Monday, June 27, 2011

It starts with being a friend!

Sometimes in life all we need is a good friend. A good friend is a friend for life. I think if a person cannot do this then they have something to work on. Sure, it's okay to protect yourself and there is nothing wrong with that. However, if you are in a religion you can't expect to teach another person if you reject them all because they are a different religion! With Jesus it all started being a friend. In the past there have been so many quarrels and relgious fights over politics and even "religion." There should also be only one kind of war. God's war, which means a war against the bad things in the world through conquering the hearts of those in which the worse things of the world are just about to affect. If there is war, it should be a noble war. If people understand we are protecting people and trying to teach peace in other warring countries, if we could just sit down and talk problems out without resorting to violence then the world is a lot better. And for the people who want to act wicked., they are still human too. Consider what is driving their motives and how they were talked from half-way across the world. I'm not saying we should allow it and I'm not saying we shouldn't. I just know things work out a lot better when people try to understand one another. And it's hard if you are killing a person and don't know the reason why you are killing them except for orders. But protection is needed and people have to keep a smart head in dealing with their relations. Teaching works can help a lot. We can't expect if we are in a religion to convert someone on the spot but we can teach them about why we do the things we do and then they open up and share the same with us. So if we could become a friend or even an ally wouldn't we have a better advantage to intervene in other countries and help where it is needed? All people in the world are human. Retentiously different, yet retentiously the same. This is how we should evaluate one another and then..well false motives will be clear to us!


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