Saturday, May 09, 2015

Demon Like Places

Men and women settle down all the time.  Men get women and women get men playing these little games.  Sometimes men get men and women get women.  The important thing we remember is that we expel those demon like places because if we give in to them then we go down with them.  Demons actually do exist on the earth and they prey on men and women and their children all the time.  That is why it is important that the human race perfect themselves.  There are officers, religions, churches, hospitals and schools but most importantly there is knowledge.  People are corrupted from imperfection and corruption and then die.  However, when we fight a fine fight together and pick one another up and be each other's strength we save the world for ourselves and our children.  Sometimes men prey on women and adore them.  Women do not understand this.  Most of all sometimes women prey on men and sons and men don't understand why they can't understand the world.  Everybody fights over what they want instead of what's right and lose the focus and give in to demon like places.  Angels and Demons and the delicate balance of the world exist for a reason.  If we didn't change we couldn't survive so it is important that we do and  make a sacrifice for each other.  Children often take a burden for their parents and their parents for their children.  But it is the things that we do not know that exist as demons and burdens that come to get us.  Therefore we challenge one another in an effective way and do not give into temptation.  The Bible really does exist to salvate us and the rest of the knowledge in the world.  We must use mathematical reasoning and logic and learn how to survive.   If we didn't the world is destroyed and humans do not survive at all, all beautiful creation is destroyed and no philosophy is fulfilled.  We need to survive and fight the fine fight of love and duty.


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