Monday, October 27, 2008

The Cold Hard Truth-I'm in control of my life!

It seems to me I have protected many over the years. Well tonight, I had to sit in my own household ashamed after we had just worked together in unity during the day, I had just made provisions for them during the night and it just so seems that nobody realizes what is well or good for anybody anymore. I am disgusted at what people have tried to do over time in the place. I really have mediated. I really have loved them all. And a halloween scare or some unrealistic plot to act like they were going to kill me or are. Well hell, I wished to heck they'd get it done and over with already. Face up and admit to what you have done people. I'm just saying some things are best left to certain people. Do people realize how many timesI have almost layed down my life actually for them and then covered over the characteristics sothey didn't fully realize and then because of the confused/unconfused theychose to take advantage of me at the same time. This is it I can't stand it anymore. They just about killed each other and took God away from each other again. Maybe I wish I didn't know some of them, maybe I wish that I was already dead because these crazy people help for all the wrong reasons. In which I am preparing them but without listening to the one that taught them and with taking all the credit then who is there to protect them? God exists we either earn or unearn him every day by what we do. Life is precious and it's not funny to play dangerous little games unless you have a real plan because everybody get's hurt. On top of it, these people that helped me had good motives and then others slid in under the but of it all. I swear, are they really asking for the apocalypse?Are they really asking to be swept away by God. Because it doesn't matter whether I'm here or not if God knows they are corrupt they will be cleansed from the earth and that's the cold hard fact people. It felt like even my own parents turned on me tonight. My dad was treating me like "shit" and I probably could have been abused and killed before. Worse yet, they took away my car and on top of it they so called "think" it is funny. I planned for Union to be a united place and I prayed that since we all worked together we'd be protected not be put 2 to 3 damn steps back because people were too afraid to try to understand the reality of the severity of characteristics. Well ya know what,..I'm pissed I love ya all but forget those of you that don't want to listen. Do you think I'm accomplishing anything by doing this? I swear I am about ready to cleanse all the wicked from the earth myself! I just caught people trying to override and break down our government. If it is ours and God's then what is to lose? We each will have our spotlight moments but the day that each try to be corrupt in their motives it's like showing with a ooey green light. You know what, this is some of the worst characteristics affected and promoted by halloween. Particularly, I think most holidays are tradition but the true underlying motive of what some of the characteristics prove to be and posess to progress and grow in people in some places might be demonistic. Either way, ya know what? Halloween has nothing to do with it and for some unknown reasons there are dumasses that are confused and think they know everything and yet there are some of my friends out there that do. I helped all of you and I want you to know that especially before I die. Yeah, I don't care if I get shot so if you lose God and have his wrath because you turn on him and make some grotesque story out of things that aren't then don't blame me because I have mediated and saw the days when he almost has. Get a load of that without the government all of us are going to die so don't try to manipulate it and above all don't kill off the people that have done the right thing because when I become an angel in midheaven I think I'm going to laugh when I grow wings flying away to midheaven to battle more. I'm supposed to help myself and all of you live a full happy life first,..but hey if you all don't want it then that's up to you. I need to be who I need to be so don't try to ruin me and above all if you can't be good leave me and the rest of the world alone. I am achieving unity with all those willing and I just want you to know that you are going to have to be brave enough to stand up with me or watch me die because all of you chose to take matters into your own hands thinking you've understood and have almost killed me which would have also killed a majority of you as well. I'm here to help so why would you try to harm me, especially remember the wrath of God and that any angel of God and along with any servant can become wicked as well. We all take tearns but we have to earn things right and above all we have to have a mature enough mind that is ready for it. We can't expect to prosper off of the labors of others all of our life that is too damn impractical. All I ask for you to do is wake up. Tonight again I saw and understood that all of you could have gotten some of my people hurt and for that I am really fucking pissed since it is a majority of the whole freakin world. I just dare someone to do it and make a dumass out of themselves. If that is the way you grant people life around you, you should be ashamed of yourselves. People are so greedy and they so many times are only out for