Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dancing In The Rain

Sometimes I think about all that Jehovah really has given us and at times I've literally danced in the rain!! It could be pouring like crazy and I would be out there enjoying it and running around in it feeling the touch of it against my face. I love life! The more I experience difficulties in life the more I learn to love the people around me. I really think to appreciate things each day. What would we do without half the beautiful things we already have? Well I received an e-mail from one of my friends today and naturally what did she have to say in it? Well she was talking about how each and every one of her friends have some significance in her life and guess what that is exactly what I'm going to write about now because naturally Breanna inspires people. Along with her, every other person has some significance in my life! I really do have a love for people and experiencing life.

I've always remembered the best of memories with my friends and I have to talk about at least a few of the best ones I cherish! My friends may never know about me writing this. No one really knows how much I really do observe and love any person who has significance in my life so let me just tell these things about others for them. I want people to see and know the good people I know also!!

Sarah I've known forever since I was growing up along with her sister Emily and the rest of her family. I love them all so dearly and so does everyone else. If only people knew how much I cherish these girls. They're literally my sisters and best friends. All the times we have ever went over to each others houses and bummed around when growing up! Going to get-togethers, sleep-overs, the go-with you's to Chili...I love you girls and your my best friends. The time you spent the night and we went to the lake and went fishing while watching fish poke up and talking about how we would miss each other and how the distance inbetween us would change our lives. All the significance in the world, ..I love the hayrides that you and your family always had for the congregation and the loads of fun we would have together just talking about the crushes,.. the girl-talks, and even the troubles,..playing basketball,.. badmitton in the yard while dancing and calling in songs,.. all the fun of the world going fishing and even almost thinking to fall in up at your new home on your lake! The talks at the kingdom hall we had together..the ride when detouring down to the Sullivan hall when we were having the quickbuild at our hall, the working together at the quickbuilds and talking, every moment I'll cherish forever! Even going skating together. I also remember us all crying the last meeting we had and went together after you came over! We had a group at the hall who were all about to cry when we thought about you leaving and not seeing you anymore! We love you soo much and I miss you along with everyone else! Also I will Never forget the day we got baptized together either along with many others at the District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses!! lol...I've adopted your family

Emily, your my little sister!! The one that I will protect and be a friend to forever. I love you and your sister both! You've always awed and amazed me from the start as well. Your smart as a little whip with a mind more advanced than your age that's for sure. You've always cracked me up how you think so big from ever since you were a little girl. It was always soo cute how you went up and gave hugs to the crushes you had and hearing the stories of the people at school who were your school-mates and even your teachers. Your every answer and meeting at the hall along with your sister's was always humbly brilliant and still is! I love your daring personalities, your phrasing of speech, and your all the way around sassy attitude that brought significance to your personality. Your friends were always a big thing to you it was cute how you always considered them the "possy" so to speak. Your such a sweetie with an upstanding attitude and I'll enjoy every moment I've spent with you as a best friend and a sister as well! lol I've adopted your family

Callie, (Miss Kitty Cat or CAT~whenev u were mad) you couldn't be any better of a sister and a best friend to me! I've always loved your brilliances of speaking about life and understanding it from the start. I also have always loved your sassy attitude when talking about something you were opinionated about. The brilliance of the way you speak with your eyes, and focus on your ideas to get your point acrossed. It was and is always awesome to learn about your past as a little girl growing up! I absolutely love your attitudes that sometimes often change whenever your speaking and that unique New York Attitude comes out in you with that Arkansas girl accent kinda way. I love you dearie and I'll remember all the times we have together and I still hope that no matter what and wherever you go the best will go for you as much as you've been through. Your my Kitty Cat Girl, Gotta luv ya to death because of all the times we've went to movies together and went arm-in-arm outside in a parking lot dumly looking for a car we never brought and lost saying "Dude where's my car?" The sleep-overs and the great get-togethers you and your Mom always have. The significance of your family is just like another family to me the same as the Pantoja's. Oh and Callie I'll never forget whenever I prayed to "Jah" for a life-long best friend to pal around with you came along like a day or two later no less and that's when my plans as we get older the fun stuff like traveling the world together with my friends started cooking too. I'm taking the friends with me who want to come and believe it or not girlie the plans we cooked up are going to come true! I've adopted you and your family

