Saturday, April 30, 2011

Some of my poetry: I have over 80 poems and I'm about to lose all of them on the internet!

I Still Care...
by Jessica Gerlemann
I wondered what it would be like
Without those same sweet people
When I look into a world
Where when I have inability to care
Where I feel like I am walking again
So blindly, careful, worrying about
What's coming their way..,
Because I see so many things at once
And yet I am but am not with them
I just wish they'd listen to what I am saying

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When All Else Fails..
by Jessica Gerlemann
After they try the wind
And the fox tailsWhen
All Else FailsMankind is recalled to their senses
We realize in desparation
We mustn't depend upon our own
*Understanding* without guidance
So that it benefits us because
By the time we get there
When we get done trying
We realized because we didn't listen
We didn't cooperate, that there is
This world with bloodguilt in hands
Horrible experiences that live
Taunting within the human mind
~ Forever~
Thanks to the wonderful choices
That we've made to try and stop one
Another Again
A world left to reestablish itself
Lost with no guidance at all
Harming each and every innocent child
That thereafter had no chance to
Make it because nobody cared at all
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The Multitude of Conselors1
by Jessica Gerlemann
The Multitude of Counselors
They have tried to break down
Mommy and Daddy didn't teach them
Scared nobody to help them out
Yet what single person can run
To every whim?
Goodbye bright world if nobody cares
For a world with no light in it
Rids of the death it sheds within
Since when did I want to be
A mortuary agent running for their
Every manipulation and then reaping
The rich wonderful reward of getting
Blamed for the murder on top of it?
After they tried to practically
Murder me for trying to care
For what world is there without our
Children to be taught to love & care
For what world is there when there is
Nobody there to embrace thy friendships hand
So hard to avoid slight confrontation
So exhausting for only one to love
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Multitude of Counselors3
by Jessica Gerlemann
They need to find the garden’s throng
Of fine oil upon the head and wine
Where the sweet honey grows
And the milk is produced
Along with the growing swine
Because it is essential for them all
In order to gain back the ability to love
They need to care firstTo find what’s above
An icestorm
Then a practical spring
A winter’s snow fall
After a gunshot’s firing
Is it bad that it takes the weather
To keep the ruination apart
So they don’t make a mistake
That is going to bargain for
Their heart?

Multitude of Counselors 2
by Jessica Gerlemann

Yet many do with one but sacrifice
The other out of greed over love
Oh tis' tis' what a sad world it is
If there is no mother for a crying
Baby or no room left to live
Other people's ego is too big to make
Room for the one that helped provide
For them and labored their heart
Ever since they were born to care
And their mother and father to decide
Who is going to make it if they don’t
Work together so one another survive?
The Multitude of Counselors
They tried to give them hope
Yet what happens if a family
Gets greedy and lives without
Left with nothing but to grope
Wisdom absent,
Sensibleness gone
Who is going to want to live
When everybody cares is gone
World’s like this need desperately
To write a new song
World’s like this need desperately
To see the Godly wisdom from above

Establishing the Rock
by Jessica Gerlemann
Hardcore is the rock
Steady & fast is his movement
A Paradise World
Under a Royal Name
If one another not to break down
Or deceive
Who would destruct a house
When ratherYou can build it
Through all the actions of your
Own hands and Mind
ImagineDreams of fulfilled life
Laughter, love & Wonder

Calling Them Back
by Jessica Gerlemann
Who is the unwise one trying to break
Down the household in which we were
Built up within the love of another
What are we going to do when
They call but we cannot answer
It seems somebody practically
Broke down our door, bombarded in
We shared our lives, they made money
Off of us,do we really owe them more?
Yet each family needs its foundation
Who are we without each other
Who are we when we divide one another
Not having the same ever again?
Call the wise ones back
Listen to their expertise
For the building of foundations
Please, do not break down these

So Sick Of This
by Jessica Gerlemann
So sick of this
My mental illness
Makes it all ablur
For the saddest part is
I'm not adraft at all
But the drifting
They change horrendously all around
Surrounding me, I resist
So sick of this
This illness they put me through
I'm free fromI'm free of them
Doaway with the rumoring secession
I'm neutral to this fatal war
Consider me bipolar
Consider me crazy
Maybe I'm the one
Who is skitzoEither way
Who the hell cares
When it feels like
I'm the only one
Goodbye ruiners
I free myself soon
I search out my lovers

The epitomy of my heart
by Jessica Gerlemann
The epitomy of my heart
Is lost within my prior lovers
I gave it away
And in turn some tried to crush
Forever away I've freed myself of
That kind of burden of love
The epitomy of my heart is
Still in love with what love is
And not what it is not
They do not love me
As of I love them
Have a love for them
But a devotion free from
Heartache's chime

A Sitting Duck
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
A Sitting Duck squabbles so innocently
Waits for it's predator ever so patiently
Why has the terms of sitting ducks turned?
And why has the hearts of good ones yearned?
There is good & evil in today's world of all
Which one will you be?
A part of the rise or the fall?
Well, particularly those good will foresee
What is important and good for thee
Yet wicked will go about abasing judgment
Putting others in harms way out of pure "want"
May I second guess you to be
The most honorable to see
That love amongst good conquers all!

