Saturday, May 14, 2011

Conclusions We Make About Things: "Why Do We Do What We Do?"

Psychologically we all experience several ranges of emotion. I myself have experienced so many mixed emotions and thoughts from people that in order to make sure I’m going in the right direction I consider the advice of other people while I give myself a break and cut myself away from the peer pressure that comes likely from many friends a person can have. We all want somebody to understand us so it isn’t unnatural for us to want our friend experience the same emotions we have so we can draw closer as friends, however it’s not really healthy for us as people to conform to each other’s ways when the guidance from God can be our best bet to achieve success. So yes, we must embrace each other’s differences instead because we are not going to be exactly like one another. I personally think sometimes that many disorders of people are serious but also get misdiagnosed because it is confusing to understand why they are experiencing a certain emotion that possibly a psychologist may have seen in another patient that they have analyzed. No matter what anyone says, no logic religious or scientific is going to be perfect because we are only human and make mistakes. It is good to be selective about the traits and characteristics that you pick up from people. If you are constantly around other people like I am you’ll find yourself experiencing a wide range of emotions at once because of relating with people. It’s kind of like this. In your love for people you adopt them. Sometimes they become your second parent and sometimes they become your best friend. The thing is each of them come from different backgrounds of which you do yourself. Your perspectives and learning styles are different. Likely, your attitude may be as well. No matter where you go you still have 20 parents instead of 2 who want to with all earnest of love look out for your best interest. Can you imagine how confusing this can be? We must and “should” understand the decisions we make when we make them. It is good for us to analyze consequences of decisions we make because even living for the moment might cut our life short. We must be extremely careful. Not everyone is out to get you but not everyone who is trying to be your best friend is your best friend. In a way I’ll explain it as this, your worst demon can be the characteristics of your closest friend that influence you in such a way that you become engrossed and carried away by someone elses thoughts or emotions. I read in a psychology book and I see one emotion from each of the disorders that I have experienced in the past. Does this mean I have all these disorders? Actually, no it does not. They can be symptoms that are attributing to the development of them but if I learn how to manage my emotions and self-analyze I am able to bypass most of all of it through training. Out of all the disorders they only thought I had one of them. If I explained, I would completely confuse them because I was learning all these different emotions. What I do really is keep the best characteristics that I learn and love about the individual and trash the rest as unimportant and I don’t remember them. In contrast though, emotions that you have experienced from other people in the past almost become part of your own in some way so you have to be very careful and selective in your thinking otherwise you do end up with a disorder. Things you experience including t.v. , socializing with people and all else the brain learns by relating something it already knows with it. The unconscious kind of stores questionable traits until the brain is able to make sense of them at a later time when they see the emotions in another person. If you analyze retention of another individual giving you advice you can understand their motive and if they are “doing it because they care about you” or doing it because they feel they are “right” or “my way is better than yours.” Usually when people have the “my way is better” superior attitude they have the wrong attitude from what is and should really be desired. Teach yourself to be a lie-detector and teach yourself to be a self-analyzer of the emotions you are experiencing and if someone is confusing the way you feel because of their emotions that they have thrust on you because of their own personal suffering because of something they don’t understand and aren’t bold enough to ask about yet. Also, learning illogical fallacies or faulty logic reasoning we can come to better conclusions about our own understanding. Parenting is everything. We want to be equipped with knowledge and be able to understand the emotions and problem of our own individual children rather than go to a professional for help if it means the gap gets that much larger between the parent and the child. Rehabilitation I believe is the best practice that we can teach any individual because giving someone a push to keep going and working them through their problems does help the most beneficially. If there is a lack of some brain chemical then it could be that drugs should be administered. Although, I think there should be several amounts of time spent with an individual analyzing them before administering drugs right away. Also, drugs shouldn’t be administered completely because we are getting incentives(money) from them. If drugs alter too much of the body composition and the balance that it usually keeps then drugs should be considered last and more testing should be done. Isn’t it crazy that now the most abused drugs are prescription drugs/? Isn’t that sad? Rehabilitation and encouragement and reinforcement all helps the memory and the body processes. When drugs are needed then they should be used but it’s best to try to understand why the certain individual is experiencing the emotions they are first and if they know how to fight through them then the drugs aren’t as readily needed because then they might be so strung up on drugs what is the doctor going to do when they come back to sue them because they are having something like kidney failure due to the fact that the doctor is drugging them up so badly that they are pushing them to take the drugs rather than thinking of the ethics first. If you have trouble with a doctor not sticking to their ethical responsibility then change to a different doctor and make sure especially that you have a doctor that cares. Don’t be an enabler of bad behavior. Rehabilitation should be used then drugs. Rehabilitation is a definitely needed thing and when you feel there is a need discuss whether or not with the patient if the feel they need a drug to help them and if it is necessary then administer the drug. So truly in all the decisions we make the psychological conclusions we make affects our success in our daily life!


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