it makes sense to teach that the Father of the lie is Satan and that the world that follows that would be considered Babylon the Great..although more than one religion is allowed the right to serve God.
#5) Now the prophecy about the preaching work is being fulfilled because the work that is looked over by Jesus and his angels is ever expanding into new territories and preserving the Earth from distraught inhumanities such as war and terrorism.
#6) The scope of our preaching activity inspires many others to serve God in their lives and saves many people from committing suicide or homicide because we are there to bring them comfort.
#7) Everyday that God does not end the Earth he is waiting for one more person to be drawn toward him to serve him and do the will that he has provisioned for mankind.
It "Is possible" for us to endure persecution and tribulation because eventually Jehovah will bring justice to all those that persecute, judge, and harm others. They will be stuck with their final judgment during judgment day with the Resurrection with the righteouss and unrighteouss.
Fear of him is a mighty thing and the day mankind turns he can devour the Earth with fire or ice. Much like that of being foretold in Revelation fire. However in Psalms it talks about melting down hardened ones with the ice and snow. ~And also the manna is what the Israelites survived off of. "If he provides for the birds of the heavens would he not likewise provide for your soul?"
#8) Scriptural evidence of comfort being brought about by God is stated in Revelation.."He will be with the tent of mankind, and he will wipe every tear from their eye and death nor mourning nor outcry will be anymore. The former things have passed away."
#9)Learning about Jesus teaches us that he can help us cope by setting the example of how he led his life and the fact that he also said that he could refresh us because it was doing the will of his Father.
#10,11) In the congregation, a place of trust needs to be created and we should be helpful in being a listening ear about one another's problems and we should offer helpful advice and look objectively at the situation to see how we can improve it for the better of the congregation to create an environment where we all can serve together in "unity."
#12) It is vital for me to attend our Christian meetings because that is where I am built up in my faith and brotherhood with others and I am not victimized by the world as much because of the love of the brothers and sisters. I become refreshed with my spirituality.
#13,14) The scriptures can be of great benefit to us in helping us cope with our daily problems because they offer comfort and bring justice to light about the worse things of the world. And yet we can still Love the World the same way "God or Jehovah loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son."
#15,16)We can help comfort one another by shopping for the elderly or sick, helping others with their chores, or showing personal interest in being a helpful listening ear. Sometimes each of us need a friend to talk to.
#17,18) As God's servants we can be sure that God can support and comfort us because he says so in the Bible in Isaiah 51:12 "I-I myself am the One that is comforting you people." He told worshippers of ancient times this and will likewise do this for his servants today!!

And lastly, the ending paragraph states 2 Thessalonians 2:16,17: "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good hope by means of undeserved kindness, comfort your hearts and make you firm in every good deed and word."


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