Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Philosophy on Life! Make this a bed-time story!

Today I sort of thought about how I loved to sing and how I had to get up early and go with Dad and I just had that cloggy-headed feeling. Sometimes I think the brain has a great ability to perceive so much. I felt so out of it and my eyes were tired. I've noticed as I've grown the more you discipline the better and more gifted your brain gets. Today, I thought about perceivance and abstraction in my understanding of life. So I have to write about it because I think this is important. I am usually nearsighted and have trouble reading from far away right? Well when you slave to music you can undergo a high level of stress, unless there is a stress factor attached to it. I think we all learn in different ways depending on how we grow up and I thought about the so many reasons that psychiatry and structure existed in the world. Now I appreciate people's work, but for me it is hard to appreciate a psychiatrist because I know that they don't understand me and won't understand me quite like they think they do. But I believe that that is how they relate and learn and have learned that there is a good reason for doing it. We're all born into a world with many problems right? So I think it's smart that we train our kids to learn and exercise all parts of their brain. The more discipline the better. The more you explore the more you learn. Now if I could I would write a book on this too, but, I'd rather just share it as a word of advice for the world. Variety and change is a good thing. But learning is the best because it safe gaurds you. Yet, why is it that learning some things and learning even too much of one thing is poisonous for us? Well, the one thing I've learned is that you must have great respect for people's work because it is important to them and they have dedicated their lives to it for a reason. So there is a solution to every one of those problems right? And when your down and discouraged and ready to give up, take another look at the world and try to perceive it in a different way. Abstraction is really a rare type of art I must say and the practice is to see what is hard for the untrained eye or mind to see. Yet, what are you training your mind to do? To see the picture or problem for what it is when you are trying to understand it. So I truly think that perceivance is a very important aspect of our life. Sometimes I like to play with disillusionment and see what I learned. Well today I had foggy sight and was so tired, I wanted to see better and for some reason looking through my Mother's reading glasses and seeing from a different perspective cleared up my fogginess. I began to perceive the world through a different light, and even though I was still thinking about the hurdles I might have to jump through, I began seeing clearer through my Mother's eyes and inspected the spider's in the window. I had even wondered with what I saw if spiders had the ability to regurgitate their food. Anyhow, point being, my vision cleared up, my stress went away, and I woke up. I switched from the caffeine and got me some tea and took a Excedrine and decided to get some shut-eye rest. However, the mix of the balancing act of the art of the discipline of health in carrying on everyday life gives me motive to try new things..when ...I get my proper rest. Sometimes I begin to think of so many neat things. I thought about how many of the people who rest in the arms of a religion that truly tries to represent God the best they can has the great advantages of being so gifted when it comes to understanding life. It's because they try to understand others and their points of view, the emotions, their background and how they feel. And yet Criminal Justice and the teachings of so many other practices out there that may stand as a problem for one person is really a solution to the whole wide world of another. It truly is amazing. And if you don't understand the world? Practice some math, because then you will be practicing the art of thinking logically and you will see light shed on your life again. Really expanding yourself to understand more things can be difficult and you may think it's bad for you but ponder and think about the problems and plan how to get through them. As long as you see the way out and are logical and reasonable about what you are doing and have help from trusted friends when you need it, you have the ability to learn and understand great wonderous things about the human mind. And what really is the sacred secret? The sacred secret is the knowledge that leads to saving your life..and it is the whole practice of religion that saves, not representing a certain one and using it to our advantage to take advantage of others in our lives. Rather it is the sacred secret of knowledge and the discipline of the brain and the love of the heart and that when we perceive ourselves to be made in God's image and that we can be like-minded people who understand one another we can set off in great journeys in our lives and not only apart but together. It truly is amazing, in my religion there was a philosophy, and it was that even the angels have free-will and are living spirits who can do what they want. Yet, abiding by God is a protection for them. And yet think of the philosophy of Satan being cast out of heaven because of his jealousy over God, is he not yet learning about the world? He tried to change it, although he is still straying off by not following the examples he gives. But what if we really did have the ability to conquer all through heart and mind and we all did it in a different way? The human mind, emotions and life can be expecially complicated to understand. However, I look at it this way, sharing in understanding things builds our knowledge to a greater level. Not only that but imagine if no