Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My Story For the Earth

There was a girl named Barbara who learned from Jesus and God Jehovah in Heaven.  She was being prepared for a mission.  All she knew was she was a daughter of God and that she was being sent to save her brother Wesley.  Satan was already hurled down to the Earth and God had her be particularly observant of all the Earthly Humans and Creatures.  She remembered showing up to Earth on wobbly legs one day and being placed at recess.  Still for some reason she had no remembrance of her birth with her Earthly parents.  She was forewarned to be careful because if not ignorance of her Mother and Father could kill her.  She also realized her Earthly brother was sick and in much trouble.  When she was growing up he was in the hospital a lot and sometimes she studied the doctors and understood that they were trying to help him.  Yet, she stood on the Earth at recess and realized that this World was an awful inconspicuous place.  She was sort of lost about Humans so she always ran around observing them and trying to understand them.  She learned to be a pupil of God and that all the authorities were in place because of him and that they protected the Earth.  Once she had caught on and understood she realized her Daddy was someone special.  Daddy protected her and Mommy was sick from all the stress of her Brother being ill.  She soon realized that her downsyndrome Brother Wesley was a gift from  from God.  She grew up with him and played trying to teach him to be smart and understand things.  Part of the time they were raised by Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma was an angel to Barbara.  Grandpa had suffered persecution in jail for being a Jehovah's Witness and for the longest time Barbara tried to understand why.  She kept growing and played with her Brother Wesley got their butts spanked a lot by Daddy and realized there was still something wrong.  The World was a very inconspicuous place for a reason.  It was semi-partially wicked with all these lurking demons and little angel child's running around.  It was so hard to grow up and bear her burden.  She was getting abused and didn't understand why.  However, she always looked up to the stars for hope and soon gained knowledge about God, Jesus, Angels, History, and Life.  In the end it all added up to parenting.  Grandma had suffered so much and Grandpa had died one day and she as hard as she could tried to understand why they were suffering.  It was hard to also bear the burden for other people.  She tried to be the bravest, boldest, most beautiful spirit she could be for God because she had learned in Psalms that all his creation was supposed to Praise Him, Listen to Him, Obey Him.  Although, she didn't quite understand why.  She noticed about how so many people always argued over who was "right" and "wrong" at the Kingdom Hall and soon learned in the World that you always had to have a listening ear and that sometimes "wrong" is "wrong" as "right" is "right."  She also learned that you had to be selective in applying the advice others gave you because everybody's life is different and not everybody's advice perfectly fit or helped another in their life.  Although some of the Earth had the intent of being smart they had not first tried to moldably learn the knowledge of God.  Because of this God put demons and angels on the Earth to represent the Tree of knowledge of "Good" and "Bad" and then gave them the Tree of Life after much "True Knowledge."  The World although a deceitful place had to learn to discern and listen with their ears for the "Truth in Knowledge."  As she was growing up she came to many close calls where she could have gotten killed and there were several people who preyed on her innocence as a child.  She soon realized smarts and the weapons of knowledge of the Earth is what would have to be used to change it.  She remembered and always held dearly the True Knowledge of Love, Sacrifice, & Duty that she had learned from Jehovah, Jesus, the Earth's Nature, Spirits, and Creatures.  She studied History in Highschool and tried to learn the reasons for why the Earth had warred in the past.  She had these ideas and remembered so much.  She soon used Knowledge to change the World and show them what she was taught.  She soon learned the Indians were Creationists that taught the Animals how to live, the New World how to grow, and sacrificed and left a Mothering Mark on the Earth.  Barbara also learned there were Great Harlots, False Religions and all Kinds of Predators and Demons.  She knew we all had "Free Will" but also talked and prayed with God about how she wanted to change it.  She asked to be an Angel of God and soon sacrificed with her Whole Life & Whole Strength.  She was afraid she wasn't going to make it but planned to be in Heaven with God and Jesus.  She also planned to be on Earth and start a teaching practice with Schools.  She soon grew up and learned that all these Humans who were disabled were Angels in disguise to "teach us" about the World.  She became compassionate towards them as her children and children of God and began to care for them.  