Thursday, June 11, 2015

How Crime Affects the Family Unit

In All Things They Say Work Together!! First Off, Let Me Explain, how I learned First Handedly from Experiences that Crime Can Affect the Family Unit!!! Not Only the Family Unit but a Neighborhood!! And Not Only A Neighborhood but a Workplace!! Not Only a Workplace but a Religion! Not Only a Religion but the World!!! In a Tough & Trying World the Hardest things that come by us is the Injustices of Others!! Ring a bell in some time or Era in You're Life or Someone Elses that You Personally Knew!?!  I've seen it many of times.  Believe me.  I've been in a Psych Ward because at One Point in Time After My Happily Ever After I Was A KID Who Experienced a Broken Home!!! Since I had a Broken Home I had to deal with things like taking Medications and more injustices and things with my Health that I didn't quite understand yet until I was older and with the Help of Others!  Sometimes Our Pride Gets in the Way of Letting Others Help Us or Us Help Others.  The sower reaps what he sows right? The Sower? So in Other Words Life is a Garden.  If You Plant it and Water it and Give it Sunshine the Proper Things Will Grow! But My Friends Watch Out For the Demon Like Places!!  What I had learned was that Chemical Depency from a family I knew hurt my family and that if my family associated with that they could then become chemical dependent! Thus in the saying, "Bad Associations Spoil Useful Habits!" But I'm always out for the good things I can learn in life!  Chemical Depency can hurt us all!  Drugs or Paraphenalia can put us all in danger or cause lives to be lost to a drunk driver or a gunshot.  Most of all the pain and suffering causes more pain and suffering and the result in algebraic equations comes in death. Think of it as an algebraic equation. Negative=Negative. Turn Negative-> Into Positive! Turn Positive-> Into Positive!  The One Who Listens to the Wisdom of God is Greatly Rewarded! Families Never Turn a Deaf Ear to Wisdom or Advice! Sure!!! Be Selective.  Walk Away From The Things That No Longer Serve You!!  However, know you have to build good character through Faith and Fine Works no matter what you do! Rule of thumb! Institutions who have been here the longest are the Wisest and the Ones that Know the Most!


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