Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earthly News

What about the news worldwide? What do you think of the officers and other law officials who put their lives at risk? I heard about the two U.S. Marshalls and the officer on facebook and My heart goes out to their families and I hope their program kicks in and all the best wishes for those families are provided. I also keep in mind that two of our dear friends that my Grandma have known for a long time have also passed away. Tragically, one from Cancer. We kissed Sally on the cheek and I told her to dream of us krocheting together like she always liked us to do in past times when she was doing so well. I hope it put some comfort in her heart as she slept. We visited her about Sunday and she was taking cc's of morpheine because she was in so much pain. A couple days later she passed and her cancer was so bad it had also caused her seizures and pretty much a black leg that had been infected. I feel sympathy for her family right now but she fought with cancer so long and had two tumors as well. It was best that she was relieved from her pain and I'm just comforted knowing God will remember all of us because he knows we tried to live an upright life. And Japan with the Earthquakes at a richter scale of 8.9! The aftershock and the Tsunami waves? Dear Loved ones, how lucky we are. Cherish the people around you and don't miss you're chance to live life. I don't mean be extremist but I do mean that it should be cherished because life can be cut so short within itself. Best wishes to all of you and please do care about your life and the life of others. I will never forget my friends and family and it was commanded to love one another. I don't believe in cliks! Don't allow your life to be governed by them..just choose your associates wisely. I truly think I have a bit different retention level and different background of what is right and wrong and we all do but we all can have one hope and that is the hope in God! It says in Revelation 21: 3&4 "And there will be no more death, no mourning, nor outcry,nor pain anymore..The former things have passed away." Let the great and good news of God comfort your heart even though at times regardless and logically we must learn that at times life can be somewhat cruel and there are some things we can't help. ..BUT, injustices and wrongdoings we can! Let the sacred secrets of God to cleanse the Earth of all wickedness comfort your hearts!


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