Thursday, September 06, 2007

Accounting I

Well what can we say about accounting and how it affects our lives. From a very early age on up we are taught a lot about mathematics, geometry and basic problem solving strategy skills. How does this help us? Well we become good and responsible financers later on and even may have the ability with the algebraic terms also learned along with accounting to finish our overall schooling. Having high problem-solving strategy skills makes a huge difference in each of our lives. I have accounting I this year and I have to say I like my bank and the accountants we have there. I go to National City and they are pretty honest and ethically moral people. One thing that I have to say that I appreciate about any business is good moral ethics, morals, honesty and the ability to care for the service they're giving to their customers. I truly have to say I think in a business I believe that is what guarantees it's financial stability because from the six restaurants I've worked at and the surveys I've taken, I've learned that allowing room for corruption allows also room for bankruptcy and the business to not be as successful, have a hurt reputation and possibly not make it. Having good ethics and morals ensures financial stability so I wanted to say thank you to all the wonderful businesses that do that. You do not know -how much it is appreciated until it is gone or something. It makes it a lot easier for a working environment to keep in balance too!

Woodworking I

Woodworking is a wonderful hobby for those who take it on. Are you ever interested in the old antique furniture that they sell separately with such beautiful hand-crafted carvings and designs or old style ways that tell about the history of that time? Woodworking one way or another is and has been a wonderful addition to our life. Imagine where we would be without it! We would still be living in sod houses with grass roofs yet like the prairie days! Least to say, I've always admired my grandpa's woodworking and craftsmanship when I was growing up and I plan to take on a few of those hobbies since he passed away. I still have to work on my guitar yet too! lol I suppose I better hurry?!? Well, it's always so wonderful to see the craft fairs, Founder and Landers Day craftsmanship and woodworking and the creative hobbies of all the many surrounding people. Being able to split an overall picture of your woodworking project up into the top, front and right sides and drawing to scale and measuring accurately can be just some of the few steps in preparing yourself. I think those that take the time to work with their hands to make things for others are so admiring. Our grandpa used to do that for people and so did my uncle Kenney and I think that the small pieces of furniture we have in our house from them will be something I will always treasure and not to mention when is furniture not useful? Geometric scales, accurate measurement and idealistic drawings for the split up of the pieces of wood you need to cut and measure are very important. Wearing your safety glasses and taking your time to cut your needed pieces to put your project together is a must. Some good advice is to make sure you never hurry and to always leave enough time for yourself. If your short of time, it's a helpful hint to work on your project a little at a time. Actually such a small thing we all know is common sense but it sure saves some pain if you don't want to seriously injure yourself. Believe me, it's happened to people I know before. Overall there are many styles of woodworking and we have the advantage of the electric tools today! Sheraton, Hepplewhite, The Adam Brothers and Chipendale were all important in the accomplishments of woodworking. There is much background behind many of our antique furnishings. It's kinda like taking a virtual tour throughout the leftover belongings of the world's history when you look at the years worth of old furniture, the old washing techniques, the sewing machines, dishes, silverware, dolls, tractors and toys. You name it and looking back at the progression over the years chances are things have changed. Many still relate old memories though to their unique belongings they have. A friend that sells antiques loves to just talk about how much history there is behind each piece. Even think about all the old pieces of furniture from the white house or capital buildings and the traditional style it had. There are the old velvet sofas that sometimes need to be reupholstered because of the ware over the years. The really neat butler cabinets, the dressers, tables, and beds. A lot of the period pieces come from different eras, golden ages or who even knows,..have survived through the great depression. The Big Four played a big part on the influence of styled furniture in the old world also.
Italian furniture:
Thirteenth and fourteenth century furniture consisted mainly of chests, tables, benches, stools and low bench beds. They typicallly have a gothic 14th and 15th century style and then developed into a new era of inspiration from greek models.
Spanish furniture:
The furniture builders of Spain never developed an exclusively national style. Consisted of French, Roman and Moorish influence and styles. Eleventh century Italian Art provided key note to spanish furniture. Around the 17th and 18th century walnut and oak woods and metal mounts along with common upholstery of leather was used, finely tooled and painted.
English furniture:
18th century furniture described as belonging to severed schools and not of same tradition as the colonial american furniture but having its own design and craftsmanship. The first schools of English furniture were made by most skilled craftsmanship nobility and gentry. The secone by that of the craftsman in the suburbs fot the homes and citizens of professional and tradesmen classes. The third produced in provincial cities and large towns.
Colonial Furniture:
Colonial furniture has the characteristics of being straight-edged, boxier and not as fancy.

