Monday, January 05, 2009

Funny Memories

Well,'s apparent that it pays to be early to school. Well tried to go in rrreeeaallly early today and apparently for some reason there was noone there; hmm I wonder why that was. All I know is I got on facebook and it said school started Monday. So I've been a little bored and decided a trial run today. It got me to thinkin' I remember all these fun memories with my friends relating back to when I was in highschool. I typically remember getting harassed, getting harassed and people following me home. lolly "And then there were thunderings and occurrences." Good time to witness and teach those years I figured. So a time when I remembered I learned how to act really fast. Especially when people spied on you every time you got home too. So one time I put on red coveralls and painted on thick black eyebrows and ran around making fun of my neighbors for being bad since I figured they were probably in with a few other friends making fun of me while I had so much to do and was running around like a lunatic for fun trying to establish and accomplish things. So here is all these funny memories and so I was forced to go to the phsychologist after they eventually tried to establish that I was nuts & crazy and eventually I learned how to act like it. (Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Autism doesn't always exist)I figured that out so I eventually learned from the doctors yes and even the psychs even though I felt like choking ppl sometimes. Boy fun, fun! No sleep up to two to three years is hard on you! Especially after some ppl are still trying to make you take medicine after you got enough rest and you don't need it anymore. lol So every time I decided to try and catch up all I end up doing is snickering and laughing in my room and my poor Mom and Dad not to mention including my Brother wonder what the heck is wrong with me. Well..? So I remember this big "Boom!" Around one point in time and getting on the school bus heading for highschool one day asking if anyone else heard and I had to laugh when my friends said they broke into a nearby dynamite place and stole dynamite. I kept thinking and remembering, "Boy, these are some funny criminals, is this necessarily the best thing for them?" lol well loooonnngg stories sometimes end up well. It's true, it can happen despite every possible thinng about to go wrong. Then I remember a couple of years later there were a couple of slight earthquakes here in Missouri. Then I wondered, "Wow, hey I wonder if those were after-effects of the dynamite?" So there is this friend of mine that is supposed to be stalking me for fun right now. It really kinda makes me laugh and don't ask yes old history that we used to talk about from a friend from St. Clair that I know in which I laughed and said this year that when a couple of men asked I said I wanted to marry my stalker. If only.., if only I could figure out which one I wanted.., oh yeah and then I concluded that I wanted to claim them all whether guy friends or bros or what and then I could always mediate again and have some good fun. Well nothing like a stick of dynamite says, "I love you," right? Right and then I claimed the chicks too and decided to bargain the troublesome ones for each other and marry them off since they couldn't be good. Bad prankster troublemakers, I tell you. And then there were more lightning and occurrences and so I wondered wow, "Thank you Jehovah God for helping me out here, I think they were all so rambunctious that they were about to kill me." GRACIAS!! PRAISE JAH YOU PEOPLE!!! AHH!! RAGE A LIGHTNING WAR & BLITZKRIEGS DECEIT NOW!! APPARENTLY GOD HAD FUN HELPING ME TOO!! WHewww!! So after 8 jobs bw two to three years and trying to shake off this popularity that was haunting me I decided I was harassed by the demons in the people. Or was it that they were actually having this much fun/? And by the way do you know how hard it is to remember everybody's name when everybody elses name became everybody elses? Also, it's hard enough to act like your having mentality problems and running and escaping from crazy people while you can just to find the sanity of a psych ward and run back and eventually evolve out of it after enjoying your goal of spending time with people who went through the same suicidal effects of you? Yes, well at least I was smart enough to figure out that I shouldn't do that and it was neat to spend quality time with people. But the funny part was I about blacked-out and fainted a couple of times because I was having a lot of fun doing so much...and I loved to dance and play sexy to entertain the crazy ppl spying on me outside my household while I was inside running around stumbling in opposite ways because my chemical inbalance was really called lack of sleep, slap happy & HELP! -I'm in I just kept going..Kinda like the fish of the deep blue sea on Nemo right? "Just keep going..just keep going." Haha, now my minds really bored but I get enough sleep and wheww talk about boring right.? Well not really, it seems like some people aren't drama queens, it's just that the drama follows you everyplace. Haha lol so drama was what was stalking me in 2006. But then I became this criminal investigator and they all tried to dib me bc I pretended they were after me or they ran. And then those earthquakes happened in 07 and 08 and I really had to laugh and wonder then because it made the news and the radio and I really had to laugh and then said, "God your getting in on this too aren't you?" "Well I'm glad your having fun!" I recall, "I think I gotta go to sleep now"...after typically waking up froma slight slumber and turning on the lights after skating a while back and questioning in my mind how come I hadn't fell on my butt yet at skaterz since it felt like I was still running forward (that feeling when you get off of a treadmill after running) yet but my mind was typically just finally slowing down from the high activity level I had. Then I remember waking up and questioning if I had these hysterical supernatural powers as the house shaked around me and I remember stopping short of myself and reaching out my hands and laughing going "YAy! that one was not a just-about disillusioned me!" "WHOA!" Then it happened again and I remember just going to bed laughing and getting up every morning snickering about when I got to school and recalled all these memories but had