Sunday, March 15, 2009

All I Can Say Is I'm Sorry & I Love You

I realized something important today when I walked away from friends after getting to talk to them. I know tragedy can strike when most least expect it to happen. I know we all struggle through work, school and college and careers everyday. As I observe many times I'm moved to think many different thoughts. I don't want tragedy to happen to my loved ones. All I can say is I am sort of charmed by being around people I adore. If you think I don't adore you and I've met you, you're wrong more than likely. Sometimes it's so hard when you understand just a little bit too much. You can't break over it though sometimes. You have to remember to keep strong. I know it's fun to pass friends back and forth and reject each other at times when we're frustrated or play those human games. Yet, one thing I think we all want to remember to remind ourselves before things get to a dangerous state for each of us is that we are wise when we remember to cherish, love and adore our friends and family. Sometimes with those games I thought it would be a great loving reminder if I just ran the thought by to be weary of those characteristics that can progress into murderous behavior for some if not careful. So here is what I usually do. I find it a great way to help one another but sometimes you just have to remember to give in, love or forgive to. Yet in other given situations you can't afford to break yourself. If communication is our best and close tie we don't want to lose one of our loved ones before it's too late. That's been one of my fears at times everyday. Yet, you must understand that it can be a given eventually as well. It's not always about being smart, being popular or being a celebrity although we each love having a blast and having fun. Those are all just stages of human life that we enjoy doing when we relate and are learning from one another. Observing is one of the best things we can do. I know that sometimes Love can come out in fragments or even pieces. Yet regardless above it all there is some concerned thought that means from what is portrayed from the "true" statement or thought of the hidden or inner deeper thoughts about a feeling of a current situation that moves an individual to make the choices they do because of background or anything else. I know sometimes relationships can be cruel. Yet I have to say that before anything else I'd rather keep my friends than lose them. I know when we run wild without one another if it "is" even a rebellious day or slight heartbreak that we have to be careful how we choose to mold our behavior or even the ideas we portray across to other people. I'd rather cherish and adore a friend any day than lose one more and have regrets. When you know so many and you see the tragedy about to spiral out of control or how events occur, it hurts you to even think towards carrying a full relationship. Yet, I hope to have each friend call back to one another because without each other tragedy strikes and when our best friend is lost we then have no other to lean or depend upon once they are already gone. I know it is truly wise to cherish each of my friends so I thought that I would apologize for the cruel things that I have done. I beg of some of you to please understand though that I don't intend or even wish to be cruel but that because of what I know it is a form of love that says I don't want anyone to get hurt . If I'm not cruel, it's just like learning from a mere man,..If you don't beat it to being cruel you'll be bitten. Although, you don't want to be senselessly cruel there are just some personality traits that say some things about people. It reminds you to not trust yourself to be too wise too. I just hope that my friends know I love them, that I apologize for any hurt feelings over the years and that really all I do want is the best for all of you even tho sometimes I don't intent to hurt people. I went through things at an immense scale that most people lose their mind or go insane over and I'm proud that I'm not. It's the fact that someone passed much hurt on to me and that I'm trying to resist passing it back to the wrong people or hurt others over the one emotional breakdown that we all try to avoid. My heart is tender and compassionate but yet what if it speaks on different terms and from another voices understanding to teach you what has been passed on to me of what they call the "love" triangle in life? I hope that all in public places are aware of this and the fact that people can prey on you or others directly or indirectly through you by doing these things. When you have loved & cared for crowds or many either way you hope that someone remembers you or doesn't forget what you have done. Yet, sometimes I hope each overlook me and others because we all know our love can be exhausted. It's hard for me to consistently do as much as I used to know and I'm reaching this breakpoint and I have to struggle with the traits that have been passed on to me in my personality from thousands of others and much of it can be negative.., through just thinking about a thought one can eventually develop a wrong trait or characteristic. This can be lethal and also death-taunting to the decisions we each make. I just encourage everybody to remain strong and try to strengthen one another. I hope this explains what I'm thinking, "Could I possibly be dibbed anymore or disrespected?" "Because right now i hate to tell you but it's hard for even I to care." I know we each go through this. Right now I'm listening to this song about the hooker, the teacher and the preacher. Please remember to be careful- Love all of you.

-Sometimes love can come in greater lengths or segments of characteristics or thoughts that you never really understand until you observe closely.

-Remember communication is our best tie to Love & Protect one another against tragedy.

-Don't break down build up & just try your hardest to love & be relieved you make it through another day.


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