Monday, March 17, 2014

The Unknown World

So...I heard someone say at work again that they heard voices.  Supposedly where I work it used to be a mental institution.  I have had none of these experiences and AM NOT Scared.  But it is interesting because I realized that they interpret hearing voices different from me. I'm Traditionally a Jehovah's Witness and when I was young they taught me that if that happens it is Most Likely Satan and his Demons that Portray to be others.  So I started questioning the Unknown World tonight and I had asked my Workmate and she said she had a creepy feeling when she stayed there once.  I started thinking about Spirits and A Long Long Time Ago...I read this book that took place in another Country where a girl was staying with her Dad and they visited the Country where her Mother used to live.  She stayed in this House and there was an old foundation.  Now you tell Drs this kinda stuff they put you on pills because it either means something bad or they don't understand your situation yet. Sometimes there is some visible presence that you can see. From the Book I Read: So this girl thinks she sees her Dead Mother who passed a long time ago.  Well I was wondering whether a good or bad spirit was the one portraying her.  Some people just look at it as other people who are just there in presence yet.  SO I begin to question!  Who's Right And Who's Wrong?  I'm so interested and this is the conclusion I have truly come to believe over the years..."There are good and bad spirits and you either protected by God and his Angels or you are tormented by the Devil and his Devil-like places along with the Demons of theWorld because you are without him."  So it says in the Bible there is an Angel of every kind just like there is a person of every kind.  SO then you have to ask yourself: "What is their purpose?"  And that is maybe some have to uncover and shed light and justice to the lives that have been lost or either that or they are just trying to harass and deceive you and that is what you have to determine by any spirit presence.  And yet, it's not necessarily a good thing if you are hearing voices because that can be a condition too from excessive stress.  So go figure right. Lots of things to Learn!!  Something to think about though.  Spirit creatures each have a purpose so every human should too and yet some humans go right from the best heart to the bravest Angel of God!!!


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