Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Help A Cause!!!


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

People Need To Be Educated About Unsafe Decisions & Places

A whole lot could be prevented in this world be educating the right people about the right time and place to run from a situation such as with the 10/11 year old girl who was kidnapped that they think they might have found.  Child education about strangers and guardians need to be appointed so that there are less of these situations.  Officers are always able to educate children and even from my growing up they do a wonderful job.  Children need you everyday Officers!  Yes! They do.  I wish that there would be less people getting victimized but the problem I can think of is that they don't know how to pick out questionable situations such as going to the wrong party and getting drunk and getting out of a car or allowing the wrong person to flirt with you and you go with them somewhere or even unthinkably trust the wrong stranger!  So much can be learned from all of this and my sympathies go out to the families and the best thing I can say is we all need education and daily reminders about threatening situations in life!!!

Wisdom Rant

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son. If God loved the world shouldn't we also love one another the way he loved us/? And should little petty things separate us and make divisions among us? Is there such a thing as being overly righteous? I think so. I want to be moved to love the world the same way God has. For the days the parents of those missing and those kidnapped cry! For those who are so confused that they victimize other people by kidnapping them/shooting a group of people. What do all of these things have in common? They are all people with problems! People with problems? What does this mean to you? Does Pride befall the worst of them all? Yes Pride comes before a fall. The world is a crazy place! It takes a lot to stand up for the right things. You always want to do what's right because if you are misplaced by your own doings you are also misplaced by God when you suffer the consequences deliberately disobey his petition for having a safe world & home for his servants and children of God you no longer are if u misplace yourself in wrongdoings!!!!!! So think before you act. Think wisely and ethically and carefully before you act because if you judge someone else and speak before having a bridled tongue you just might do some things you regret!!! Always Always stand up for Right!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Safety In Public Places! Are we safe or not?

News Channel 5 had mentioned the disappearance of a young man in stl.  He went to school and afterward went to a party.  Things you should be aware of in public places are these: 1) Am I being watched 2) Should I be putting my trust in these people 3) Should I trust this as a safe environment for my learning and 4) How will this environment affect my life and 5) Can I make a learning experience out of this.  For instance, young man disappeared and he is being searched for. One thing he did was go to a party after school and they hadn't seen him since.  Several missing people right now.  Always keep an open eye out for those who are missing and if you see something inappropriate, dangerous or wrong stand up for yourself and others and report it.  Here is to finding more victims. Pray they will be alright and dedicate your time to helping others. By doing so you benefit yourself!  So ask yourself in different unknown environments 1) Am I Safe or Not?

Dangers of Heroine Drug Use After High Dose Uses of Prescription Drug Painkillers

There have been some recent stories on News Channel 5 about the abuse of drugs after use of prescription drug painkillers.  When considered one might have to ask themselves when they are too dependent on any chemical substance.  One may have to ask themselves these questions: 1) Am I too dependent on these that they are becoming my crutch when I need motivation 2) Am I becoming addicted to any of these chemical substances 3) What should I be using these prescription drugs for and 4) What is the main reason my prescription painkiller or prescription drug is being prescribed and do I fully understand the intent it is used for and 5) Is it really needed?  For instance, in the story on the news there was an individual victim who had become addicted to his painkillers and started heavily abusing illegal drugs. He needed more of a drug dependence because his body had become adapted to the tolerance of the painkillers in his brain and after becoming addicted his body therefore craved something more.  For instance, in Forensics the toxicology lab can determine drug use in the body and can explain the drug tolerance level as this.  The body has natural painkillers and then the body's tolerance level adapts and eventually replaces the natural substance of painkiller produced by the brain and therefore dopamine and endorphins by the brain are affected and the body creates a natural need for the drug and becomes dependent and needs it to daily function. This is how your doctor victimizes you and makes millions.  So one thing every society needs to ask itself before making pardons and exceptions to any illegal drug and increases the use of and pushes the actual dosage and use of prescription drugs in its society must ask itself 1) Should I be this dependent and should we be this dependent on drugs as a society? and 2) How is it going to affect our functioning as a whole? 3) Is it really gonna solve the problems that need attention and intervenance? 

