Monday, March 17, 2014

The Human Race: Possibly the Most Smartest Yet the Most Futile

What do you think would happen if we allowed another Cold War? You have to have a voice in the World.  That's right! I capitalized it because it is an important place to you and it matters the decisions you make and what you do.  Sure some things get thrown into the media and people try to scare the hell outta ya.  Sometimes?? The Truth is this was once what had occurred that ruined millions of lives and it was a fiasco that never stopped being a nightmare.  If anybody wants a cold war they are an idiot.  Talk some sense into their head and tell them they have to redirect those emotions and get some damn therapy!!! If you want things back like the worst Cold War Agencies and You Don't Have the Heart to help somebody suffering from a war? Well, you better hope God helps you when it becomes your turn.  Turn it around people.  I have said too many times. Look at all the good our Forefathers have accomplished!! Do you think they did it all so their descendents could just trash half the whole World and throw it away??  Common sense should tell you that you have a purpose in the World to make the World a better place Not Make it Worse and Screw It Up As Badly As You Can So Someone Else Has To CLean UP YOuR SHitHOLE!!!  YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!!!


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