Running from a Bear
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
I sat down to lunch one day putting honey on my PBJ sandwich with care
Sitting down beside me, I noticed a cute, cuddly bear
Yet, I was so fooled to think,
He was so hungry he could have ate a sink
I thought to myself I better get out of here
And how it would have been nice to have an
Indian readied with a spear
I took off in hurry, for
I knew the bear would chase
Then I imagined the humility of it dressed up in lace
Suddenly, I popped out of imagination and into reality
And realized if I wasn't careful I would have been a brutality

Philosophy of Contentious Human Circles
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
Clovis convert to Christianity
Islam Mediterranean power
Henry IV outcast quirksome shouted profanity
Unappeasable to Pope Gregory VII in argument's hour
William the Conqueror, Henry II,Philip IV
Expanded, extended royal power or justice
Took to greed's pride a test sample toureth
Golden Bull of 1222 charter to problem solve
Must recognize Noble's deserving rights
Too much expanded & extended power dissolves
Crusades, Holy wars, quarrel of religious fights
Pope Gregory VII bans practice, investiture
Secular rule intertwined with church dissipates
Bubonic plague came leaving a ronchy allure
Present, Past, History, Future all occurs
A time for everything & much hearts yearn
A few more lessons in past we'll adhere to learn

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel?
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
A wise friend of mine once askedIs there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Has not the gecko lizard in the sun basked?
Has not creator repairing universe tasked?
I love the fact, ability to answer I can!
People ask if it's worth itI think oh..! wow..! man..!
I wouldn't know what to do without the wit
To know that I made myself experience
So to tell others crazily "yes"
A surviving story is grand in immense
An unlived life always worth less
Only to learn more inquisitively
I may
Testing out my own Jehovah protecting most
When I think love to goodness I'm toast
Jehovah is there for me again
And I won't forget those true, wise friends
As we pull each other up
Straining with strength in the wind
Keeping strong every time
Satan hurls
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by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
Friends forever I will seek
To give you life will always be hope of meek
So that all share in such hope and forever
Enjoy blessings of a full extended life
Where protection and love forever
Are characteristics of a new world
Where friends do not part
Where love is not forsakenly tart
Never is any act of love held dear
Listen sweetie I hear you
Sometimes you feel like crying
When you think of all that used to be near
Now they may be far but never do the hearts
Of close friends who care about one another
Come to part so I am still there
There in your heart and mind as memory
Whereas likewise you are in mine

Dear Brother
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
I know I annoy you a lot
That's because I love you ever more
You are a whole world to me
That I would fret if I ever would lose
Your my big brother
So you know why I'm always there
It's my job to pick on you now and then
But to love you more
Never could I ask for anything greater
I'll never forget your personality
Your fortune and your fame
And darlin' without annoying youI just wouldn't have a name!
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Living Again
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
:It's like living again..,
Going through Depression
And never stopping to take a break for it's damage
They say to walk right through darkness
Some of us may feel so blind
But we're really not:
The oddities of the most unusual
Perseverence, Strength, Might, Faith & Perceivance
If altered to a maximum of self-discipline
Can get people thru thin & thin;
And it's like livin again:
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Input Desire To Know God?
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
Century by century man take upon thy hand
Pen & paper, journey on his own, a walk to withstand
A lost curiosity that he can't help but to seek
He'll keep searching to find until he is too weak
He journeys near and far not knowing what to look for
Journeys on & on for enlightment,desire and much more
To tell others of a knowledge of what he believes
He thinks of some enlightenment, is what he perceives
A theoretical philosopy of explanation for things here
This he explores, finds himself a messenger to adore
Who could this messenger possibly be?
Muhammad meaning messenger sought to bring news & find
Buddha enlightened one, life's path you must mind
Entailed Mr. Muhammad wow you've come farAchievement!
Congratulations leader of Islam you are
Wowza! Can this be? Are we chasin cars "theoretically"
Well? So which of many is it?
Is God with them all?
Or is one outstanding with holy spirit
Which will rise, which will stay, which will fall?
~Question for Past, Present, History, Future and All~
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Maze Walker
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
Oh maze walker, you walk so blindly
Leading a blitzkrieg's deceit
Amongst amazing ever sights
A blitzkrieg I see
In a Youthful & Idealistic yard
Where the good "is" conquering the evil
And there is much love amongst themselves
Oh maze walker you walk yourself in circles!!!
But your not blind at all!
You see exactly where your going
You know life's rise and life's fall
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Emotionally Drained
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
Still urging myself to fight to communicate
Reliving memories, relapses approach fought off
Training on educating, fighing illness, finding cure
Hierarchy of the mountain of emotional cure
Only to fall back down & become human with them again
Remembering what we shared, not forgetting the details
Though in fact, I know it might be killing them
We relate, I remember never to fall too hard
That in all else, we are to fall on one another
So pillow and featherly like in comfort
A dream's effort brings our created world
Into View of Perspective for
Look at us now, regardless, climbing that mountain
Undescribably determined and unfalthomed
Even when we die and do not we still live again
Even if we die our spirit lives on
Through many more lives to hearts moreover win
The only thing I did was die to myself
Claimed God & Jesus & kept walking
Throughout peril, wilderness or *Paradise*
Together towards the emotional cure
I walk granted but not taking for granted
Every day with the human or holy spirit
The calming touch of a friends kindness or hand

