Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Story of The Invisible Enemy of the Wolf by Jessica Gerlemann

The Story of The Invisible Enemy of the Wolf by: Jessica Gerlemann ** In a crowd of people we are all just the form of a wolf. At our worst we are thieves at the back of our enemy. At our best we are an accomplice and aid to the future of our race and that of God's Kingdom. -Roxy was working in the field volunteering her time as a policeman. She was working for the International aspects of Peace & Justice. One day she had hopes the world would be a better place. She was a conservationist, a marine biologist, and also an International Policewoman. -Rockquel was serving in the military in foreign lands as a Sgt. She was overseas and had secured funds to start a family back home with an assumed husband that she would find thanks to Jasmine. She had hopes of 1 day settling with a man and having children of her own. -Roxy and Rockquel are two strong and talented girls that become great friends and sisters not quite understanding the significance of their relationship yet. Both police and military. Raven- Was a beautiful and tough girl that was thought to be like that of Athena, the War Goddess. She was so skilled that she could achieve anything that she wanted to thanks to her Mom , Mary. Raven did piece-work in a village that was at one time was Greek. She was the toughest- And fought all the time beating up men and going to war. She served both the police and had a friend in Rockquel. They beat up Men together and served their countries. Jasmine: Was a Greek Goddess Girl who was also Indian and protected the ways of her wolves. Later saving the Wolf from the enemy. (Wolf-Homeland Security) She believed in many the old ways of 1) the Spirit of the Wolf with early Indian civilization in America and 2) the old Greek ways of civilization such as having a God for all your nature. For Ex: In her addition to the World she: 1)esteemed men of the likes of Zeus 2)Communicates with Zeus as the chief God also named Yahweh in the Bible and makes Godly Sacfrifices in beauty and sex 3)Achieves God's Kingdom through being Aphrodite 4)Teaches other girls how to acquire the Kingdom of God through old Greek ways and modern new roles. The Wolf- Daniel: Saves the World by protecting the girls honor as a male dog. When the enemy tries to kidnap Jasmine he trasforms from the Indian Spirit Wolf into a full-bodied and handsomely fit and gregoriously shaped man of architechture. He is a piece and the King of the Chess Table. Dwayne is the Eagle's Eye in the sky. He is also from the Indian story where he flies and soars the skies both that of an Eagle and also a Snowy Owl. Of both predatory and of Wisdom and Selection to hunt he reserves as the (Diplomatic Security Service.) Mark is a sexy family man that sweeps the World with his Wisdom of Christ and his code of family. He tries to acquire Jasmine and feels as if he failed. Whereas Jasmine has a difficult nature of life and just hasn't had the time yet to tend to him yet. When Jasmine is almost kidnapped Mark defends her honor as a family man and realizes that the nature of his choices doomed her to the kidnapping in the first place. So he rights a wrong and rescues her with the Wolf. (Daniel) The Wolf was hunting through the valley and came to Jasmine's door. Jasmine loves on the pack of wolves. 1 particularly takes to her and constantly comes back for attention. Little did she know that was really an Indian Man of Spirit. Daniel, the wolf, transforms from a wolf into the Spirit of a man. He was a real male who was intricately and gregoriously shaped with beautiful muscle of architechture. He had beautiful pecks, a flat stomach, and always assumed a promising role. Jasmine looks at him one day and touches his face and traces the muscle of his body. Daniel says: "Do you like me baby?" Jasmine says, "Why yes! Why wouldn't I? You're absolutely beautiful." Jasmne sits in her bed with him. He transforms to a male man. Beastly as he was they make beautiful love. Daniel eats and he joins the pack of wolves again to hunt. Roxy is working in the field volunteering her time at the Bay of the Sea. As a marine biologist, she is also the International Policeman and also the World's Most Beautiful Mermaid. She does most of her love as the role of a marine biologist at sea trolling the waters looking for signs of pollution and begins her day working with Mysterious Men but becoming a mermaid and returning to the Seas by night. Rockquel is as tough as a female leopard. She serves in the military in