Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Beautiful Lessons

What can we learn and take in from life? We cease to see the good around us often when we complain about the hurdles of life. Most of all I have found myself easily doing this myself. By no means do I mean any offense to anyone here but I'm trying to get a bigger overall moral, point, or outlook on life. My life has been extremely difficult itself at times and as we all grow older in continuity through life we face many different challenges and changes. Anyone who hasn't seen the movie, "The Prestige" please do because I want you to take something from the bigger picture that I'm not sure that everyone else noticed or not. Either way I do want to bring it out..first I'll let you watch it yourself because it is fantastically awesome and even though it says it's about magic it doesn't focus on magic at all but the techniques and the tricks to the eye. The mastermind who created this movie deserves all credit!! It was great! Regardless though, life fascinates me to the furthest point of imagination which sometimes isn't imagination at all. My life has been so crazy lately that I can say how "I understand" how people get confused inbetween reality and what a situation may seem. Life is sooo complex!! I love understanding this to tell others! Keep your cool ..others will try to trip you up and most of all I've figured that a lot of people want something from other people always. When a person wants what "they" want they'll try anything to get that out of selfish motivations in the world today!! Now in all cases this isn't true but moreless of an observation I have seen. I know right now in the condition of the world that many people are having illnesses, conditions, diseases, problems out of the wild zoo!! You name it, today..."It is" a reality of this world we are living in. When we as people run into serious problems that "Dramatizes" our life a natural human instinct for some is to look for the way out. But we have to be careful how we do that because some consider that suicide..and that's the good point from the movie "The Prestige." It teaches people that all that comes out of trying to escape the problems in life through a such thing as suicide is a cheated and unlived life which is worth less in its meaning. It's understandable I've been through pain in my lifetime but I can say that it is "All" worth it! Observing also I see that people sometimes focus on their negativity of their problems more than anything. We need to teach ourselves to see the big picture!! Sometimes people focus on this negativity and because of the complexity of problems and situations. We go through depression, anxiety disorders, illnesses, and sometimes have so much pain that it is why "we as people" feel like escaping our lives. That's why we have to always teach ourselves to see the "Big" picture because we can see the positive too! I mean think of every accomplishment and memory we would be cheating ourselves if we didn't. My memories are favorite in my life. A lot of times we forget the "imperfectness" of the world we're living in. I guarantee that we as people who believe in a God, in my case lovingly, Jehovah, we can work together to help endure ourselves hand in hand as friends in this world as scary as the reality of some situations are getting!


At 9:46 PM , Blogger Jellybean Jezzica said...

Hello askinstoo! Wonderful website you have!


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