Gabz, girl your bubbliness stole my heart from the start. I always knew you were a good girl from the start. It was always so awesome talking to you and getting to know you whenever you lived up in lebanon. What do ya know now I'm actually hanging out with you all the time, going to the movies, stuffing food in our stomachs at Pasta House for the all we can eat that we delight ourselves to, the yelling out the window to thrill ourselves for fun after the movies, driving to McDonalds and going thru the drive-thrus twice to ask for utensils and then to ask for drinks afterwards to go with our food. The hanging out we will do together, the girl-talks we have, the times when you come over or spend the night, sitting at the meetings together or silently guesturing back and forth, driving in your car and singing at the top of our lungs, our talking about situations here and there. You'll always be a friend to me and I'll always love you because you and all the rest of my friends are the awesomest! Gabz you've been a sweet-heart from the start and your a genuine person as well and I luv how I can now sit at the hall and call to you or call you up and say hey-hi sister because now you've moved here with all the rest of us!

Tamara, I'll never forget this spunky, corky, and bubbly girl that I've always looked up to. Starting from when younger you always came with Mellisa over to our house to study with me as we went through the knowledge book! Your a great older sister who has always been there to hang out and be loved by us younger sisters that you were always cool enought about to hang out with! I won't foget the times we got to go to Six Flags together, playing tennis, going over to Pantoja's, or going somewhere else...there would be Tamara jammin and getting down with her handsome cousins and everybody else getting down the groove on the dance floor! I love your all-around-great personality and am awwed and touched as I see this older sister growing up and engaged to the guy she likes and loves so well! You couldn't be any of a better sister and best friend! I remember it being so awesome rolling down the windows and jammin while singing in your car and playing tennis together with the Pantoja's, being a riot of fun at all the wedding receptions and anywhere else you'd go! I love ya girl! I also remember thinking it pretty neat when we would meet up with you friends from Montana who by the end of the trip I loved calling mine also! You've always inpired me and I don't know whether you know it or not but I've always looked up to you!

Kassi, I'll never forget you as my best friend also. You've always had the prettiest blonde hair and blue eyes that I've loved in my life time! The times we spent together were always soo much fun when you would come over to the house and we would dress up or talk about things, hang out, talk about our fun at school and always just being there for the fun sleepovers that you would have where I would hang out at your house after a get-together and see your cousins who were there. I even rememer the fun costume parties that we would always have at your house,.. the movies we would watch and the bummin we would always do together when either you or I came over or went. I love always seeing you at the Kingdom Hall, hearing about your fun stories, laughing at the fun we would have talking about getting the razor burn as we would shave our dry legs and listen to the radio out by your old non-built tree house. Either way I'll always remember that blond headed blue-eyed sweet girl who is and was always a part of my life. Along to now when she has this awesome guy who came to our congregation that she loves to hang around with who became a great friend to me also and who is soo sweeet to her. Well girl, you deserve every ounce of it and I hope your relationship together with John grows just as sweet! I remember all the troubles and hard times you went through as well always remember I'll always be here for you for the great friend you've been to me! I've adopted your family

Melissa B. I'll always remember you being a great sister to me from the start. Yes, I adopted your family also! I love ya soo much and you've always been such a sweet-heart to me and my family! I love how you found this great guy for you when you got married, Jason. How you and your Mom would always pick me up after school and I could always talk to you as a sister. I'm so happy with you for all the love, knowledge and advice you've given to me as an older sister and friend. I'll never forget you for that and the many times you and your family have been there for me. I'll always remember your beautiful wedding pictures as you showed us when it was being a happy day in your life. The get-togethers, the baby-showers and everything else we went to were always fun and it always delighted and cheered me to see you be there. I remember you even working at McDonalds when you were younger and I can say I'm glad I've done the same thing to make my stand as a witness and feel like I've shared that with you even now. The funny and cute stories that you'd tell me about or your dad would where you and Nathan would be mad when you were little and you would say you were going to run away and Kent would teasingly tell you to so you and your brother would go to the back-yard or run to the neighbors house and stop talking back and forth! It's always been so fun knowing you.


Hey girl you know you never cease to surprise me! You have such a lively personality and are a person of spirituality who cares alot about other people and what can I say your a computer geek like me..hehe..well all I know is that's you and your sister along with all the other people I've met in Jeff City are awesome as well! Your soo cheery and outgoing and love to hang and have all the fun when you are with your friends. I've always loved to talk back and forth when getting to know you as an individual. You and your sister Brooke are such beautiful young ladies!