foreign lands rebuilding homes in Isreal and doing humanitarianism in Afghanistan. She rebuilds Lebanon and returns to her home in the African Safari as a Black Leopard. She is the Sgt. of her team and simply wants a Male Leopard and some beautiful Leopard babies. Roxy meets Rockquel as a black Leopard when she leaves the seas in Lebanon to return to her human work as a marine-biologist. Two females- Rockquel: "Hi How Are You?" Roxy: "I am fine. And You? What do you do for a line of work? Mine is very heavy." I struggle with PTSD and Anxiety. I live a life I can barely manage but the Sea is my Love. Rockquel: "Mine too! I am Fine Also. My work never ceases to give me a surprise. You never know when you are in for one! ?Yours is a Love for sea? Mine is a Love for Land!! Roxy: "Really? What are your goals? My biggest goal is my humanitarianism in my work with men at Sea. Really at night, I return to my loneliness at sea and crave for a life for this World that has been better than our past. And one day as a mermaid or an international worker I hope to see something better!!! Rockquel: "Really? I am an American Soldier and a Black Leopard. I'd give anything to have a Sister Like You." Roxy: "That's neat. I'd love it if you were my Sister. We can do our humanitarian work together, if you want? And when it is night you can visit me in the Seas of Lebanon when I am a Mermaid. Rockquel: Maybe I can swim with you at Sea and take a dip as a girl leopard with my cubs one day once I have a family in the African Safari. What are your goals for life? Do you want to settle down? Can I call you Sister? It would make me feel alive if I could call you Sister. Roxy: Of Course you can call me Sister. There is nothing more neat! And we can share our love of God, family and Humanitarianism. My main objective of the World is to live, leaving it a better world than it was before. Because dying of it, it would only return to its' primate state. My idea is of deliverance and a better world condition and belief in Higher Order Thinking. Rockquel: "That's the perfect way to say how I feel as a girl soldier. It's like all the feline comes out of me and I go right from Couger to Lioness for my work and I'll beat up any man that gets in my way if he is not a lover; nonetheless. Roxy: "You know as a mermaid and International Officer I have heard of this Goddess girl named Jasmine. We could both use her in our lives. I've heard she is a Greek and is also has American Indian in her. I heard she prizes herself with Native American Wolves in Greece. She also prizes herself in the nature of God. Rockquel: "It would be really neat for both of us to accomplish something with her because we are all working towards the objective of raising the Human Race to a Higher Order. I heard she believes in all the old Greek ways and lives in a village in Greece. She esteems herself to men of the likes of Zeus, the Greek God. Roxy: "I've heard she considers the Greek God Zeus the same to be the main God of the World and also the same one in Hebrew of the Bible states as Yahweh. I also heard her sacrifices were sacrifices made in beauty and sex; as her addition to the World as an Aphrodite. Maybe we can ask her about the Kingdom of God and learn about her Wolf pack that she raises? Jasmine and Daniel: Jasmine tells Daniel: "You must go out and find 2 Sisters for me. 1 in which is to be a wife of an unknown male. The other the worker of the Kingdom. Daniel: "As you wish Jasmine. I will find two glorious women of beauty and of heart.." Daniel leaves... Meanwhile, a girl named Raven, was a beautiful girl bird in the Sky and rode the golden chariots of God as Athena, the War Goddess. In her village, she would beat up any man that challenged her. And thanks to her Mother, Mary. She felt she Could secure her future with God as a War Goddess. Raven's Love as a bird takes a turn when she meets a worker bird of God, an Eagle's Eye and of a Snowy Owl's Wisdom of the Heavens. First, they fought up in the Heavens and then became of it, Dwayne was Raven's Lover. Dwayne flies the skies of both predatory and of wisdom and selection. After the Raven and Dwayne make love he returns to hunt. One day Dwayne Hunts and Finds Raven. Raven is Athena and turns into the female war Goddess and smacks Dwayne down. Dwayne gets back up with his Eagle Eye and Snowy Owl Wings and says, "Geeze Woman! What was that for??" Raven: "That was for trying to hunt me. I am esteemed of God and I am Athena the War Goddess who rides the Golden Chariots and fights for the Kingdom of God. Dwayne: "Oh. Well I am