I suggest before you make excuses that you do your research!!!!!!

Be a thinker!

Thursday, February 06, 2014


Sometimes we have to take ourselves on a new journey of learning! It's amazing that there is such a vast expanse of knowledge out there for us to learn. For instance, what do you think of Him who made the stars in the sky? Do you know the constellations? Can you see them in someone elses eyes?  Even a love that is a surprise everyday. You never really know what to expect about the problems of life, its surprises and its journey!  What it means to you is the key to life. One must ask himself/herself: "Where do I fit?" And "Is all this for me?" Sometimes it can be one endless journey full of whatever life is made of and it can take you and chew you up and spit you out.  Wise ones are careful of what friends they let into the heart thus you don't already know the errors of your peers, have you not? You never know!! One day you might just wake up to a phone call and it could be the love of your life. No true love would end in a classic Dime a Dozen fiasco. Kind of sad when you lose someone who is your one and only, huh? I've passed everybody up so many times! Truth is most of the time with most people I am more comfortable by myself and alone. So go figure! One day you may wake up and the alter to your wedding could be a door? Now someone explain that to me! Hahahaha,. Sometimes you must protect your dreams. Who said you can't get married with or without your significant other.? Who says that you can't just marry everybody and nobody at all. Yes my life is complicated. It is a complicated relationship as I pursue my dreams and my passion for truth and humanitarianism!!! Wish me well on my journey! I will wish you well on yours regardless. I can't remember the amount of times I've given me friends up for marriage. Everybody has a different journey, ya know? Sometimes its better just parting ways and making new friends and it makes it easier. Either way, may the days of obeisance to your Father bless you!!

Foreign Aid and National Security

Marine Capt. Rye Barcott as a soldier has been experiencing the effects of Foreign Aid in other countries.  While Barcott was in Iraq, he watched the kids playing soccer at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and realized the inter-relatedness between the 15-year old accomplice in Kenya, Africa and the young Iraqi boy.  He states that as a soldier he still sees the Iraqi boy as the enemy.   As he has been doing so however, he has learned something new about himself.  He realized that soldier and humanitarian worker wasn’t so easy to do since both of the subjects were opposite ends of each other.  He realized there was a need for both and became a pursuer of peace on the way to war.  As he examined what he was seeing of a young 11-year old killer and his accomplice, he realized that in this case his enemy was a young boy and he was just another boy playing among boys, who was influenced more than likely in the ways of terrorism and war.  He realized that military intervention wasn’t always the answer to the lesser developed countries such as Africa, relating to the boy who was also a young 15-year-old accomplice.  However, the under-education of children in other countries who were taught to fight before they realized the consequences of them, posed a national security threat if there wasn’t the right type of intervention.   The military and government has now realized a need for both intervening by soldiers and the work of humanitarians.   This article supports about three different themes that stick out in my mind.  First, militarianism and humanitarianism to help with crime control.    The article explains that the military is changing in its foreign aid and that there needs to be workers along with the soldiers who are protecting.  The combination of military intervenance and humanitarian workers should help control the crime level in other countries that are taught war from early on.  However, there is a mention of the struggle between debt and the impact on the economy as well when the government uses funds for foreign aid to create national security for the United States.  Second, rehabilitation is an important aspect of the detainees and such of the Ghraib prison.  Quick intervening corrections through rehabilitation is needed because otherwise the children of these countries will grow up learning nothing but war and believing in empty dreams that harm others and are more a part of the influence of Al-Queida and other cold war organizations that exist in the worsening conditions of the world.  Third, restorative justice is then the measure that the United States should take in aiding the world in foreign relations.  This should be done in order to restore peace and security.  The only concern in doing all this is the impact on the much needed increase in the economy in the United States so it must be balanced.