Thursday, February 10, 2011

Investigative Research: Some Psychology/Biology

I so beat the snow this time. So here is the thing I did: went to Grandma's and talked to her about what I've seen. Institutions can be absolutely brilliant but is it not right to question institutions? I have been a baptized Jehovah's witness since 2006. However, I'm actually not an extremist and the views between my Grandma and I differ who has a complete full background of being a Jehovah's Witness for most of the years of her life. May I ask is it completely rational to want to die for God? I look at it this way,.. God wants us to be happy and live a long full life before we die as a servant to him. If you are older then it's understandable to want to die faithful to God or Jehovah in the case for me. I also believe that Jesus grew up in a Jewish household but chose to serve God on his own in his own way that seemed to beat probably Rabbi's or Priests back then. So there is a lot of history to be uncovered. First of all I feel serving God freely should be away from other people and through my own efforts. Institutions are made up of people and people make mistakes. Question "ANYTHING" before you believe it and don't believe everything people tell you! However, it is very honorable and because of the greatness of God we do have our institutions full of brilliant people that we are very lucky to have. Be a witness of God, belonging to a religion is better than not belonging to a religion at all. A lot of times beliefs are paralytic so I believe it is wrong to also say another religion is wrong..Not saying though that there aren't some institutions who deceive on the account and name of God which is also wrong. One thing a manager taught me was priorities and it's probly one of the best things she could have taught me too. How can we say that our religion is right and another's is wrong? Well, in some cases there are evidence for certain institutions of religion but that is just blatently also saying in some cases in my words that we feel we are better than them. Will write more to Biology w/ Parvey..P.S. Sciences also prove the great existence of God..Philosophy entails and goes on and on and on..You have to be RATIONAL & Productive! God won't do everything for you! You have to be able to fend for yourself to and don't forget to watch out for yourself because no one else particularly will as well as you! Psychology: "Yay! My dendrites are working...she told me to say that."Axons, Myelin Sheaths, Dendrites..the human brain is quite complex..hormones tell your body when they are can cut a part of the brain to prevent seizures but I wouldn't recommend it unless you absolutely were having the gallbladder makes no difference when it's taken out..legumes are peanuts so yes they can be nuts ..and the body has bacteria inside it and chemistry takes place and bonds are broken to make in the case of lactase past age two..mutative and glycogen to convert to glucose for the cells. The xylem and cellulose are plant words you need to remember and Carbohydrates are healthful for you but too much of anything in excess isn't and you should consume a good amount of whole foods. Sometimes chemistry is important in the biological make-up of our bodies because some things like iodine are added to Na+ Cl- -> NaCl to keep you from having Goiter where your Thyroid in your necks swells without it! Chemistry is good for you, the Study of life is just as important..Nutrition is essential..the lack of knowing something one day could bite in the be careful! Love to live..Love and let go of love and it is better to love and lost than to never have loved at all..and if you really love something you let it go!


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