the eye of God and the Wisdom of his heart is in my wings, Goddess. I am the messenger of God." Raven: "Maybe, we should be of the same nature instead of contrair. But so step on me, I will strike you down as Athena if you hunt me as the Raven. Dwayne: "I am the messenger of God. Understood." Mark, a family man of code lives for christ and honors with his family and fast chariots of the sky. He is a Greek Citizen and finely shaped and has a beautiful body and mind of virtuous and fervish attitude. He soon begins to trek of his family in the Mediterranian and he is in the Olive fields with his child. He realizes of his fate when a women named Athena comes through and strikes him in the field with her arrow. Mark: "Geeze Woman!! What was that for?" Raven" "I am Athena, a Great Goddess and a Warrior of God. Jasmine, the favored, has been kindnapped and the messenger of the eye of God, Dwayne, has sent me to you to save her." Mark: "Of where is this woman?" Raven: "She is the chosen of God to carry out his Kindgdom and save the human race ffrom destruction. You must find the Wolf Daniel, her counterpart, and save her with him for you have made a grave and terrible mistake against her. She is the Aphrodite of God's Kingdom and has been kindnapped by the Scepter. A Staff of the Roman Emperor Euclesius. Mark: "Oh! Figures, I get to get all the women out of trouble all the time and save their soul. I screwed up and Oh to my fate of saving the honor of a lovely woman against an evil foe! Why me?" Raven: "Because you are to rescue her to learn of the Kingdom of God for your village and your family for this is how you are to survive." Daniel is howling. Howls, Transforms from Wolf to man looking for Jasmine at her village. Daniel: "Jasmine where are you?" He looks beyond the house, in the olive fields, asks her family and noone can find her. Daniel: "Where is she?" Mark is in the her village asking about her. Daniel swiftly turns back to wolf. Mark: "Are you the one I'm supposed to look for the acquired Jasmine with?" He says to Daniel the wolf. Daniel: "Yes. For She is my Owner." Mark: "Well I already have a woman in my village and yet I am going to be her savior for I heard and it is said; she is acquired of the Kingdom of God. Are you Daniel?" Daniel turns back to wolf form and grapples with Mark. Daniel says: "She is to be my owner I will fight for her. If we both win and I don't over-power you and you overpower me you will be her savior and she will still be my owner. Mark: Grapples and wins. "Told you I was strong. Let's go search for Jasmine. Both of Us." They both leave her Greek Village and find a Roman army. Jasmine: "Daniel Help! They are after the Kingdom of God!!" Mark: "I'll Save You Honey." Mark Wallops the Roman with their own Scepter, pulls Jasmine from their Grip with his army. Daniel knaws at them with his muscle fighting them off best he knows how. Mark takes Jasmine Home. Jasmine: "Thank you!! We almost lost our village and our Kingdom. I owe you my love and I give you my crown. Can I be of service to your heart? Mark: "How about a back and foot-rub honey? Jasmine: "I cando that with my find oils and prepare my love." Daniel feeling defeated leaves the house sad. Jasmine runs out after him and says: "Daniel, Daniel! You know I am the owner of your heart. Please don't leave me! I am your lover." Mark: "As I am a man of God. I only need 1 woman. I will leave to my village and family tomorrow Jasmine. Jasmine: "You have won the crown of God of everlasting life in our village for your deed Mark! I am pleased with you. Please share the message and prepare those in your village of our inherited Kingdom. Mark Leaves.. Daniel whimpers as a Wolf and walks in, turns into a deeply engraved and beautifully handsome man and hangs his head and hugs Jasmine. Daniel: "Jasmine that scared me. I thought that was it. I am so glad I didn't lose my lover. I have brought you 2 ladies! Roxy, the International worker for Your Kingdom and Rockquel, the Soldier girl for your heart. Also, a Raven from the Heavens, an Eagle's Eye and a Snowy Owl's Wings. -With this Wisdom we bless ourselves of the Kingdom of God and prepare Our Hearts." Jasmine: "Daniel, this will be as of our own Kingdom. A Kingdom on the Earth prepared for a Kingdom in the Heavens. All the people of this story and Our World Today. Our Love Still Exists. Do not forget the Wolf of Our Safety...Our Men of Men and Men of Fame and the Birds of Heaven Glorify God to Time Indefinite for Holy Rulers In Our World will Indeed Inherit God's Earthly and Heavenly Kingdom." "Amen."

