Friday, April 18, 2008

A Year or Two Ago

There is a Bible prophecy foretold of last days of a system of things or “world” that would have much wickedness. I believe we are living in those days today. The Bible quotes in Matthew 24:7&8 a somewhat edgy and realistic foretold truth, “for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.” “All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.” As I think of these scriptures, it makes me wonder what other challenges there will be for us a s a great people to take on and work with, to change the world for better. When analyzing some of these events I can see that most of them the world’s history has gone through many big stages with already. It makes me question for us here today, “What can we do to help?”
Africa is victim to an aids epidemic of about 17 MILLION and an even increasing number have been affected with the HIV virus that causes aids stated from the Watchtower Library. “in 1991 alone a visitor to Uganda felt like they could peer through the portals of hell and glimpse the holocaust to come,” states the Newsweek article from KeepMedia on A study from the article spronsored by UNICEF stated that at the time of 10 hard-hit countries of Sub-Saharan Africa up to 5.5 million children fewer than fifteen would lose their mothers due to Aids. Under the Article, “Why is Africa Suffering So Much on pages 5-7 on the Watchtower Library promiscuous sexual behavior is considered to be the main propagator among people and especially in the Aids Epidemic in Africa. From an African Journal, “According to Nature,” the typical route that the infection follows starts with the prostitute,” “Female prostitutes serve to seed the epidemic in most monogamous women through contact with promiscuous husbands,” which further spreads the virus. Right now in Sub-Saharan Africa, aids is taking the lives of its people and even leaving some children parentless or even homeless. This is a sad but true reality that the scriptures from the Bible in Matthew 24:7&8 which are being fulfilled right now in the overwhelming details of some disadvantaged people in the world around us. Researcher Dawn Mokhobo states that a main propagator of Aids is promiscuous sexual behavior that has even largely broken down within marriages. (Watchtower Library 2003 Edition) Mokhobo, stating that much of the morality between individuals being a primary cause of concern in the breakdown of the lives and societies of many people in Africa, says it is a much larger and rarer epidemic than everywhere else. Characteristics of Africa’s aids consist of much heartache within disrupted families, medical disasters and innocent victims also who are infected. Truly then the prophecies foretold in the Bible book of Matthew 24:7&8 are becoming fulfilled.
Aids is considered to be a condition of acquired immunological deficiency associated with infection of the immune system by a retro virus sometimes passed between two sexual partners or even passé d on to carried children at the time that one might inherit the fateful disease. Heart dropping scenes of two, three or even four babies, toddlers or young children in a bed dying together are just some of the sickening realities in terrible stomach-churning situations of distress in Africa. (Watchtower Library 2003 “Why Has Aids Spread So Widely?” “Why is Africa Suffering So Much?” “Aids Spreads To Africa”) A terrifying sight of skin shriveled and mal-nourished looking bone masses of people of all kinds are the scenes of a decomposing society of which may not only be caused by sexual intercourses, birth of infants infected with HIV from mothers but also by infection from blood transfusions in places where it has become much more widespread such as France. Dr. Jacques Lebas, president of the humanitarian organization in France, noted this turn in aids worldwide not only as an epidemic in Africa but as one of childhood occurrences being victims as well. It was estimated by the WHO(World Health Organization), that the HIV virus would have infected around 10 million children by the year 2000. So what can we do as individuals to help this change take place and what is brought to the characteristics of understanding to the details foretold by the Bible in these days as well?
Many steps have been taken by the World Health Organization to stop the spread of aids along with many others as much as possible. Along with that, Africa has always lacked the proper nourishment for its individuals to hopefully help with the health of aids victims along with other places of Sub-Saharan Africa that is experiencing famine. WE as individuals can take steps to help each other work together as people to bring about the changes that so many brave individuals go over to other countries beyond our borders to face hands-on. Many of us can help with donations toward aids victims even when we cannot directly help with it. Yet, many may wonder with the troubled occurrences right now of the world why God allows suffering to go on such as this and why much of this is happening now as well as many other events that have been allowed to happen in history. It all depends on us and whether we can believe as individuals that God can make miracles happen and that is exactly what I believe he will do as his plan in the Bible foretold slowly unfolds while yet much wickedness along with pain and suffering will be destroyed. Certainly we’ve had our plays of miracles here in Union with being a part of the two missing boys of our Beaufort area being found, along with wars to end other wickedness of the world abroad all in a precise way of timing in a fail-proof plan that will eventually bring the once sought restoration of the perfect world in the beginning of Adam and Eve to a realistic view once again after everything else is accomplished. God wants us to have that second chance at life and not only gave us that chance to prove ourselves as individuals through Jesus Ransom Sacrifice as a standing example throughout history but to prepare us for a judgment day where the “motivations of the heart” and all of much more will be uncovered before the accomplishment of it’s time. Jesus is working at the hand of God right now to “destroy” the wickedness and later all suffering and pangs of distress when eventually there will be a time once again of a perfect life! While waiting for these accomplishments though we musty all busy ourselves as good people of God to accomplish what is good toward all so that one day God’s plan will be fulfilled throughout the fine works of his servants. Then, “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor cry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away,” as he promises and God cannot lie.

