Saturday, June 04, 2011

Just Lately

Well, I feel really bad for Joplin right now and I hope that they find the help they need. I've been trying to stay at home and save money lately and just enjoy friendship and family for a while. It was awesome because I got to go on a hayride last week at my cousin's house for her graduation party. The hayride was so much fun to see the lightning bugs in the dark night and to have this little girl sitting on my lap for a while. She was just so cute I couldn't help it. Then I went over to my smaller cousin's house for a bbq. I got to shoot twice there..I had never tried to shoot clay birds b4 so I think it's safe to say that I'll need practice but the couple times I shot was fun for me. Still have my 22 and haven't target practiced lately. I'm gonna have to bug Dad and Uncle Dwayne about that. Haha, my Dad's always saying I'll shoot a cow or something because the bullet will go through the mud pile..blah blah blah..I dunno just been having fun lately. I'm not sure how I got to Saturday because last I remembered it was Monday.? So anyhow at the bbq my cousin was riding a dirt bike and the boys they were riding dirt bikes and four wheelers. I wanted to go riding on one of them really bad. eh,..that's what we got waverunners for..but it's kinda hard when you don't have them on the lake. lol want a good vacation! It's been nice though not having to worry about school. Sometimes it seems like a pain in my buttox! So anyhow, Dear diary..I can't remember what else I've done lately except play with animals and laugh up a storm with Sarah. I so called her a lesbo the other day for fun when we were playing Mario brothers at someone's house and fake punched her in the arm because I was mad at her! The guys sound like they are back up from the field again..Yay, & gotta go so buh-byez!


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