Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Real Love,Life and Happiness at [it's] best

Many of us seek to understand the world around us or wish to know or understand more about the problems in our life. The best knowledge in life that we have is life-giving and life-saving knowledge. Well today I chose that the world must change so much more for everyone of us if we choose to seek and earn the knowledge by acquiring a good heart-condition by loving one another enough to work together in a world of diversity and unity once again. What started out as a child young at heart commonly interested in the world around me became one of my hugest fascinations. The capability of the human mind or even the existance of God. I thought that some might enjoy something more like my real journal entries. For those of you that I miss spending time with too, well I thought just maybe you might enjoy reading this. Still it's not easy for me to say or moreless write down my real true thoughts about the world around me because I for well know that it is not wise to leave the outcome or vulnerability of my situations in the hands of other people because I for one am the one most responsible for my life and many of the others around me. What became of a struggling existant world situation with constant negative characteristics which progressed to so many levels of severity spiraling out of control can now become the once sought out peaceful world that we all hope for if we can keep the hope and belief that if we work together to be peacable among one another we all can live more enjoyable lives and it can finally happen. I always tend to find myself where there is people, or even where there is people I can love, trustable or not at the time they become so because they learn a knowledge if they can earn my favor and trust as we work toward being a benefactor towards one another as well. With the kids, the teens, the children or even some of your most wondering inspiring adults it all started with the love of spending time with people and wanting to make all our wildest and crazy life's dreams come true even if that meant keeping each other out of trouble, looking out for one another and being a balanced loving people who loved to make the world spin around. With even some of my best girls and guys it still is hard to find some of our best and most memorable times regrettable. Yet, with all of us we have our times and sometimes I've been abused in many different ways because of what I've gone through, I find the slight abuse that I chose to take to combine along with the work-ethic and self-discipline to never give up on the dreams that I've had for each of us to become many of the similar dreams for the rest of my fellow friends as I have gotten a chance to better their lives as well as my own. There have just been so many times when things have happened on unspeakable levels. I'm just so glad I realized when everybody else around me was discouraged at one time that by being a positive aspect in others lives and never settling for less that I could set a great loving example for others. Because of the loving bond of trust we have with one another we do things once again because we have developed the ability to love and care. Above all, we must know that every wild innocent child has dreams as well as those in a troubled state or those less capable than others on many various different levels. Since we love and trust one another again, we start redeveloping all those things we've ever wanted to search out or reach out for in our life to feel like we have that second chance again and that we aren't quite so broken-hearted. Each of us have dreams and we each deserve to "fairly" accomplish them. We shouldn't have to disguise the definition of having real love for one another and caring in any possible way sometimes gives us so many advantages and opportunities to fulfill our dreams and have great days with one another. Once again the good characteristics will prevail against the bad and as we become more solid, dependable and resolute in our life the world once again is ruled by "love." When we find the perfect balance in everything and never seek to allow the negative characteristics or corrupted influences in our life to rule us or what we do we truly become wise and mature individuals who understand the true meaning in life. For you, whether it is finding a soul mate, helping the world's most distinguishable states of life, going to a party, a club with good trustworthy friends or associates, making new friends, traveling or just exploring how many good things there really are that is existantly possible in the world today because of applying the balanced knowledge of God in our lives. Fellow people it is our time to stand up in the world around us and be proud of accomplishments in our lives that have wonderful motives and purpose to better the world. Just think, with Adam and Eve we lost our chance at life because of their free-willed choice of disobedience toward God. Now because we know we have the ransom sacrifice and that the "living" knowledge is upon the Earth God has given us our second chance to correct the choice of disobedience our ancestors have made which has caused much of our worse mortality rates and life lessons in the world because of their progression to a severity of state. When we have the real knowledge of God, we have his holy spirit and the capability to "love" the way life was "originally" intended for us and many more opportunities are available for us as we re-achieve that perfection through the knowledge of the practical life lessons and obedience to God and his word the Bible. You don't have to profess to any sort