She was in these households and realized the reasons for the imperfection and deceit on the Earth were the Demon Like Places and Ignorance and Betrayal of the Knowledge of God.  She explored people and the Knowledge of God through circumstances and situations.  Demons prayed on her in the Households she tried to heal and she battled with God and Spirit and Truth! But if it hadn't of Ever been for Jesus Sacrifice on Earth and Religion being there to teach her about it she would have never known that Jesus was the first Sacrifice for all of mankind and then God would save her and make her the Bride of Mankind so that she could lead the teaching work and be a Woman of Jesus and God again.  The Reward was far greater than the Sacrifice.  In the End, she trained little angels and got God back for the whole World.  All the demons were expelled by the Faith and Fine Works and she soon was out of a job and dreaming about Jesus and God at home.  She went about teaching Normal girls about why girls are girls and boys are boys and why they do the things they do.  Everything was a reflection of itself and the knowledge that was existent all along.  She enjoyed a Wedding day privately but together with Jesus and was able to reward her Grandmother with a Mother's Day gift.  It was Paradise.  However, although Barbara never thought she would survive herself she gave another gift to her Grandmother who taught her to be good and pray.  And also granted life back to her Mother and her Brother in which while on Earth was Also her Son.  She didn't tell people much but while at work had saved another downsyndrome boy from choking that she also thought of her son Named Nathan.  He was Mommy's Angel in disguise and had no idea but was taught the Knowledge in order for Him to survive.  She eventually was PRN-ing at another house in her company at Emmaus at 6th Street and began struggling with Emotions.  Women of Faith there had saved her and a woman that was a Jehovah's Witness encouraged her to get up and keep going.  She evetually scared them and had something called Administrative Leave.  She used it as an excuse again and learn and teach about God.  She figured every part of her life had purpose in the World.  She was over visiting Jesus under a tree one night in nature all by herself and listening to a bird talk and tell her about the World.  She heard an Eagle's call from the bird and something about Police.  She knew it was all a part of Jesus interaction with her to teach her.  She was on her way home from the track from ECC and had been thinking about the World again.  She got bit by a bug and grabbed her leg.  It itched.  She got back over to her apartment and looked at her ankle and their were two fang marks.  She realized she wouldn't be sick because of the singificance of the Knowledge in her Life and Growing to Perfection by God.  She layed down in bed and dreamed again.  She was eating out one night at Applebees and another little boy choked and she saved him through the Knowledge and told him to be good.  He looked at Her, Laughed, Looked at Mommy & Daddy and snatched her dolphin necklace and held it trying to understand her heart but always knowing who she was all along.  She took another Walk With God today and was looking for Jesus and some flower and thinking of Him by a Pond on ECC.  She leaned in to look at its beauty and saw a bird and sung with it and was telling Jesus of her Presence and thinking of Him walking on waters.  She was walking away and was startled and saw something and looked to see what it was.  It was a dead, poisonous cottonmouth and then she knew that God was trying to tell her that she got bit by a poisonous snake, she played outcome in the World at a young age and did the Work of Teaching.  Jesus was the first sacrifice and Jessica was the Second.  What God had taught her is that the Sacrifice and Knowledge of God is the true medicine of the whole World and Universe that heals. Jesus bruised him in the head he bruised him in the heal. All these institutions all along that denied God were killing people with their ignorance.  Therefore, the Second Sacrifice delivered them and brought about the Perfection of a Paradise World.  All along it was about Parents, Spirit, and Listening to the Universe and Knowledge.  Instead of the Snake Bite killing her? It healed her! And why? Because she was blessed with the knowledge, made a sacrifice to teach, and was reblessed and given her life back by God.  All along God was preparing a Son and a Daughter for himself.  A Groom and Bride of Mankind.  To teach just how Grand his Love Was and IS today!  She now lives as a wife and a daughter, with a ring on her finger, flowers on her arm (a gift from Maddy) beads from (Greg, Nathan, Jesus, and Nathan's Mom) and two necklaces around her neck representing her as a conqueror of Knowledge.  She has a dolphin and a cross around her neck!!!!!  It all began with God's Heart and Hers and His and Theirs.  The Human Kind Race has Won it's battle of imperfection!!! And it all began with His and Her Story!!!!


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