to be so careful. You know what happens when you get involved in a lot of people and your not careful. Someone always gets hurt. So uh well there was this time my friend said I had a mustache, this other time we fake raced because we really moreless seemed to be running alongside each other dibbing back and forth on the gas pedal while my best friend had too much Rockstar energy drink to drink after about three of them bouncing off the seat laughing and yelling out the window. So I decided to drive around in circles today past my friends house and then leave and call my other friend and see what he was up to but I got his Mom so I knew he was working. Recalling a couple of them bringing them over to my house and then ditching them and hiding for fun so my bro would get a couple of new friends. Running around with a few of my crazy girlfriends. Yes, haha I say I marry Jesus in the men and there is nothing they can do about that. If they would just quit cracking dynamite out of my window again. lol Oh yeah and then there were my wild guy neighbors and did I grow up to be a there was this time in Elementary school where we had a burping contest and I remember seeing Justin laugh with his friends and I just have to giggle when I think about those memories then and I feel sorry and it makes me chuckle as I think about the memories. And my uncle I miss him so much but I'm glad they were the only couple of people since there was so much drama in the 2006 year. So there was this time my glasses disappeared, I had flat tires, I made a better grade without my history book than I did with it and I thought "Wow! These people are really nuts but funny & I luv them, maybe if I just act like it,..they'll take pity on me and I'll stay alive throughout all this "drama." I remember my neighbors boys always talking about getting Britney Spears phone number and harassing her and I used to tell my younger girlfriends who were like sisters in Sullivan about it and one of them grew up liking Britney Spears and I just had to chuckle and laugh. I think she's trying to brainwash me with this cd I got from her sister from graduation..hehe. I typically remember being wrapped in blankets and kite string when I was younger, going down the hill in a wagon or wrecking on my bike right before a local vacation and laughing and going "Ow..Ow..Ow" every time I walked and so there was a moment where it looked like a car ran over me but it was really from getting my leg got behind and on my tire when I fell. So I learned a bit of mechanics and there was a time when the fan belt of our audi caught my hair and I pulled it back real fast and then came inside and laughed as I saw there was this short chunk of hair chopped off in the back of my head. And then there was this first car I had that I test drove with my Dad and practiced in .., I remember taking him for this wild little ride when I "accidentally" took a corner too fast and he wigged out and thought we were going to hit the neighbors mailbox..hehe that was fun- And so I passed 1 point above when I got to my drivers test and I remember being like ,"heck I got this, if I can drive a skidloader and a bulldozer I can do this!" So uh, well I did pretty good and the only way I figured I could hang out with all my friends little by little and avoid the trouble of bad association or the kind that got you in trouble based upon atmosphere was having a job and playing mother and taxi here and there at the same time. I remember witnessing to some of my friends and workmates and the prettiest snowfalls happened as I first enjoyed spending time with them.. and I remember these big beautiful snowflakes and my dad first taking me into work and driving up the curb in my Mom's car and the restaurant people laughing at us because we got stuck and was spinning tires as he said, "oops I didn't realize that wasn't the driveway." So there was this time my friends were partyers and I laughed and remembered giggling and trying to run away basically telling them that if I partied I partied dancing at home while nobody was looking. So uh,..? You know how sometimes big problems turn into bigger problems and then littler ones? Haha, ..I just keep thinking I wish I could share more of them. I remember being best friends with some of my girlfriends growing up and then we were all broken up bc we had to move away from each other. I typically remember us all crying when Pantojas left and well the rest of us hicks yeah we just acted like we were glad to be rid of each other and just visited when we were close enough in their area since they were more nearby. So they definitely kept trying to get me to party since I was a JW so I'm like I can make some small exceptions here let me see and then, " Oh yes, they were annoyed because every time I spent time with them I acted like I was their mother! " haha much rather that then see them all get hurt,.. so I chaperone a couple of friends that got married and liked antagonizing the officers for fun when they'd spin around in front of them giggling and laughing when I was in the car with them and I remember thinking "uh-oh?" as we got asked for our drivers license one time when we visited a parking lot and got in trouble for trespassing. Then there were these people I knew that used to run the woods and spend time together. Some of them anyhow, the rest of these crazy people.., I remember being like, "Where'd they all come from?" And laughing because one time after most of the drama was over I remembered daring them to shoot me if they were going to do it already. Oh yes, and my married friends probably still tease each other about being each other's stalkers and yes when we all caught onto each others phrases and sayings one day we all realized hey my friends, friends, friend's friends' friend knows you! haha and then we all came together and had some more fun! Yet,, sometimes there is a such thing as logical fun and remembering yes I have to be sane. It's good to be there for each other and great things and great learning and love lessons come out of it all. And yes, even the unity of each crazy family is important. I just kept thinking if I could only put my imagination into teaching groups and crows at once again.? So least to say you never really forget the pedalstools along the way or the accidents that happen, even along with the best times.


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