themselves. Well, I tell you may I meet again with all those good-hearted in the future but tonight I leave again with awe in amazement of how foolish people can be. I don't want everybody to listen to this because it is not true for all of you but I'm so pissed because it felt like even my own mother was trying to screw me over again and it felt like my father too as I was trying to be forced to take stupid freakin pills I don't need anymore. I have a rigght and choice just like everyone else because it is my body. Guess what people, I found out because I'm not blind and never was. Regardless, I'm here to mediate if you find me useful because I found much in all of you but you have to know that you are capable of it. Sometimes I cannot believe my eyes, start listening to learn first and work on settin an example with others around you. If I relied on you then some of you have somewhat earned it and then turned on me because you thought you couldn't trust me. Now a bunch of people are running around trying to protect me or act like they are protecting me again when it is really me with them and it's like I'm trying to help them and here they are trying to harm and kill me. People are so jealous that I am ashamed of their foolishness. I think for those that want to do this I need to move. Nobody should be scared. All these people brought criminal investigators in and they almost got killed because they wanted to be glorified for doing something they actually didn't do "for some of you" while others really were helping cleaning up different things for their own school in which we were successful because we worked together. All I have ever done was try to make things better for the whole town and the whole area and the whole damn world so that people would realize we are the ones that cause death to one another. I am very ashamed to say I have caught people doing dispicable things. On top of this I have almost gotten killed many various times. Well I tell you what, kill me but the day you do be sure to be ashamed and look for destruction. I saw God perform a sign or warning and if I hadn't done what I did I swear that much of things would have been different and a lot worse. Things seem to be that half are actually about wicked and half are not. I feel sorry for people. Some people of Union almost killed and hurt each other because some chose they wanted as in a majority to try to replace me and get in good with criminal investigators when in reality we really were only supposed to keep a check on each other and not manipulate and as i tried to trust people to do this I am not sure I will ever again. This is the reason you only do certain things to contact authorities when someone is deeply almost about to get killed or in trouble. It actually was amiracle the whole time I hate to tell you. If you pissed me off I hope God isn't. For my sake, I could find it in my heart to forgive but I promise I won't be used without taking back what I have and what rightly belongs to me. See what happens when people try to deceive one another and do bad things? All of this happened with a start of a warning for people to be careful in the area. People actually almost died but because I was mediating and watching I saved all of you who were about to be in trouble or almost did. So I hope you know, Scheming criminal investigators and people in the government causes harm to all of us. If you are going to do something work in your life to do good works to help it and especially each other. We need a soundness of mind and sanity people! I am from God so I see all these things. I've always cared so that is why I try to help but when people can't even fool me anymore it is because I chose to open my own eyes and not be blinded and become prey to Satan's system of things in which some of you keep making by the choices you make. I'm sorry but the Union, Washington, New Haven, St. Clair, Owensville, Rosebud areas and many more have been wonderful places for years. Beware for the day when people start to curruptly change. I remember the good people that have helped me in the passed and anybody that is a part of my life I always will. I don't know but ya know what i still wish to work together but won't with anybody who caused this much trouble after this so I am sorry for some of you that I have saw your heart. It is only up to me to warn you, up to God to convince you and only up to you to change the wrong motives you had yourself. Because of states of confusion or situations of trouble people always tend to want to prey on each other. From now on, I hope all will think before doing such things. We all should have fair chance in life and I was never out to ruin anybody so let's get that clear and straight. For those of you deserving you can ask for my help again. Until then, if I find one more wrong motive of manipulation I hope that the rest of you will keep working together to protect the world because I was the one that glued it back together when the lives and broken hearts of individuals fell apart and all I feel right now is shame and sadness in my heart. I do not want to talk and I do not wish to speak, I still love you all but you must know that I and some or most of all of you were schemed and you were about to kill each other literally. Please, practice good skills but do not negatively manipulate or manipulate at all!


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