wickedness existed? Do you think that God knows if we have a natural ability to explore that eventually we will find the trouble that he warned us about in the first Bible story of Adam and Eve? I think that he is a very complex God and that even the most existence of the more negative things that happen can yet be beautiful in itself, if we learn the practice of working with what we have to see a larger picture of the things we truly want in our lives. And the key of knowledge is Jesus, listen to his example as a great man on Earth and God will always be looking over you in Heaven, although that mischief will look at you and smile, know that Satan is just waiting, because he is big, bad Satan. He'll look only to prey on you if you let him. The thing is I think if the world didn't exist we wouldn't have the cooldowns of winter that the Bible says in Psalms that melt the hardened heart, or the warmth of summer that always feels like a hug from him ans such a gift when life begins again. I truly believe that Satan had to exist to teach the world and abstractly when you look at it, in his own odd way he is an angel yet. What if he was a living creature who learned absolutely differently? The Bible says each angel has a different personality. We should always pull for our God and respect our creator, but the key to life is learning to live it and I believe that any knowledge that says we should die, is an illogical fallacy. There is a cycle of life, even our conservationists know that animal life can balance itself back out, and even with doctors the knowledge is the practice of medicine to heal, however the body sometimes with a lack of one protein product can be improved with the practice of introducing another, and yet the body has the natural ability to balance itself back out with the right practices and discipline. My philosophy on life is truly important, and so is yours, and hers and his. So be careful not to trash knowledge, but rather consider the reason for it, and before you do something, think and weigh out the consequences. I surely think that as I played with a Barbie doll as I was young that I had the ability for imagination and outcome. I surely think that God has dreams and outcomes for us all too. If a knowledge tries to disprove God is it a knowledge that God would approve of? This is something to think about because some might say, "Well, why would I care?" Reason being, we are mostly supposed to stick to the knowledge that proves we are made in God's image for our own well -being. I truly believe if we didn't, the world would be a sad place and there would be no sense and no heart anymore. It would be sad, abrupt, and then end. But what do the emotions and knowledge of another country or another person's world say? God and his son is the key to knowledge. Sacrifice is too. There was a once all-time perfect man's death for all imperfect to learn to live perfectly. If we appreciate it, how vivid and beautiful and fun our lives would be. God is a giver of life, he granted us life and so beyond imperfections and that is sometimes what we have to do to others sometimes as hard as it may be. If we age, let us do it together and with wisdom, and if we marry let us do it with true love, and if we have sex it must be with understanding of the world and the world of our child. I think Jesus was trying to say it begins in not just a child's eyes, but that of every human's heart and mind. And I'm reading a book about Judgment calls right? Well, logic and reason, knowledge, if you discipline yourself and teach and relate and befriend the world the world can do the same to you. What are we? We're not animals even though sometimes we might feel like it. Any distortion of the human emotions is still a distortion. So my book? It's about a young 13-year-old girl who had gotten raped. The rule, world can be a cruel place, teach and equip yourself to learn to progress through anything. However, have high standards for right and respect one another. And once you make a mistake, it is kind of hard to turn back from the memories of it and the consequences tied to it. Life is in an art, a child, a book, and a woman and a man. Life is life,..It can be so many disastrous things. And being uneducated, pushy, criminal like? Well, I'm sorry it is not the proper way no matter how much you convince yourself it is alright! But yet, again, why do we do those things? I truly believe our knowledge, discipline, heart and mind being well is an essential part to a successful world. And hey, you gotta network it, and pace yourself,..but all in all life is life. There will be life and death. Of course some deaths can be prevented, but try your best and trust and God and you will be just fine! And,. it is ok to question things, investigating is how we learn and researching is how we equip. So life is a journey, take each step carefully at a time. Don't run to ragged without thinking about slowing down and avoiding accidents..because the thing about that is that they come when we least expect it. If we learn to hesitate to them and change a sequence of events then we can be more successful in our actions. I've been writing a little here and there and I wrote about a memory I had in college with my friends and I hope one day I can publish a book that raises all kinds of people and little boys and girls!! Keep your friendships alive and don't take one another for granted. God truly does love the world and everything is so unique and individual, learn to experience the world a little at a time and enjoy your journey of the human psych, you might as well, an outcome of events can change you for the better or worse. We all have our hard times and we get down, but build your life all around you like you are building a divine house. You will be doubly blessed! You will see!


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