Monday, June 29, 2015

Perhaps a Looking glass or Prism!

Many times World is a reflection of ourselves and where we are in life.  Sometimes things aren't always as they appear or seem! Every psychiatric disorder & abuse in life no matter what way can men +many different things to & + in many different people.  I began seeing my Dr. after the event of a lifetime that brought me to a point in life where I had a disorder called "skitzoaffective disorder." Dr. Crane coined that phrase to me after I described an event in my life where I employed several different knowledges as a psychological mechanism which for me fit into the category "skitzoaffective disorder" which can usually be either a stereotype of being afraid or in a skitzofranic panic due to a situation or environment or mental state or new challenge in life.  It can also be bipolar which they describe in the brain as a series of high or lows and lots of mood changes.  However, from time to time doctoring can change and advance largely.  So although a stereotyped illness in a book or environment may be one way for somebody it may not be all exact and black and white and the same for another.  Many times a mood stabilizer might be prescribed for what you might want to call the rollercoasters in life.  You see the stereotype means that it has to do with the things a person is going through psychologically.  But in the wellness sphere you have a spiritual wellness, mental wellness, and physical, psychogical/sexual wellness.  In advent, if going through slight problems in one area like a car many times you can use one mechanism/mechanical tool to fix the other!  It's just like mechanic repair.  However, often times than not; the less barbaric the better.  Barbaric means something is direly wrong with either the situation, doctor, or patient.  I Love to Employ Knowledge! I on the other hand employ mental knowledge on illnesses and wellness and morals nd use them in life as mechansms and teach from real life situations for people to learn from thereafter.  I always like to say that I am an onion with black holes and when I say that I also know that to many people that is what I am to them and that is what the world is to me so therefore I am he reflection on some scale of knowledge of the world and it's history such as in the Bible, its future such as with the Tent of Humankind & Animals along with Earth and the World & Universe, And those humans & animals & other creatures\spirits\creation a reflection of humans, Our God, Our Maker, & Our Governments.  So when you tae walk; lookaroundyou!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Greed Cannot Be The Cause

Greed Cannot Be The Cause In The World for anything good. Only for bad. And the suffering and injustices of others. If Greed is the Cause of Our Motivations We Gain Riches Only For a Short Time and Then God Justifiably Rips Them Right Back Because They Aren't Rightfully Ours!!  Outcome=Harm!! It's like Steroids and Drugs to the Body that causes a breakdown rather than a buildup In Society!

Giving Back to Each Other

Giving Back to Each Other are the things that we accomplish after we inherit our First fruits of our Hardest Work!!!  It may seem stupid when you are down and out and tired but remember there is a reward and to those who he Searches Out He Finds.  To those that Search Him Out? They Find!

How Crime Affects the Family Unit

In All Things They Say Work Together!! First Off, Let Me Explain, how I learned First Handedly from Experiences that Crime Can Affect the Family Unit!!! Not Only the Family Unit but a Neighborhood!! And Not Only A Neighborhood but a Workplace!! Not Only a Workplace but a Religion! Not Only a Religion but the World!!! In a Tough & Trying World the Hardest things that come by us is the Injustices of Others!! Ring a bell in some time or Era in You're Life or Someone Elses that You Personally Knew!?!  I've seen it many of times.  Believe me.  I've been in a Psych Ward because at One Point in Time After My Happily Ever After I Was A KID Who Experienced a Broken Home!!! Since I had a Broken Home I had to deal with things like taking Medications and more injustices and things with my Health that I didn't quite understand yet until I was older and with the Help of Others!  Sometimes Our Pride Gets in the Way of Letting Others Help Us or Us Help Others.  The sower reaps what he sows right? The Sower? So in Other Words Life is a Garden.  If You Plant it and Water it and Give it Sunshine the Proper Things Will Grow! But My Friends Watch Out For the Demon Like Places!!  What I had learned was that Chemical Depency from a family I knew hurt my family and that if my family associated with that they could then become chemical dependent! Thus in the saying, "Bad Associations Spoil Useful Habits!" But I'm always out for the good things I can learn in life!  Chemical Depency can hurt us all!  Drugs or Paraphenalia can put us all in danger or cause lives to be lost to a drunk driver or a gunshot.  Most of all the pain and suffering causes more pain and suffering and the result in algebraic equations comes in death. Think of it as an algebraic equation. Negative=Negative. Turn Negative-> Into Positive! Turn Positive-> Into Positive!  The One Who Listens to the Wisdom of God is Greatly Rewarded! Families Never Turn a Deaf Ear to Wisdom or Advice! Sure!!! Be Selective.  Walk Away From The Things That No Longer Serve You!!  However, know you have to build good character through Faith and Fine Works no matter what you do! Rule of thumb! Institutions who have been here the longest are the Wisest and the Ones that Know the Most!

"Don't Work Hard; Work SMART!" Efficiency and Safety in Work Places :)

Work Hard! Not Hard! Hard but Safe! Smart But Efficient & Smart!  Efficient Safe Work Places Means that our Standards Meet the Expectations of the Safety Organizations like OSHA.  I don't mean to Harp!  Occupational Safety is very important!!! However, in a Workplace such as a Factory or a Higher Level of Functioning Workplace it is Very Important that Our Workers Know that Basically they can Work Smart But Efficient.  My Dad used to have this old saying, "Don't Work Hard Work Smart!"  A little bit of Farmer Wisdom that I Could Not Ever Turn Down.  I realized then that I could you Reasoning Ability with a mix of Math and Logic and that with a bit of Wisdom and Wit you could make any job Easy and Worthwhile!  So Don't Work Hard!! Work Smart!!!