Monday, November 10, 2008

The Conclusional Story..

And that my friends is the lonesome story of how we all came to live in happiness and grow to perfection towards a mental-like state of *Paradise* that eventually becomes real to us. Because of Jesus Ransom Sacrifice, we have that chance if we achieve to earn it! "We are" who we "choose" to become. Throughout the world, within the 'youthful and idealistic' yard, this is the unified language and the communication that displays the condition of the heart. We either succeed or severe. If we each choose to work together in unity on the base account of Love- we gain God and these things. Yet, for those who choose to challenge the face of God, let it be known, the one in the day who sees God's face will absolutely, positively die. For it is those who heed the warnings of their parental guidance from God who prosper in the happiness of it's wealth which is like none other alone. The day one disobeys God such as in the story within the Bible of Satan's disobedience as an angel, is the one in which suffers Adamic sin or dies as a result of the consequences of their own actions. God is our three-fold cord, without it, life means nothing for us but pain and anguish. May all know that the sacred secret of God is that he reveals his secrets of life to all those who look for them. Those who exemplar him and his son in their qualities and cherish the people in their life enough to heed the warnings that are given to them prosper.


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