Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh Endoplasmic Reticulum!

I Love even the tiniest part of my body. So here goes the love letter. Oh endoplasmic reticulum (little net within the cytoplasm) how I love how you dwell, smooth and rough, you are in my cells. Smooth is my metabolic processes. Rough, you make more of my membranes of my cells. Eukaryotic, I am, I have a true kernal in my cells called a nucleus. My little organelles how I cherish you. Oh Lysosome how you transfer my damaged mitochondrians. Peroxisome, are you made of peroxide or something? My nucleus contains my DNA, chromatin complex of proteins. Vesicle sacs made of membranes. Golgi apparatus how you keep my status hangin when you transport vesicles. Lysosome how you consist of my digestive enzymes enclose ina membranous sac. Vacuole sacs how you have a variety of functions. Helping my cells grow in size by absorbing water and enlarging to store and help the cell grow. Oh Peroxisome how could I forget precious organelle not part of the endomembrane system but involved also in my various metabolic functions, like the breakdown of my fatty acids to be used as fuel and detoxification of alcohol and other substances. Mitochondria how I'm pleased when you form well. You must enjoy carrying out my cellular respiration,..converting chemical energy of foods such as sugars to chemical energy of adenosine triphosphate. I love your matrix and your Cristae. Oh, Stroma how come I don't have you? I love chloraplast. Thylakoids, the sacs within the grana of the plants I eat oh how I desire you in my food and on the trees every spring. Blah blah blah..Golgi apparatus packages and ships proteins, "Lyse" Lysosome means break down. Peroxisome..metabolic..Rough ER is studded with ribosomes..There are 3 types of endocytosis..pinocytosis, receptor-mediated cytosis, and phagocytosis. Phagocytosis and Autophagy go together. Pinocytosis means cell drinking..Phagocytosis means cell eating..the scanning electron microscope gives a 3-D image and the transmission electron microscope gives you the pic of the inside of specimens. I'll add more as I keep remembering..


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