Monday, July 13, 2015

The Object of Healing!

When Jesus used the words from his spoken accounts he meant to say that there was healing in God's temple & work.  It meant he rewarded his servants for doing the Faith and Fine Works.  In today's society many times you might go see someone due to issues with health.  It is good to be selective and do your research.  The cures are out there and there is work and more research to be done.  For example, when advancing in your health marketplace to look for the right doctor you are going to want one that works and listens to you!! If they are forceful with you chances are there are some motives that need to be looked into.  In all cases, when in doctoring you can change the make-up of the body and how it responds to things with the protein products that we call medicine or many times anti-biotics!!! However, with that being the case; medicines that are being advanced can have imperfections.  What we also have to be careful about is that it is not just human imperfection as well!  If you think there are some mistakes being made be Smart & get a Second Opinion!  However, even in Cancer now.  They have medicines that are supposed to target the cancerous cells and annihilate them.   The object of healing is to remember the Hippocratic Oath.  When we do this we have the opportunity to help another and even though trying and difficult at times the reward is far greater!  You just might have to throw some maneuvering and math in there but it's possible to get a good workplace!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

I Love My Husband!!!

When I think of Romance I think of the World! When I think of the World I see all this beauty in people I want to enhance and grow in them spiritually!  But Most of all when I think of the World I think of my Husband, Jesus & God! And How THIS IS POSSIBLE!

Time: A Time Changer- History, Present, Future: Preferrably the Human Soul & It's actions!

Time can bring a marriage to the World to a forefront! Time can change a person a million times over. Time changes a Million things! Explore the Human Emotion & Heart of Our American Civilization books and see for yourself the Hearts & Emotions of the People of the Past and How we Advance in Knowledge each year as it annually goes by! Time could bring Pharm Animals to medicinal purposes where we could have Once died at age 60 of Cancer and then instead of dying be cured at 60 and live until a 120!  Do you know how wonderful that would be?  Wouldn't you want a better quality of life and redirection from the hatred you want to thrust on the World when you are down or discouraged?  Think no one understands you or that no one understands?  Express with earnest efforts to make sure that they do!!!!  Pharm animals have medicines we need!!! For instance, take the poison of a snake bite!!! If you change the make-up of a snake's poison into something medicinal that changes the chemical content and reactivity or you change the body's reactivity to the chemical or both you are perfecting the practice of healing in medicine in the Hippocratic Oath!  One day, a poisonous snake just might not be poisonous, just might heal you instead!! Just One Day, that Hardest Struggle might Strengthen you!!!!

Are You Going Off Into Destruction? Take Refuge in the Merciful & Glorious Jah!

When God said flee to the city of Galilee he meant that there was refuge there! We should always take shelter & find refuge in one another, each other, and against the adversities of the World that Satan hurls & thrusts at Us.  We can work on it Together! When I woke up this Morning I wondered, "What is Going to Happen Today?" "What kind of fun surprises await me?" "Should I be worried?" When God wrote the Bible it was detrimental to mankind's survival so for us to brush it off could be very destructive to the World around Us! For Example, there are certain people who are born Parents! Other's Providers, Other's Protectors! What happens if we do not listen to the Wisdom of God? And What if it really isn't God's Wisdom? What do we do then?  There is a delicate balance my friend and you must always remember that!  For Instance, the Nephilim are supposedly non-existent anymore? What would happen if God's knowledge didn't protect the Earth from that??  The World still exists with Satan and even if Satan was destructed his presence of his work would still be here until God annihilated it!! We don't know when that time is and are not in charge of that.  So, if you strayed from the real God of Truth that kept your balance and prepared and provided you to have all the things you needed in your life you would end up much like that of the Nephilim.  A Work Horse, all Satanic, Demonic, and full of toxicity to those that build the World.  If you negatively affect the building balance then you are therefore stopping not only the one you think you are mad at or that did something but actually also yourself!!!!! Back during the Anglo-Saxon War demonized Men & Women who fought were large in size and became Bad people.  Time truly is the greatest Factor in thing.  Some things Never Change, Some do, Some don't & Some are just the reflection of the Other's!!  So Our Choices Matter.  Believe Me, You Don't Want to Experience the World as the Wicked Place it Once Was back in Time! So the best thing to do is to Push Forward & Persevere to Good Character & Grow in Health & Happiness & have the rest added to You!

The Season of Yielding Fruit! The Summer Events, Fun, Activities & Talk!

Every person is served their portion according to the Faith & Fine Works!!! The Fruit you Yield from the Faith & Fine Works is the Reward of the Crop You Get! In Other Words, In Bible & World Terms: You shouldn't receive anything you don't earn fairly in life and if someone else fairly received it it shouldn't be taken away from them unless they are abusing their power, wealth, or gift!  Every person receives according to the faith and fine works and yields the proper fruit.

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Here Is Your Cause! A Cause For Healing & A Cause For Life!

If A*B =AB & Ax+By=C and they all represent situations and outcomes with a play of logic

and probability we have the ability to perfect our World beyond belief.  Many times he World is

broken down but in Sociology a positive variable that always has the possibility of changing within

various reasons we with the right logic have the control to build the World Around Us.  In All

Situation: Scientifically something can change within a million times and in a million ways but has

had one main component Energy of Life! So therefore, the outcome of all negative situations are

negative for the parties involved and the positive outcomes for all positive situations are positive for

the parties involved.

The Social Laws of Reform, Darwinism (Evolution), Socialization and Order; Organizations Control

have endless positive effects for all of us. 

 If then, in all doctoring practices we perfect ourselves in the knowledge of these laws in our societies

we achieve great healing power & gifts for Our World.

Precisely, the life from the beginning in 

Perfection that God gave Us!

-yours truly

Dr. Jessica Gerlemann