Saturday, January 22, 2011

Total Recall: Random Boredom Totality

I named this one after one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's movies. Haha! Total Recall for the day because I wanted to go to school and learn Psychology. Do you really think rain scares me? I doubt it would have freezed that badly..Dude I so totally think someones trying to make a profit on consumers because all I've saw is rain and don't you dare come either snow. Otherwise I'll be sitting at home probably cursing under my breath! Total Recall: I wanted a fun day..not one where I'd have to sit in my nightclothes and talk to all my friends online on the computer because I can't get out of the freakin house!!! SO MAD! Total Recall: No assigned homework! haha Total Recall: No bad weather. I hope it does absolutely nothing because I'm gonna be so pissed to have to make up a lab again and take lecture notes in lab! BOREDOM TOTALITY: I'M DYING HERE..THANKS A LOT WEATHER!


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