A Pirate's Treasure
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
Arggh! Where be my treasure oh ship at sea...
Tell me my fortune's wealth what will it be?
A trip of wealth or trip of fall to moreless
Or a trip to a good heart of love should I confess
Mighty aye with one-eye strong I may be
Yet weak is my eye only to see
An amount of treasure in a chest stands before me
Such an amount, do I let my human desire take over
Or should I put my hope in more trustworthier places
Places for me standing infallibly true
Will my eye's sought materialism last forever through?
I known my own eyes to see much to understand
My priorities, do I, oh should my greed expand?
Should I be living in a regretful stand
Because I hath not put God before me
To see that my most trustworthy place
Is in heaven or paradise earth
Where I store up treasures for thy self
Through my good deeds..
Or should I continually
Conduct my life's belief with
- Conductful Weeds? -
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Velvet, Linen & Lace
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
A young girl dressed up
Like a porcelain doll
So bright and vibrant
Felt like she had no innocence left at all
Running, yet stumbled along the way
Picked herself back up and what she found oh may
It only to be a reward (Jehovah answered her prayers)
For her devotion and heart's worth in end
She dreamily wishes those past "incidences"
Never happened at all
She in flash back remembers her own friends' life fall
Yet good is coming to her life
In her determination to pick up the pieces
There is a healing process evolving
Much love still in her heart and changes she leases
Good all along she was from the start
Works to and fro building up treasure in a cart
Going shopping for life's meaning
Finds love in her life journey hopefully not to part
Gentle prince comes into her life not ever so tart
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A Little Note For The Guys
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
I might just want to see who you are
Mean tricks aren't fun and that's what those boys
They'll pull, between pullin pigtails and so full
Of oneriness all in their own, it makes it fun to be a
Kid but so nice to be grown up together
What do I do when I have everyone at once together
But might need to spend time with one at a time
How do I get through this problem so defined
Love and care for all so much, for all so sweet
Good hearts, Love Lessons, Good Fun and
So Wise & Meek
It's hard to attach yourself to one another as friends
Or whatever the case may be because whenever apart
It makes me want to pick one to hold on tight to
To Love and Cherish, but they're all so hard to pick
Through and Through, my situations go on and on
And What Am I to do, but keep having fun
Yet, by the time each time I'm actually picked out
It's so confusing because I'll never know,
If I'm Taken Or Not?
So here a little note, no matter what situation
To let you know
I'll always love you all
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Cj McCormick! -My former luver Irish boy!
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
Cj McCormick you onery little thing, you call me up

Then you talk to me and sing!

We share quite a bit

A good thing or two, different as opposite ends

I LOVE YOU,...I HATE YOU..Ya Ya Ya heard it all

"I'll believe it when I see it!.." you say

A predicted rise and then a fall..hahaI was coming down to

Oklahoma to hit on you, u see

But if you want me your gonna have to chase me

If you call me a name I'm gonna get youBoy!

If I travel I know I'll be perfectly safe

Haha I got my pocket knife, a bat and a 22

Yeah that's right if you want me you better come

Running fast, fast, fast...because in a couple of

Years..I'll be running off having a blast..blast..

Yeah, boy we will just have to see

You go and have a fight with me and then

You crawl back with a sunburn not feeling well

Then you tell me,.."I miss you I wish you were hereto take care of me!"

Playing on my sympathy

You say I'm all talk..we'll see (I might be)

We'll talk and talk all day until we get sick & spit

We're two peas in a pod, we're a mess how'd we come 2 b,

I don't know, but it's funny!
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My Belgium Boy
by Jessica Lee Gerlemann
My Belgium Boy

He would talk to me night or dayI love him so, through and through

I'm his boo, he's my boy

He's like Akon

He'll never wanna see me cry

Forever we'll be there

Talking on the phone

Night and Day together

Together or alone

Sending a message me
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