Friday, April 17, 2020

President Trump is a Remarkable President!

WE HAD SO MANY--> Struggling to make ends meet around here and I was having problems and my neighbors themselves were having problems providing for their families. Must I say how remarkably Noble the Cares Act is? Leaders, this is a good example for all your economies. The way of providing is smart. Yes, we must pull Ourselves out of the mess of debt but we do have survivors out there! I've never seen any President fight as a hard-nosed Businessman and Provider the way that President Trump has. Sometimes all of us go through a lot of Hell and that isn't mistaken. Yet, We need to Remind One Another to Not Give UP & To Try Again~~!!! Because imagine where we would be without our Nobles-Our Honest and MOst Good-Hearted People who make the BEST WARRIORS MIGHT I ADD?.. I'm talking to all you Good & Honest People Out There Struggling with a Lost Heart! Have FAith!! God has commanded you to do the work of his Kingdom. That solely wherever we go the work of mankind saves Us and This Beautiful Earth!!! To See One Man, A Glorious Father, A Strong-Nosed Businessman with a tackle as Swift as Jesus Iron Rod and A Soft, Beautiful Wife who taught all your children to be the Best they Can Be!!! We Worked Hard For YOu. They Most of ALL Worked hard for You! Yes, Now ...!!! Now it is time to open our Noblest Books and Learn. We are at Home and it's TIME TO Learn! Open your Bible's and History Books. ALL Your Ancestor's were teaching you THIS! For Love of World!!!! God's World ForLoveOFCountry Our Heavenly Father, We come to you at this time to ask for your blessings FOR YOUR KINGDOM. To lead us in ways of survival. To teach our hands Art, and Our Hearts to See With Our Mind. To Hold this World Forever indebted to survive because YOU Bless Us because We Are Your Creation! Please,...Let YOUR LOVE LIVE In OUR HEARTS. Please, when you say We Should Ask, Let Us Receive for Our Needs to be Provided For. May Your Kingdom RUlE This Earth to Times INDEFINITE NO MATTER WHAT NATION TRIBE OR TONGUE. LET US HAVE YOUR STRENGTH AND GIVE US YOUR BREAD AND PROVIDE FOR US YOUR EYES AND HEART TO SEE OUTCOME FOR THE HUMAN RACE TO TIME INDEFINITE. LET US WORSHIP TOGETHER WITH FULL HEARTS AND SEE FRIENDSHIP & BROTHERHOOD RATHER THAN WOES. AND LET US LOOK TO THE STARS AND KNOW CREATION, OUR GOD, AND OUR ANCESTORS WILL FOR HUMANKIND. Providing is Sometimes Hard Love is Sometimes True But For Every Sacrifice For God God Resurrect YOU! GOD & LORD OUR HEAVENLY PROTECTOR IN FATHER AND SON WE ASK FOR YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, IN YOUR NAME AMEN.