A Moderate Solution

A Moderate Solution
66 days ago
Society as we all know it has evolved into many of things over the years। Amongst all the social commontion, interaction and problematic situations there is constant results shown in our media। The question friends is, ”How can we come to change the world through our use of research, though process and media। Joey sits in the streets of downtown St. Louis as the country singer portrays the song of the life of the homeless. He overhears, "I've had my moments, days in the sun, moments, when I was second to none, memories when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do," and he thinks about when he has too. Jacob suffers in Africa from disease and famine. Sarah goes to a hopspital to help change the world she sees. Children coming from broken homes all over a wide ranged area to hospitals because of situations of depression, suicidalism, homicidalism or daily pressures of everyday life such as these. Sheryl Crow speaks of redemption day when she sings, " I've wept for those who suffer long, but how I weep for those who've gone into rooms of grief and questioned wrong but keep on killing." She sings a song of how it's , "Hard to Make a Stand." It currently sings a worn-down song or an out-fadded throng of what is the day's complaints. Jane admitted herself hospitable to prove the world wrong. What happens if kids like Ryan keep on dying and the world keeps being a sad, sad song? All it takes is a mix of Socrates philosophy, reasoning, research, thought process and media to prove our point that love is what the world needs and that we can take it back over like King-kong!They build a home for Joey S. Jerome so he can finally keep warm while living. They put the homeless in a shelter for they themselves to kilter in warmth, love and affection. He relives good moments and days in the sun. Jacob suffers no more, a vaccine they have found and food they have grown. A temporary hospital for the broken-homed children and adoption set-out for those in foster care. Treatment therapy the children get from Centerpointe. No more suicidalism or homicidalism for them they learn how to cop and love again, now they care. Sheryl Crow sings her songs, "Maybe Angels," and "Everyday is a Winding Road," equals out the bad world songs. Kids like Ryan stopped dying because they found a new cure for cancer and a celebration is made. Jane admitted herself hospitable and boy so did she and those who joined her prove the world wrong. Can you change the world? Can you achive your dreams? All the answers lie into the self analysis of what is seems.Why don't we all just go bungee jumping or hang-glide right off a cliff for all of what it's worth? Life doesn't mean anything anyway does it? Or does it so? I'm sure running over pedestrians that are homeless would fix the problem and writinghateful songs with clamor that cause more suffering would be all of glam's worth. Leaving children to starve without a care in Africa and putting them in the military would take care of the population over there. Thought process in writing brings a poet's citing to a joyful cue. The warmth comes back to cheek and there is a slight hue. The world is warmed by love once again and there is less suffering. A photojournalist writes with reasoning. A series of perspectives, questions and answers. Cures to cancers cited, informative news displayed and world delighted listens. World soon learns knowledge. No under-education will stop them anymore. They learn the writing thought processes, chronological, timeline, reasoning, satirism, sarcasm, exaggeration and more.The media learns to diplay the thoughts of the world in a useful way. The world sees them on T.V. everyday. The world's problems thanks to the media get expose. The world's wickedness starts to smother and corrodes. The dry ending to helping critical situations of every day life, changin the opposed and start ending strife the world cooperates on the base account of love.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Has God's Purpose For The Earth Changed?

Here is my talk for April 10, 2008 that I created. I would like to share it with all of you in case it comes up as a biblical question or just one of where our existance stands. Many people wonder where life begins and ends and this talk that uses the New World Translation covers it. A proven correct translation hence., if you want a copy sometimes ask for it. This is what we do on our Thursday evening Theocratic Study all the time as people. This is how hard we work for you and we do it because we love you so remember to appreciate us too! Anyhow this is kind of interesting I think if you'd like to read:

Has God’s Purpose For The Earth Changed?....

J:Hello Pamela, I noticed last time you showed some interest in a few Biblical issues. I thought we’d come back and talk about one in particular that is an issue even of world concern today. Do you personally think God’s purpose for the Earth has changed?

P:You know, I’ve thought about that before and I think God has many purposes. I think he wants us to live healthy, happy lives don’t you?

J:Well yes, I think he does also. Did you know that God mentions one main purpose though?

P:Hmm.., I don’t think I’m real familiar with the main purpose.

J:Pamela, that’s alright. I’d like to share this with you. The main particular one is stated in Genesis 1:27 & 28. Let’s explore that part of the Bible that talks about the beginning of Adam and Eve’s existence. Do you recall the paradise story of Adam and Eve?

