Sunday, October 26, 2008

If you have my autograph...

Throughout my whole life I hope and choose to just be myself and be unique. If you have my autograph it is one very different from what one might think. .. If you have my autograph it is the words, faith and fine works, or the kisses, hugs or the days or nights of laughter of fun I have chosen to give you as a giver of life as a precious gift from Jehovah God to all those who earn it. If you haven't received my autograph yet,..please be assured as long as you remember to acquire and work to have a good heart condition and work on having a good life to work in the love and unity of all those around you ...then it is coming to you. You never know, it might just be a night spent with your family, a sweet innocent kiss, a night spent on roller blades or just a bit of fun in any which way in how I hoped to show you that I love you and that there is a greater love because of a greater person, Jehovah God. I hope to spend quality time with you all in the future. If you haven't spent time with me yet, I hope to push to eventually come to know you and spend quality time with you even that much more. I love you all. Is it not true that each of us pass a part of life & love along with perspectives to one another. What will you choose to do with your life?..What many beautiful things will you choose to accomplish with the most wonderful and beautiful life you have been given? We each are givers of life in many ways. Let's embrace the positive qualities of our diversity and our unity in working together. This way we all can agree to disagree and be so wonderfully happy as suffering comes once close to reaching its end as we all grow closer together in "happiness" as people and the "greater" love of God as the three-fold cord. I pray for all of you to pay attention to the severity of the characteristics around you in the future and heed all warnings of your parents and the trustworthy people in your lives you may know so that you may be protected by "Jehovah God" and that we all may one day get to spend time sparingly together doing wonderful-wonderful things for one another again. Remember that we each have something that one another needs. So if we all work together what is the need to steal, harm or harass someone else? The thing is there isn't and we all result in a truer and greater happiness of a longer endured life and less suffering. Eventually with much working together we have a whole world practically of perfected unity and happiness and only have small problem-solving variables. I love you all, be safe,be careful and heed to the warnings of the progression of severity of characteristics of Satan's system of things. What is the need for an apocalypse or destruction of people if there is no need for cleansing the earth at all?.. May all prove to themselves to live a wonderful life and especially prove that the word of God is true when the parental warning is heeded from the Bible in the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. Much negative and worse yet more severe things happen with disobedience which eventually leads to wickedness ad may eventually result in destruction and death. A day when we all work together equals God & happiness with a long lived life for all of us! Much love and affection to all!


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