Girly-girl, you are so different and unique in so many of your own ways! I love your beautiful blonde hair too! It was always fun talking to you back and forth as well and I love hearing about the friends you hang out with, the news in Jeff City, or the people and the places and how you and Jordan would either fight or get along.


Hey girl only met ya for a second at the Jeff City District Convention but it was always awesome to hear from you and see how you and your friends were doing also.., what you were up to and how you wanted to get baptized! I'm proud of you because it sounds like you've done pretty good even though you've had a few little problems here and there. I thought it was always cute how Taylor would talk about your little boyfriends you had. along with the other girls are a sweety!


Hey boy now this is something I probably never got to say but I'll never regret us every being friends and I always had the best of times just talking and relating with you. It was fun when we got to go to Six Flags together and I was able to meet your family! I have to say that we had to have had the best intellectual conversation ever! It was so fun to just talk about so many spiritual things and life experiences for hours on the phone. I know things didn't end the best inbetween us but I really do care about you and your my buddy! I hope you and Taelor do really well together and that if you ever have anything you need to talk about that you remember I'll be here for you for all the times you were there for me! Also you've cracked me up in the best of times just the same through the hilarious and sweet things you did. I want you to know that your sweet acts and deeds will never go unforgotten. It always felt so good to say "I love you" before hanging up the phone from another crazy conversation filled with cheezy pick-up lines we talked about, butto wippons, or the craziest. It was so fun to visit you at Panera and see you when you came down to hang with us in our congregation, or to play tennis with Tamara, John and the Pantoja's.


This kind-hearted young man,..Billy I know you've taken to be sensitive to things and may have rough ends here and there but I always want you to know that I care and will always be here for you. You've got to be one of the sweetest and sensitive guys I know. ~Always~ remember this..I know your good-hearted and you know who you are as an individual despite any confusion you feel that is part of growing up sometimes. There is no one like you and you are individual and that's what makes you great. Never feel like you have to compete with anyone and don't compare yourself to others but just keep working on being the good person you have always wanted to be! It's always fun talking to you on the phone, seeing what you and everyone else is up to your way, hearing your thoughts and helping with your confusions I'll always promise to be there for you as a caring friend! It's been always fun hangin out and it was neat when you got to come down to our house from Jeff City for the get-together we were having for the Pantoja's. It couldn't have been any more awesomely more funny because we had to push you out twice and you confided in me and cracked me up in the best of times and I think Callie right along with me! Well all I can say is Peace Man and goodnight! It'll be really neat getting to meet your family too!

Gabby I have always loved talking to you from the minute I started and plan coming to your congregation to hang and visit with you, Tammy, her brother, some of the Hinton friends, and Sherri/Sherrie-Jaimee's aunt! Listen sweetie this is something I have to say: Don't let life get the best of you at times but just remember that I love you and care when you feel like no-one else does. I love your bubbly personality, your fashion statements, your whole personality that seems so timid and beautiful! I would love to hang out with all of you sometime and plan on it! It always brings me smiles to cheer you up and just remember guy situations along with fights with friends and family will always come and go..but love ya much and I'll know always that what your going through is really hard!! Girlie-girl your so sweet! Hang in there and don't let this world get the best of ya! You have a great personality and just remember that if you ever need somebody to talk to I will be here for you!

Alex L.

Hey Alex you've always been a great guy from the start and I love your family too! It's always been fun knowing you and hanging out with your family and getting to know them! Your extremely intellectual and a great guy to be around with a strong built personality. It's evident that you must be handsome because a couple of younger little sister's like Kimmy think your cute!


Drew I'll never forget the fun times we've had already! It has been awesome getting to know you and I have to say that I found it hilariously entertaining watching you in the NFL of Jehovah's Witnesses! It has been great getting to spend time with you this weekend and getting to know more about you as an individual who is sweet, funny and a very spiritual person. It's been a delight getting to know you! It was fun talking to you in the parking lot while waiting for John and Kassi and eating at McDonald's with you and Hangin at Allie Ansel's house with all those other neat witnesses!

Amanda-Hey Amanda it was fun spending all that time with you when we did the renovation on our kingdom hall here in Union. It was wonderful sister and I really enjoy your association when talking to you! Keep up your good studies in chinese!

Melissa-Hey girl you've always been so shy, innocent and sweet from the start with those beautiful blue eyes and a learned onery streak along with Kimmy in your family. All those tricks we used to play on each other during sleepovers was sure fun you know it? I wish you the best luck in your ministerial school and going to college once you start! Take care and luv ya dear!

