Thursday, June 27, 2013

Help Available For Your Loved Ones Suffering With Cancer

Jessica Gerlemann

June 27, 2013

Cancer Research




Although many people still believe there is no cure for cancer, the answer is still staring us straight in the face.  Most people have died due to a defeat from this deadly illness touching many people’s lives in their lifetime as they have fought.  The best thing we can do is not to give up hope and make sure those victims of cancer and illness get the right kind of treatment and at an affordable price. 


          Many people diagnosed with a certain type of cancer become victims to the ignorant who have not had enough experience in working with the illness. So, it is very important that those who are diagnosed are fully educated about their options and not taken advantage of by their local physician who usually tends to resort to a series of radiation inhibiting the immune system from doing its work in fighting off the illness in the body. 

          Cancer can be the worst type of thing to deal with. Most often it occurs when the body’s cellular work controlled by its hormones start running amock.  The hormones controlling the cellular work often become unbalanced and therefore the whole body’s cellular system is effected much like a domino effect in which many cells become cancerous or unhealthy and toxic to the overall life of the individual.

          Since hormones control proteins produced in doing cellular work when the hormone is unbalanced an unnatural effect such as tumors and metastasis(spreading of cancerous cells) can be the result if the hormones  aren’t balanced.  Many times Vitamin B complex not only controls and balances hormones but also lowers cholesterol and helps to maintain a healthy body weight(unhealthy usually because of unbalanced hormones). Therefore, since the cellular work is usually controlled by hormones and proteins are what are produced to do the cellular work; there are protein products available to those who need some kind of type of antibiotic with help in fighting off an illness along with their immune system which already produces antibodies.  "Immunoglobulin" redirects here. For the immunoglobulin family, see Immunoglobulin superfamily.

"Antibodies" redirects here. For the film, see Antibodies (film). For the TV-movie, see Antibody (film).

Each antibody binds to a specific antigen; an interaction similar to a lock and key.

An antibody (Ab), also known as an immunoglobulin (Ig), is a large Y-shaped protein produced by B-cells that is used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects such as bacteria and viruses. The antibody recognizes a unique part of the foreign target, called an antigen.[        (

Since protein products have been studied in the biological structures and anatomy of humans it is conclusive that those who have cancer have hope.  If the protein products produced by the hormones are unbalanced a balancing of the hormones is needed.  Also, a medicine, or protein product, that works in helping the immune system and antibodies fight by improving immunity and finding target cells of cancer can be used to annihilate the illness maybe not forever but to reduce the risk of death and take away much of the suffering of your loved one.  For example, the protein product or monoclonal antibody enters the body and is released into the bloodstream into the cellular work as a protein that fits with and matches some of what the antigen(infected cancerous cell) is and binds itself much like a lock and key and destroys that infected cancerous cell the way an antibody of the immune system would. Other protein products in the works of immunotherapy can help improve the immune system in fighting the cancer in other ways.

          So it is as simple as this. What we know is the key and just as anything you can't give up the fight because sometimes the quest is the key.  Educate yourself!  It will protect you.  Meanwhile, who would have ever thought we are so complex.  So shows that a great being far more knowledgeable than us created us and this universe! How else do you explain something so intricate, complex and detailed just by chance? 

Fight that fight and have a wonderful day! You can conquer!!!



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