Honest Worlds, God, & Our Noble Leaders

Wow!!!!!! I have so much to say despite this Corona-virus epidemic. Yeah, the bad will likely always be there to persecute us but it reminds me of the Good of God's Kingdom. Though Satan has roamed the Earth for millions of years trying to destroy God's creation as the devil; slain as he is; we now can look forward to a time of increased improvement. Increased improvement with this???? You might say, but let me explain to You what I See!!! I accidentally just read this last night by accident. I have always had dreams of the appointed time when unnecessary wars cease to roam the Earth and the computational understanding of what was meant for mankind through the governing projects over the years that through all the old-folklore History and Bible Stories along with archaeological sites brought me to this understanding. Yes, there was a spiritual Israel and it was 12,000 out of every tribe, tongue, and nation. I didn't think it was so real and matched up so well until I read a century old book and realized yes it matched to the times of the Renaissance and the mid-evil periods where there were sacrifices made and the altars were up in temples and you had God's ark. I read about God's Ark in the Bible and noted first in this Century 1910 old book that it was explaining these times. That it wasn't to come but that it already happened on the Earth. And God's old disciples told us, "Expect this." There was the story of King Solomon and in the back of this 1910 book there was a relaxed article talking in old society here in the U.S. and Great Britain about a Bill of Rights!!!! That I thought was cooler than heck because that was the time we split from Great-Britain or England and became the United States. Well, earlier in the years we started relating about levels of authority such as Lord, God, and Peasant/Slave. In the Mid-evil period we had many Kings and Queens that ruled the Earth. We had levels of authority that clearly all old civilization was learning about. And isn't it odd we have all this History from Egypt with the proper burial and Greeks with their fine taste? All these stories of Great Spirits and Demons once roamed the Earth. Can you believe that the Great War of Armageddon might have been the times of WWII already much-so and the Wars before that? It may not make sense to you now but it made sense to me long-ago already and I want you to understand the Earth's purpose and the understanding of Human-History and the computational longevity that mankind achieved for itself with the help of God! You see..., Doctor's always talk about longevity. Longevity was a calculation of survival. And the History proved to us that we were supposed to have a second Eden. We had times of hard-ship and distraught war-fare. Now look at us all? We have this sickness and yes I do think we came close to the World ending. BUT-We have this understanding.., that we are able to pick up again and survive with God's Purpose. Now this is why I feel we have achieved God's Kingdom. Because the purpose came about where we had a Strong World. It came about because our leader understood a computational abstract for the World's survival. And there is no need for you to be jealous because with hard work and effort you can do it with Your World Leader's too. When I say this I mean Nobles. I mean that I think we have found our Purposes and that now it is time more than ever to help one another press on to maturity! You see, old ancestors knew God's Purpose was for all the salvation of Mankind. He realized everybody had a purpose and that there was a time for everything. That yes, you must not give up on Honest and Noble adventures and that yes you must give up the devil to his temptation and he will stop harassing you. That with a little support and everyone's fair effort going out towards the World Endeavors that for once and all God said his Kingdom is Here! And Must I SAy, Does Anything good come ever from anything negative? And that straying from God's will only proved to increase suffering and illness. Well, now our only challenge is surviving this illness. But Our Leaders are being NOble...! In the U.S. we've had our share but I can say I hope the good faith spreads to your part of the World too to alleviate your suffering as well. Hold onto the concept of God's Kingdom. For with it is the gem of Mankind's survival. We musn't give up! And...must I say that President Trump will go down in History being one of the Most Remarkable President's because of the Warrior inside of him to tackle this Humongous mess and provide for us all! He started the Cares Act and they put the bill into action. Now, I'm curious how many other leaders did this. But he provided for us and I helped him provide. And when you lead you must understand if you have the headship that part of the Responsibility is Providing for your family. Now, although this isn't perfect everyplace God did promise us that "when you ask,..." "You Receive."