Kimmy- Hey sassy girl your so awesome and you'll soon have the world within the midst of your finger tips completely as you keep working hard and keep that bold and onery outlook with the choicest in making decisive decisions always about making the choices when it comes to the things you want or need. You're a smart thinker and your not the only one who is an animal lover along with your sis' and loves chocolate. Luv you too and always take care and to be careful round them boys!

Kile H.- Hey bud it was always fun having you at our kingdom hall to talk to but I always thought it was so-o funny when you and Tommy would crack up laughing and I'd have no idea what you were talking about and you guys were just doing your guy thing. Your pretty cool though and I hope everything is going well for you in Pacific!

Alex H.- Hey Alex must be nice to be the brother to your brother.. You better keep up that guitar playing also because your pretty good at it and you and Tommy , Kyle, John and whoever better keep the ups on that bandplaying be together or not because it's always fun to hear about the goofing off or fun moments you guys have together!

Tommy- Hey drastic randomness what's up!?! Yeah it must be nice to be in a cast and get all that special care when you do. Your so awesome Tommy and you make a great friend too. Good luck to you and your girlfriend and you know what keep being you but look out for those falls because when you go snowboarding it sure sounds like it can hurt. Well glad to know that you're doing alright now and you'll always be cool with me because you have such humorism and Emily and Sarah absolutely love you!

Sarah-Sarah! Finally I got to my best buds name. Yeah since she's been such a close spiritual sister to me from the start and we've grown up together I'm going to have Sarah Pantoja as my brides maid when I get older and Emily will be right beside her and so will Mellisa and Kimmy, Alexis, Bailey, Alex , Lauren, ..and on and on and on because I LOVe You guys! Yeah your in my wedding wanted you to know that. Oh and finally I get to Sarahs! All the best times we've ever had together has made being friends so awesome. Fishing, Fishing for boys, moving, bowling, skating, going to Chilicothe and keeping the fun of things always going is what I feel like you guys did best. That's what I love about you most, you Emily, Mellisa, Kimmy and Alexis are all my best friends. Heart meets home! Snow Patrol Sarah

Emily-Emily,Emily,Emily I love you dearie you've always been so smart, sophisticated and stylish from the start and you and your sister clash and get along just perfectly. It always makes you so cute so cute that you even attract guys! You've always been big minded from the start and I love that about you and you brought the Rocker attitude about when you were younger with the idea of making reasonable rules while following the rules to an extent but making our own way out of everything that says Rock and is good. My Chemical Romance Emmie

Angela-Yo Chica, you were pretty cool to meet and Nathan liked you. It was a pleasure getting to meet you and it was great but the only thing is I hope to meet you again someday soon because I didn't get your number at Allie's!

Allie- Hey Allie, Your so cool! I love you because your so sweet. you know despite all that's happened everything can always seem to be so amazing sometimes. It's always nice talking to you and hearing about how your life's going. I need to call you again but I need to visit you in Manchester with friends sometime again. That get-together was really loads of fun. I love you sweetheart and I hope that you take care!

Kyle- Hey bud I think your a goofball?..Is that the right terms for it? Either way I will never forget the time when Billy turned you over and slammed you out in the snow because you were being a stink and Gabz and everybody was here and it was snowing outside! I thought that when he did that it was comical!

Nathan- Hey bud you've always been so sweet and good-hearted. I love that about you. You know it doesn't matter what is going on..always remember to be you and that is the good-hearted guy you are. Sometimes time changes things but it doesn't mean it has to change us. I've had my share of difficulties already for my lifetime and I'll tell you this it doesn't matter the world of what other ppl think of you as long as you are yourself for who you truly are. That's what you do and that's what makes you wonderful!

Brandon- Hey Brandon, I'll never forget the fun I've had related to you and I enjoy our friendship so much that I'd never want to sacrifice it. I've absolutely loved relating to you after all this time and I feel so inseparable when it comes to all the different things we've talked about. Your so sincere and spiritual in the truth that it takes me away and I'm just about flaberghasted sometimes. I love that about you! Your heart is so pure and devoted into everything you've ever put your heart & soul into. I pray that of all your days it always comes back to reward you!

Tim- Hey Tim I think your awesome for just being you no matter what anybody else says, that's what makes you cool. The ability to sit back and relax so easily sounds like a curious concept to me that allows me to feed of of your character as humorous. I think your serious and sincere about what you do and you try to be proper in the truth also and that both of you guys try to be good sons to your Mom and your Dad. I love Laurie and John too! Hurrays for air-conditioned cat houses!

