Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sometimes There Is Something More To Be Learned Besides Human Knowledge Alone

Every single one of us live in this world. Yet, still I am so amazed at the confusement of soo many individuals and how people have constantly misled one another upon the face of the Earth. Sometime, I definitely wish I didn't understand what I do. Yet, if I do will it stop me from accomplishing what I desire? First of all, All test psychological study freaks stay away from me because if you cause me to abuse my own mind because your seeking to accomplish something all for yourselves through me -it is definitely going to come back and bite you. Second, scarily enough most of the time there is a reason for everything and the amount of knowledge we actually understand might be quite different from what portrayed. so,...if you actually fool yourself to think and pre-judge me..basically you get exactly what you ask for. Third, I try to keep telling people that they don't create their own personal battles for me, your not helping me by making things worse and no I don't need to cry.. I've been abused by the world so much I'm past that. "For the so-called idiots!" Fourth, so much as a wrong move and I swear I'll leave the place and never come back. This should mean nothing to you for all my friends if I ever do I'll always remember you but you should always remember what I've taught you about the world otherwise the things around you in a mix of probability are bound to get worse. Human Nature they say usually has the side to tend to be negative but don't forget that we can choose to be the positive result as well. Therefore, I do not show how much I'm capable of and you could take a million years trying to figure out. It's not going to matter because I'm a close to perfect human...get that "not" perfect because I have already balanced out some of the worst. *For the friends of mine that are control freaks imposing in on my life of the witnesses that I do love..I beg you stop or I'll go away from you! " I am kind but yet TODAY I lay down the law. If it doesn't work I already will be gone. I help progress things but humans can't expect to accomplish everything through me for they have to wake up and realize one day that they are just as perfectly capable themselves! Surprise! Wake-up call. Yes, try it because foolin with me for the wrong reasons is going to do nothing but get you into trouble. Even with the big man upstairs,..P.S. and be reminded that "each" of us have to take a personal look at ourselves every once in a while to keep a check of who we are. If we are doing good, that doesn't make us better than anyone else. Get rid of the haughty attitudes and just remember that God is capable "yet" of cleansing the Earth. I love my true friends who have been there for me! Thank you guys very much and better yet at least God knows that your heart is gracious and good! But that by all means does not mean I am God! I am one of his servants and he sees through me and I understand his purposes. I was only kind in the worst situations before even when I was on my worst stand of confrontational issues because I was really protecting those involved to where it came out just to where it was supposed to be. Wake-up please people,..you actually do need God's guidance. You don't need me but you do because it is written on my heart. Until then, the progressive works of people: Be careful of what you get out of things and interpret because I'm trying to bring you all closer to the bigger understandings every time but the people who understand more or just as much as what you do may be trying to mislead you. Remember how deceiving the world can be. Sometimes the studies and the articles based upon human knowledge alon are inaccurate which supports the statement: "It does not belong to man to direct his step." Basically this means we actually "do" need the knowledge of the Bible to guide us along to interpret something far grander even from our own secularly knowledge! So basically, No there is nothing wrong with it UNLESS people are being corrupt in their morals of what they are actually trying to accomplish in the knowledge of others. Faith and Fine Works balance it all out , so before you judge the witnesses remember who is there from God to help you straighten it all out with the understanding you don't have at the time. For the witness, remember that you can't judge the world for who are you going to make disciples out of then?.. Perfect your judgment about making moral judgments about people don't judge and sterotype them. Support this work and choose to be the positive aspect of the world. The other way is quite depressing. Our minds have the ability to choose with the choices we make! I dare you make it any harder for me and I will bite you all and leave! Goodbye, don't get jealous of me or look at my imperfections when you are capable of the same thing! Remember that you should be after a "True" and "Correct" knowledge of the world so you are not misled and stumbled yourself! Love you all anyway even if you hate me by reading this I don't care, ..."It's what needs to be said and what needs to be done that doesn't happen that is the problem, take care of it!"


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