Thursday, May 19, 2011

Some weird retention level after biology

So first I learned Polymerase Chain Reaction, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism, a few other things..then analytical ultracentrifugation in which they can analyze the sediments in a certain solution...I kinda wondered if this could be used to test the sedimentation of any chemicals of drugs in the blood but hey it was just an idea. Then I learned about all this pharmaceutical software and machinery and the teach gave me a 50 after preparing like 3 slides even..pfft I'm so retaking biology w/ a diff teach. So whatever thing is I ended up understanding what they do to clone a cell in an animal, create protein products, the software they use to create our pharmaceutical pills and it "still" was not what she wanted..I give I'll take a different route because I know I had way too much fun learning this stuff!! I never wanted to understand recombination and now I feel like some mad scientist..bahaha! Not really so here's the thing I wanna write about what I learned in my blogs..yo ciao tho because it's getting late and I so have to get to bed.


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