Some basic steps:
1) Make a full-size outline of the overall piece.
2) Determine the approximate scale of the picture or sketch
3) Determine your needs and make a material list
4) Make sketches of the product or a layout
5) Select the best idea from the sketch that you like and meets your needs, so plan and pick your work
6) Develop the final sketch into a working or drawing and model and work out your plan!

Modern and modernistic furniture is also very specifies the once modern ages and the other specifies the works of our furniture today! Take a look at our furniture stores now. What other things can you think of that involve woodworking? Wow! We've come a long way!

Have You Ever Heard of Beowulf?

Beowulf is a form of England's heroic epic of a beginning of popular national literature. Most likely if your a high school student, scholar or maybe even a historian chances are you might know some background about the story of Beowulf-a mighty man who was strongest of all, Hrothgar-a man of great fame and wealth in battles and Grendel-a demon who challenges Beowulf and comes as a powerful monster living down in the darkness. Well we have just happened to recently be studying some of this in our English IV class and I realized how much of its history entailed within the poem corresponds to our day and actually proves some of the Bible even. I've always been one fascinated with the stories of the Bible, the miracle of Jesus saving other people's lives such as Lazarus in healing his friend of leprosy or the young boys mother who was upset because he died and Jesus brought him back to life. Have you heard of those stories? Many other of the stories of the Bible tell us about history along with some of the human accounts as well. Analyze the perspectives you think they might be written from. It has helped me to see everything so differently. I've always wanted to find this true understanding about life and I'm so thrilled to understand it to some of its minutest details now at times.., I may not know everything yet but at least I know something.., and it's wonderful. I've been studying what God has in store for us and checking how history proves the correctly translated version of the Bible that I've had. Least to say, ..I've been playing Ms. Historian and it's been a lot of fun. The great part about this heroic epic is that it entails history about the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes. In England of the time of this era, as I can see from the writings point of view, they were basically attacked by the influence of bloody wars because of a time and era of heavily exposed evil upon the people. When I had wonderfully last year, Mr. Mechem's class we would talk about World History-and how all the different events in the world changed the earth forever. It's amazing how much I've found out everything truly either correlates with one another or doesn't if it isn't true or how cause and effect situations problematically work out. I took my general understanding of everything and kept building on it as much as I could. Well, least to say when avoiding depression and working I also studied twice as much about the Bible over the summer and came to all it's amazing understanding. You know how they talk about Har*Ma*Geddon right or Armageddon? Well, I was studying all the different aspects and points of view in the world, why people thought what they did, how their backgrounds and personal experiences in life affected how they felt about the things they did.., well now I know that everything I've learned is true and is proven once again by our English books and also that of the History books. Harmageddon is God's War,'s a spiritual warfare of one we will not see but throughout the years on the earth it has had these physical aspects that has proved the Bible as well. The Four Bowls, The white horse, the trumpets and harps of the book of Revelation. All a plan to just restore the paradise Earth we had in the beginning because we're just living in a progression period of temporary suffering and from the time of Adam and Eve they were decieved to eat but chose disobedience, a warning for their own good because Satan and his Demons were cast down to the earth and from there-on cause much decievance and disobedience for mankind and at every aspect that's exactly the parallelisms of the story of Beowulf. Grendel is the Demon of their time, Beowulf is one of the many people God is using to accomplish his purpose of restoring good back to the earth and Hrothgrar carried it out as a battleman for Beowulf and Beowulf was strongest of them all because God was with him. Truly it's the same standpoints today. The wars that occured with the Angles, Saxons and Jutes were all physical aspects of the accomplishments of the good vs. evil and remember good always prevails and God's going to look at our hearts and see by our motives and that's why it is so vitally important for us all to do what is right. Without it we stay right in the standpoint of suffering we are. So if we're tired let us do something about it. Ciao and have a good day!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Union High School

The Union High School is having a wonderful year this year! Just yesterday I got to spend some time with my wonderful friends before going home. Our new additions have been added, our A+ is doing supremely well, vo-tech and the classes are going great and everythings going nice. I hope everyone continues keeping up doing their best and trying to get along with one another. I love everyone here so much! I love Union Wildcats and they rock! This year has to be one of the best and most enjoyable years of my high school life and I'm going to miss everybody so much here! I can't wait to keep tutoring more, spending time with all of the close friends I grew up with who turned out all to be such wonderful individuals. It makes me so happy to see that! We have wonderful staff: principals, vice principals, the nice and cool office ladies and all the wonderful teachers!

//Jess -will write more!