of religion because first it is important for the whole of mankind to understand by doing this they prosper because they not only have the protection and love of one another but most importantly of all the love of God, Jesus and the 144,000. It is just up to each and every individual to prove to themselves what is true and accurate knowledge from the Bible. If we can do this we learn at greater protected rates and understand the probable outcome of many of our worst situations before they ever happen. What a protective blessing this is for us. You must understand that good characteristics and knowledge do exist and that you will be blinded by the negative occurrences in the world if you allow yourself the vulnerability to try not to understand. When much of man is blinded by the negative things around them or by what they want most it is because their heart is not in conditional circumstances to fully understand the real consequences of their own bad motives at the time. The most amazing reminder I have tonight for all of our readers is that "God reveals his secrets about life to all those who look for them." This should be a sole understanding for everybody. I keep hoping, praying that people will try to understand the consequences of their own actions. What is to fear if we didn't have wrong motives toward each other in our lives?What if everyone truly believed the world could be a unified but diverse peaceable place where we all agree to disagree until proven fact, law, rule or otherwise and became benefactors in the sole example of helping one another in the Jesus-like state in the graciousness or kindness that the Bible character did so in living his life? Is it the fact that we should fear the knowledge because it is a teaching of mankind or that we believe there is a greater knowledge out there? Love comes in many various levels and forms. When all else occurs and works together we are at a more manageable state in the world for all of us with less heartache and more happiness. We truly then find the maturity of true riches at it's best as we explore how many ways we exist in the image of God. God represents the good characteristics and Satan the bad. For many years mankind has killed themselves and never understood the consequences or the widespread heart-ache and circumstances. Yet, let it be known, it says, "Let us clear away what is wicked before us." Why?... because that is the source cause of all the heartache each and every one of us has had to deal with over the years. It is my responsibility as a representation toward the trust o f God to tell all the people on earth about this that I solely represent God in the cause of my actions and that when we all do this we come to a more perfected peaceable state. Don't worry because I don't plan on making you become a Jehovah's Witness and I don't plan on becoming smarting than you only to ruin only what you worked for even though many have tried to do this to me many times. I know God finds his revenge on those who ruin the fulfillment of his purpose for the Earth and mankind. I know this is the true knowledge of God and I hope all care enough to use it to their advantage and not challenge the authority of God. Please fellow brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and friends world-wide understand this is all the knowledge you need. Yet, you will eventually become more curious about the world of God his true love and how it becomes existant in many others to care to motivate and change the whole world with their purpose in the overall plan which lessens severity of human-suffering and heals our own broken hearts in the first place as we re-learn how to do anything with a purpose to change the whole world for better. Just take a look at the world with wonder, remember to never cease to stop living and pick it apart as many times as you want. God always existed but people were so blinded because of the tradition of their actions passed down to them that ended up as daily disobedience toward God that they always wondered if he was there or why he never helped them when he may have been at their doorstep, restaurant, door, home or public activity center all along over-looking all of them through his servants which labor themselves at a ready state to help solve or mediate the world's problems. Look around you loved ones and never forget you are loved and have been loved. Never allow yourself to come to a suicidal, homicidal state or worse because it has never been worth it to give in to the lessening characteristics of the world scene. Advance yourself to a better state by never falling prey to them in the first place because they represent Satan and when they say he seeks to devour like a lion they really mean that the pain and anguish you feel will swollow you up if your not careful and allow yourself to become victim to it. The real Love, Life and Happiness is right here when you find that through this balanced knowledge which corrects everything and provides the perfect balance and change of situatios for all of us that we all can succeed and live in harmony without insecurity. Every time it rains God is following providing for us because we just helped him fulfill one of his purposes and in turn he causes the ground to sprout and grow vegetation or he is trying to give us a heeded warning as well. The lightning represents the presence of the Son of God and the Sunshine represents the warmth and the love of the holy spirit and the fruitages of love,joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness happiness and all that results from that of which are the best qualities of God as our parent.


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