Sunday, May 22, 2011

DNA technology in the pharmaceutical field

So..I've learned that in order to cover the presentation right this would moreless be considered biotechnology and stuff like recombination, protein products and cloning for this teach evidently. I wasn't quite as willing to talk about that as I would with what I truly enjoy. My first love was learning about the DNA technology however I'm afraid to talk too much about it because I don't want someone to learn and do something bad! in polymerase chain reactions they use polymerase to duplicate copies of DNA and this can be done many times. In restriction fragment length polymorphisms the words represent a different process which means in some terms cutting of DNA. In recombination they take a vector in which is usually Escherichea coli and they introduce the DNA they want the bacterium to take on..then they isolate gene X. After they isolate gene X they cut it with restriction lengths hence the process that is similar..restriction fragment length polymorphism..back to recombination however they cut the DNA away from the two strand ends and then combine the bacteria and gene X. After they do that they use DNA ligase an enzyme used in regular mitotic division of cells. After they do this and the DNA replicates itself given good environmental conditions it is therefore from this point considered a clone and this is the genetic process usually done to try to find cures in our medicine and is used to create many of the protein products such as humulin, Syrotropin (HGH) and human bovine growth hormone or "somatotropin." Also the epidermal growth factor might be used in some products but can cause hair loss. Taxol and paclitaxol is protein product drugs they can use to treat cancer. Also, interleukin-2. So, after that there are softwares used in the process of making the drugs that include survival analysis such as gene expression profile analysis(GEPAS), asterias (video-device), and some other software that helps in microarray data. This pretty much encompasses my like uh I'm forgetting some stuff..but I just pretty much wanted to share how it all comes together because I did bunches of research and if anything maybe someone else can put it to work!


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