Mallory- Hey girl! I remember all the time we spent together when we were growing up in school together or when I'd come over to your house and spend the night to do a talk together! Iabsolutely loved spending that time with you and going up to Jeff City with you and Vallerie and making the pitstop to see Billy and Taylor! That was loads of fun and going out in service together was great too. I miss you now that you're in Kansas City! I wish you would come back. I love you loads and always will no matter what you go through!

John- Hey John! No matter what I will always remember the fun & crazy times we spent together when you were going out with Sarah and when you later went out with Kassi and it was loads of fun just being a friend to aid you along the way. Times got crazy but sometimes so did we when we were having fun. I still can't believe that you and Kassi are married now and it's so hard to believe but yet I completely love you guys and cherish your friendship always. I hope you always take care and it's been nice always being there for you as a friend!

Courtney- Um I'm not sure which Courtney this is but I love all the Courtney's I know. Courtney 1, Courtney 2, Courtney 3, of which last names I will not reveal.

Mallory, John, Taylor, Tommy, Kile, Chloe, Kaleb, Adrea, Zane, Patty, Gary, Linda, Kent, Lorinda, Carl, Jill, Linn, Nathan H., Nick, Tony, Dena, Alex H., Kile H., Jim, Clara, Tony, Jill, Nathan W. & Mellisa W., Pat, Eve, Ava, Dorothy Lacey, Mike, Gregory's, Sister Sprague, Wachters, Breanna, Brook, Amanda, Kimmy, William R. & Sheryn R., Rose, Kenney, Lydia, Wyette & Waylin, Kimkers(all of them luv em) Lorie, Barb, Joan, Lucy, Brooke, Jordan, Billy, Dustin, Spencer, Emily, Taylor's Mom, Brandon, Tim, Lorie, John, Shaley & her family, Many and Many others of you if your in my life your are part of it and I love you to death and care!

Wheww...that was a lot of writing but I become attached to the people in my life and need less to say my own whole family I love with all my hear also!! My Mom, Dad(poor guy he's got the flu), and Brother, Wes! I love the people I see everyday in my lives and the teachers, my school-mates, and work-mates are all these clashing and blending personalities that I see all as the glorification of Jehovah rolled into one... I care about my work-mate, school-mates and teachers just the same! So just know that if you know me I care about you! Also might I add that with my whole family I love them very much! My Mom and Dad's side, the Gerlemann's and the Schwentker's are all very important people to me and may I add it was fun to hang out at my aunt Teresa's house with her family and some of the people that they know too who were very nice to meet and that I love them and everyone else just as well!

Friday, November 10, 2006

More Understanding Of The World

Ok..nevermind about all those other websites out Compares to this website and it's answers about life!! It is! This website has all the "true" answers to life!! This I promise or else you can get mad at me!!! I love everything that is explained about life on this website but "know" that there are other websites out there purposely set up to mislead you!! I found one of them that are misleading (in like 2 days the beliefs and I have to say that I thought it were or could have been true but weren't!!...but this one..( is different) I love to go there and it is one of my favorite!! Not to mention it is much like the book I was taught from to learn about life also!! ALL of it has made my dreams come true! But good thing I have all of these elders who have always been the dearest friends to me and give me advice such as Eve and Ava!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Teaching Ourselves To Be Happy

We all go through much in life. People sometimes have tendency to feel miserable when they go through problems. ~Know~ that there is a way through and around everything besides being dependent on drugs and alcohol too. I'm only saying this because I care. As an observer I see people beat themselves up for their own problems. Just know I care for anyone out there who needs a helping hand. Let me be the first to encourage you to keep enduring your own individual path of life!!

Also let me be the first to tell you be sure to relieve your stress in "positive" ways such as taking a walk, talking things out, or dealing with them in all your own uniqueness!! Enjoy life for it's worth,..the world is in mode of accomplishments..don't forget what is important to you as a person,.. your morals, values, life, family, friends you name it!!

ALSO!! Smiles and Happy Vacation Time to all of you-take it easy here and there b/c the memories you make now will be what you remember then as you grow old!

