Monday, November 06, 2006


Do you ever feel "Caged?" I'm so free-spirited that a feeling like that practically kills me!! I love the picture of a rose though! Soo romantic..ok? Well girls who agrees with me? Sometimes there are events in our lives that lead us all to feel certain ways. Especially me like sleep-depriven and slap happy makin myself stay awake!! Aww! Yall luv me and you know it!! Seriously I'm not this conceded am I??
No,...not really and 4 those of ya who answer SHHuushh!! Much luv to all of the viewerz and the friendz!!
More is to be written and detailed understanding of many be continued
Roses are red.. Pink are your cheeks..Haha bye your all reading my blog so your geeks!! lots of love and you know I'm just kidding with streaks of lightning!!


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