Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Adventures

Brushin up on some skills..! I have had a two day adventure with my friend. Prior to Friday I dreampt all day thinking I was snowed in and got a call about 3:00pm of Sarah asking me if I was gonna come over. I looked out the window and said, "Wow, where's all the snow?" I totally expected to get stranded again. Being a little cautious, I reviewed it in my head and decided to go. I took my Nutrition book with me to do my 2nd 3-chapter test for the class. Then I called opossum-lips up and asked her if it was ok to come over yet. Naturally, ..she said of course and I designated my way over to where she lived. We watched like 3 episodes of desperate housewives and laughed a little about the drama that was included in it, played with her cats, painted, talked to our friends on the phone and I watched her play Fable. Today I woke up around 8:30 cause Sarah was starving and couldn't eat until I got up. So I finally drug myself out of the sleeping bad that was layed out beside her bed and got a cat like put on me three times in which was also getting treated like a baby, which totally makes me laugh about opossum-lips nurturing skills, always full of advice and spry. So I ate lunch with one of my fave gals and gave her a hug goodbye and charged on the pathway back to my car. Waving to me as I left, I turned down the music and called Mom and after going to Taco Bell, went over to my aunt's house to help them dogsit probably for like 15 minutes. Took Johnny for her potty. Went home and got on the computer and looked for something interesting on facebook and listened to music until Dad got home with his friend David. I fed them my leftover Taco Bell and now I am brushing up on my Spanish, French, and Japanese!! Une Jeune Femme's rose` r`obe? Bonjour, Bonsoir, Bonne nuit femme, mademoisselles, monsieurs! Est-ce que vous parlez anglais Diallo? Je'taime Amie, Amour Amiga y en Amigos!! Wa-ta-shi no na-me-e wa ji-shi-ka des! Kon-ni-chi-wa! *toy-re wa do-ko des ka?* *"Where's the toilet?" bahahahaa Have fun reading this blog followers! My fellow friendz!


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