Friday, May 06, 2011

Life Is Good

So..I just talked to Sarah and I and her relate about God. I explained pretty much everything I have been seeing lately and it was mostly why people do what they do because of what motivates them, their background, the way they were raised in view of right and wrong and whether the things they do fit for them. I know boundaries and usually people don't realize that I understand them and why they do what they do very well. However, I believe that each person is a true gift from God no matter who they are and I have the right view about what the world is and it did match the explanation of a very wise older brother. I was out in the yard today playing with our two new Dad found them along the highway because the mommy got ran over. So we have two little orphan Canadian geese. I enjoy them and we have already introduced them to our older female dog. I'm so proud of her because she walks right up to them and smells them and observes them without thinking about her dog instincts which are eating them. I did the same thing with the momma cat we had that had six kittens..Rita, our friend took them home and is going to give us back one of the male kittens because they like the mother a lot. So Jeremy called and it is so "hit" and "miss" of a relationship there isn't really much of one left and I feel really bad. But then again I've been really busy..had to drop my biology class with Parvi..Brooke and I worked our butt off and it still wasn't good enough for her so I wasn't going to waste my anyhow..last I heard of Jeremy they were discussing something going on at the house and then he couldn't talk and I haven't heard from him the rest of the day. A real-estate lady in a hurry came barging down the road in her car..she was lost and I was trying to tell her Dylan was a side in a hurry she tried to turn around in the neighbors drive way and got stuck..brand new car..I got the tractor out and Dad and Dwayne(my Uncle) were coming home from Union because they were up in Sullivan doing some target practicing. They sighted in their guns. I had the most fulfilling conversation with Sarah as I explained why two of the sisters I was close to was worried that Sarah as my friend might have represented the worse part of the world..I explained to them how she is such a good representative of God and cuts her worship away from other people. She truly even does better than me and comes from a very upstanding home. So yes, we had a very good explanation and talked about why religions always branch off from each other and how many variations of Jehovah's Witnesses there are and what motivates them in what they do and tell people as well. Sarah and I have a true pact with God over friendship. We have an agreement that we wouldn't try to convert each other and we don't. We talked about going to the pool..haha I was just thinking we could practice baptizing each other like Jesus and John did..that'd be a neat way to relive the past even though baptism is very serious. So we also had the circuit assembly and I went down with Pammy and then we talked with Sarah M. and layed a blanket out at lunch and had a little picnic. Sarah M and Jeremy and I are related and we all related about how it is stumbling and hard not to stop what we are doing when us as people step on each other's toes. So we were just explaining how you don't blame God for that or for taking away people in our lives because God would not cause pain to us. One more comes to know him by us allowing suffering but that's why we try to do better. So last weekend it was McD's carmel coffees and off on a road trip down to Bellafontane and then I was supposed to spend the night at Sarah's but she and I talked and we were talking about how we want to stop running so much since gas is getting so expensive. We've been to the mall a couple of times and a while b4 that I went to go shopping with some of my old Jehovah's Witness friends..still miss the police and police explorers but I also am so fond of some of the people at the school too. And should I mention the hard work they are doing along the highway? I just appreciate seeing it as I'm driving into school every day. Yeah, but i don't know, don't ya think the best of life really tells us that life is good?
Think about what you have to be fortunate about.


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