P:Yes, I actually do recall that. I’ve heard about it more than anything but not understood completely the main purpose of the Bible.

J:Okay, I completely understand. The Bible is very complex so let’s do a little research today. Let’s go ahead & read Genesis 1:27 & 28.

Pamela I’ll go ahead & read 27 & why don’t you read 28 if you will.

P:Well you know that makes sense it’s like I said here he does want us to live happy and healthy lives. Except, there are specific instructions in the sense to fulfill it by being fruitful and to subdue it. I really like the happy go-lucky sound of these scriptures. compared to our world today, it really is different because I guess then it was perfect.

J:Right Pamela, You know God holds a favor for those who serve him in the “right” way today despite the pain striking consequences of the inherited sin in the world we live in. This favor is quoted in God’s word at Psalms 37: 9, 11. Here it is said that those having “Hope” and who are “Meek” will possess the Earth. Hope is defined as faith or belief in something of importance. Meek is being humble, compliant and submissive. So when this scripture talks about these key words it’s emphasizing the Faith and Submissiveness or loyalty we have towards doing God’s will. So as you see Pamela, there is a requirement of us in doing Jehovah God’s will.

P:This is a lot of interesting insight but this still doesn’t answer if God’s purpose has actually changed. I’m enjoying this research with you! Yet, how do I know that this was God’s permanent plan from the beginning?

J:Once Again, Pam, the best way to get to know God is through the scriptures, his word, the Bible. So let’s go ahead and find that last answer for you before I end with a brief close with you for the day. I would like to show you some final few scriptures that talks about what God will do to end the suffering now and restore the Paradise Earth to the way it was from the beginning. You see, it was disobedience that caused this change. After Adamic sin there was suffering in the world. If we keep the requirement of loyalty to our God like we talked about in Psalms 9, 11 we achieve a newly restored Paradise Earth. The setting of this Paradise Earth and the changes it brings will greatly affect us as people if we strive to do so. Let’s lastly read Revelation 21: 3-8

Pam I’ll read 3, 4, 5 & 6

P:Wow, now I can really see the true difference that God has always had this hope for those hopeful, righteous and meek for mankind. I really enjoyed studying with you!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Conceded Sect Hides Under Mormon Religion and Four-Hundred Found

It was a horrible thing watching the news tonight. Throughout Texas, Arizona and even Utah there has been a sect that has been taking and demanding much of the money of the people belonging to the Mormon Religion and the leaders of the Mormon Religion in that area were marrying girls off young, confining them and raping them. They happened to live on a ranch. I don't think it was so much of the Mormon Religion in general but the face of the people hiding under it. Ok,..let me explain something for instance. The Bible says that false religion will perish and be destroyed. Those people who are actually hiding under the names of those religion will most definitely perish. The Bible actually refers to mixed religion such as this as Babylon the Great right? Well for those familiar and unfamiliar with it here is a little interesting note from the Bible. Have you ever heard somebody call someone else a Nimrod when they weren't being smart?? Well In Genesis 10:9 it shows where "Nimrod" an unwise character within the Bible hence the inherited name, started falso religion or worldly religion such as this promoting selfish interests other that that of the pure and true worship of God. Note from the Watchtower Library 2007, 'It was established in the first century of our Common Era centuries before Christendom got started. It was the organization to which a former resident of the town of Nazareth in Galilee wrote these words: "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."—Jas. 1:1, 26, 27, AV; AS; RS.' Sadly, I've seen rape victims and how they've been affected and how those molested feel. There should be devine reproach upon those who have done this because it is a dispicable havack that they've caused to these girls and women. EVERYONE PLEASE REPLY TO CNN OR ANY OTHER LOCAL NEWS STATIONS AND OUT OF LOVE FOR THESE CHILDREN AND WOMEN VOICE YOUR OPINION THAT THESE MEN ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND THAT THE POLICE DO HAVE THEIR RIGHTS BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST A BUNCH OF INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE CRIMINALS HIDING UNDER A RELIGION AND THERE SHOULD BE A FINE NOT ONLY ON THAT ALONE BUT THE HARMFUL ACTS THEY HAVE DONE IN RUINING THE LIVES OF OTHERS! PLEASE DO THIS OUT OF LOVE FOR THEM! HERE IS ANOTHER SITUATION RECORDED IN THE BIBLE FOR US TO OBSERVE: PRAISE JAH YOU PEOPLE FOR IT IS GOOD TO MAKE MELODY TO OUR GOD. HE IS BINDING UP THE PAINFUL SPOTS AND HEALING THE BROKEN-HEARTED. HE IS COUNTED THE NUMBER OF STARS AND EACH OF THEM HE CALLS BY NAME!