Beautiful Lessons

What can we learn and take in from life? We cease to see the good around us often when we complain about the hurdles of life. Most of all I have found myself easily doing this myself. By no means do I mean any offense to anyone here but I'm trying to get a bigger overall moral, point, or outlook on life. My life has been extremely difficult itself at times and as we all grow older in continuity through life we face many different challenges and changes. Anyone who hasn't seen the movie, "The Prestige" please do because I want you to take something from the bigger picture that I'm not sure that everyone else noticed or not. Either way I do want to bring it out..first I'll let you watch it yourself because it is fantastically awesome and even though it says it's about magic it doesn't focus on magic at all but the techniques and the tricks to the eye. The mastermind who created this movie deserves all credit!! It was great! Regardless though, life fascinates me to the furthest point of imagination which sometimes isn't imagination at all. My life has been so crazy lately that I can say how "I understand" how people get confused inbetween reality and what a situation may seem. Life is sooo complex!! I love understanding this to tell others! Keep your cool ..others will try to trip you up and most of all I've figured that a lot of people want something from other people always. When a person wants what "they" want they'll try anything to get that out of selfish motivations in the world today!! Now in all cases this isn't true but moreless of an observation I have seen. I know right now in the condition of the world that many people are having illnesses, conditions, diseases, problems out of the wild zoo!! You name it, today..."It is" a reality of this world we are living in. When we as people run into serious problems that "Dramatizes" our life a natural human instinct for some is to look for the way out. But we have to be careful how we do that because some consider that suicide..and that's the good point from the movie "The Prestige." It teaches people that all that comes out of trying to escape the problems in life through a such thing as suicide is a cheated and unlived life which is worth less in its meaning. It's understandable I've been through pain in my lifetime but I can say that it is "All" worth it! Observing also I see that people sometimes focus on their negativity of their problems more than anything. We need to teach ourselves to see the big picture!! Sometimes people focus on this negativity and because of the complexity of problems and situations. We go through depression, anxiety disorders, illnesses, and sometimes have so much pain that it is why "we as people" feel like escaping our lives. That's why we have to always teach ourselves to see the "Big" picture because we can see the positive too! I mean think of every accomplishment and memory we would be cheating ourselves if we didn't. My memories are favorite in my life. A lot of times we forget the "imperfectness" of the world we're living in. I guarantee that we as people who believe in a God, in my case lovingly, Jehovah, we can work together to help endure ourselves hand in hand as friends in this world as scary as the reality of some situations are getting!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Creation's Beauty

I love the creationz of the Earth that God has made..this could be such an explicitly painted picture to reveal such divine elegance..with such a loyal sense of how one snow leopard is looking out for the other in this picture! It's beautiful!! So here's something for all the animal loverz! Don't forget God created these! It's also amazing that the human mind is capable of such beauty by creating pictures like these and much more! They say sometimes that the human mind can be "used" or "abused." It can be one or the other and yet both. Most of the time though in this world one's mind in a sense is abused by the things we see, hear and what we conform to on account of the judgement of others even. All the events of the world today and the world of the past have an affect on the emotions and actions displayed by the human mind. This causes us all to act out in certain various ways. But regardless the creation of this Earth and the universe that exists in which we live are all extraordinary examples of evidence from a creator.


Uniqueness of hour, look at that blue flower, greatly small, effective intense, love this picture, a picture for all, I'll show to let ya know that the great will meet us at the gate of the secret garden in a paradise world where righteous forever will live, man and beast in harmony despite man's doubt here today!! No matter what they'll do we will never stop because we consider serving serving Jehovah unique!! A world of difference is the same.. and the world where all is same would be boring and different..."Good" is to be embraced,... "Wickedness" destroyed..all those loving laughter will look out upon a field where a child plays and the innocence of that child is never forgotten! Smiles to show, smiles to know... love to be.. right and justness to see in a world that will forever be..Amen

la mar de diferencias: a world of difference

Monday, November 06, 2006


Do you ever feel "Caged?" I'm so free-spirited that a feeling like that practically kills me!! I love the picture of a rose though! Soo romantic..ok? Well girls who agrees with me? Sometimes there are events in our lives that lead us all to feel certain ways. Especially me like sleep-depriven and slap happy makin myself stay awake!! Aww! Yall luv me and you know it!! Seriously I'm not this conceded am I??
No,...not really and 4 those of ya who answer SHHuushh!! Much luv to all of the viewerz and the friendz!!
More is to be written and detailed understanding of many be continued
Roses are red.. Pink are your cheeks..Haha bye your all reading my blog so your geeks!! lots of love and you know I'm just kidding with streaks of lightning!!