Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Stars In The Heavens* fulfillment 4 mankind 10/26/08

Tonight Look At The Stars for those of you that read this in time and see that someone is reminding you in whom they have been given to you. Tonight is 10/26/08. I feared at the start of this year as people were learning Jehovah God's knowledge what might they run amongst in the process. Because we learn the simple ability to listen to our internal instincts and heed warnings and especially because there is a usual or simplistic reason for us it protects us and prevents thousands of deaths each year around the world. Yet, so many more are more unfortunate than us. So tonight dear friends,... please be sure to look at the stars and see that is says, "Each of them he calls by name," and "he numbers the hairs on our head" in the appreciative sense of our own bodies and lives. So dear ones please remember to always work together in life 'no matter what' this life is possible and to achieve life is even that much more greater. Remember, aforetime because there was a time when I was scared for all of you, watching people die around you and understanding it all and especially watching it is not a good thing. The biggest moral and life lesson for mankind is for them to realize we need one another and especially these things. The day we break apart we have lost protection and one may have the money, the other God and the other the benefits of the works of the government. And what about our foreign relations? Imagine loved ones what is possible then? There is so much more in life, even this whole unknown world. There are angels in the world that cause the leaves to blow about on a fall day around you or the spirit of God that might produce a storm or one of the most shiniest, beautiful days of your life. From here on out, realize what you have achieved and appreciate for all it's worth by what you do in your lives. Remember the unfortonate in hard times and cling to and embrace all the good around you to make it! Hurray for the accomplishment of some of the humankind around me. May you understand the greater days of God to come if not an apocalypse or destruction because of people's disloyal and disobedient ways first. May all be loved and consumed with heart-warming laughter for the day of God if we keep it is here! The difference now where I live compared to a couple of years ago is that the wrath of God does not need to be demonstrated or shown anymore because there are so many good motives that the stars shown amongs clouds and a cold-front in the changes of the season and also slightly of the heart which brought secretly about the other change. May all learn to love in life for much more is sought and the day that we look for God in our lives he reveals the most beautiful and awe-inspiring secrets of his creation in the world around us!!! Look at the stars and remember that tonight I have observed in a couple years worth of the emphasis of positive characteristics in progression we have changed the world for better. Please realize, I lay my life on this word for the day we all search for God is once again the day he reveals his secrets to all of us a little bit by bit at a time. Remember to love your families, to mediate and especially not let wicked or disgusting characteristics of Satan or the outside world seep into your household. We have all had problems in the past. They are nothing to be ashamed of. From this point forward may I say from Revelation 21: 3 & 4 "And there will be no more pain, tears or crying." "The Former things have passed away!"


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