Wednesday, December 07, 2011

A Hope For A Brighter Future

I've been thinking lately..I want to say thanks world for helping me to get to the point of graduation. I recited my poem today, did poorly on a test in American Lit bc I didn't study very hard and was householder for a talk at the hall. I just wanted to say thanks for what you have taught me. Very rarely do I forget people. I recited a poem by Robert Herrick called, "To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time." I had so much fun. I started blabbering about Beyonce and being worried about Kim and totally got out of the questions except for the one where he asked me if the poem was telling us to have sex. I think I remember being really dumb all of a sudden and then he told me somebody was pregnant and smiled and I looked at him and smiled and said that's weeeiiiiiiirdd and I was acquitted of the trial..bahahahaha! I've been spending time doing my homework, and spending time with Brad and his friends. I always am obsessed with Unfaithful by Rihanna because I can relate it to my life. I've been informally witnessing about the Truth. I am pretty excited because all my classes are going good so far. I love Criminal Justice and Gen. Biology!! I think my fave is Biology because Nicole and Erin are in there. Nicole cuddled up on the chair and talked the other day and it always reminds me of Sarah and I. I think I am a fan of Nicole. She's sucha corker!! Haha, anyhow, I think Mr. Dixon probably laughed at me because I was mad that I had another test and I threw a fit and punched one of the boys I had my previous class with in the arm. I coulda been a "Broken-hearted girl" but I wasn't. Got new dvd with videos of Beyonce and my fave 2 are "If I Were A Boy," and "Diva" haha I keep having stuck in my head the part that has such attitude and sings.. "Diva is a female version of a hussler, ..of a hussler.." I especially like when she lights the car on fire. I watched Unfaithful & What's My Name by Rehanna again. In Bio Dixon cut my piggy's heart out so he could show me the bronchial tubes on the fetal pig and I safely tucked it back in when we went over the heart and tucked it back in when we put them away. I'm fond of so many people this semester. I love Criminal Justice because of what I've been learning in there..and I always get to hear about boy stories and cars or something. Quite fun! I have so many favorite friends this semester that I don't wanna leave! However, I am ready for the classes to be over and I'm ready to graduate!!! I'm so enthused about a couple of other things going on in life too. I want to write a review on a book that I'm reading on here if I can because I think I will really like it. I really like the author too. I wanna play guitar and need for speeed!! Oh and yes, I was running from Brad at Wal-mart and sat with him and his friends again at McD's! Jeremy called and I started acting like a monkey in the car, oh and I talk myself in and out of everything I've ever gotten myself into!! I think I'm going to continue my career in Dental Hygiene after this. I've met so many special people over the course of this semester and you know who you are!! I'm also impressed with my poetry teacher now and I'm thrilled about my participation. I just wanna marry all the best men in the world sometimes and keep all the best girls as my friends. And..and I love to play matchmaker!!!


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