Saturday, January 22, 2011


So...I got to talk to Jeremy last night right? I so layed out ground rules so we wouldn't mess up our friendship because we like each other a little more than friends. He is one of my best friends and I would have hated to just hang it up and lose his I told him that I bought a 100,000 dollar monkey for him so that it would solve all his problems..I don't know how this happened but somehow I ended up being the monkey..haha! So today I swept the snow off the back porch as much as I could before going and picking up all the heavier pieces of wood. Why do they always depend on me? I hate that I'm such a farm girl I could be a guy..bahaha let's hope not..meanwhile got to pet the cat and give the dogs some food and then the pet cow ramsacked Bandit the dog's food again. Him and the cows definitely do not get along bc they are always eating his food. So back inside again ..bored..what more to this winter weather..oh yeah and it was great when we realized why the tractor wasn't starting..quite funny! Well, we were using carburetor cleaner instead of engine starting fluid..haha I caught that mistake and my Dad was like "Oh! That's why it's not working!" I thought that was so funny because it reminds me of a long time in the past when I was a greasemonkey and I was probably in my teens and we were trying to find a place to drain the oil on an Audi I picked a bolt and took it out..Then., we figured out we took out the reverse on the Audi..boy he loved me when that happened..sometimes mechanic mistakes are funny! I remember when I went to get my tires changed and it was really funny because I had to keep coming back for the same tire..haha I made friends quite a bit with the mechanics in the meantime..and they look after people..they are so sweet there and I appreciate it so much!


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