Friday, April 17, 2020

Honest Worlds, God, & Our Noble Leaders

Wow!!!!!! I have so much to say despite this Corona-virus epidemic. Yeah, the bad will likely always be there to persecute us but it reminds me of the Good of God's Kingdom. Though Satan has roamed the Earth for millions of years trying to destroy God's creation as the devil; slain as he is; we now can look forward to a time of increased improvement. Increased improvement with this???? You might say, but let me explain to You what I See!!! I accidentally just read this last night by accident. I have always had dreams of the appointed time when unnecessary wars cease to roam the Earth and the computational understanding of what was meant for mankind through the governing projects over the years that through all the old-folklore History and Bible Stories along with archaeological sites brought me to this understanding. Yes, there was a spiritual Israel and it was 12,000 out of every tribe, tongue, and nation. I didn't think it was so real and matched up so well until I read a century old book and realized yes it matched to the times of the Renaissance and the mid-evil periods where there were sacrifices made and the altars were up in temples and you had God's ark. I read about God's Ark in the Bible and noted first in this Century 1910 old book that it was explaining these times. That it wasn't to come but that it already happened on the Earth. And God's old disciples told us, "Expect this." There was the story of King Solomon and in the back of this 1910 book there was a relaxed article talking in old society here in the U.S. and Great Britain about a Bill of Rights!!!! That I thought was cooler than heck because that was the time we split from Great-Britain or England and became the United States. Well, earlier in the years we started relating about levels of authority such as Lord, God, and Peasant/Slave. In the Mid-evil period we had many Kings and Queens that ruled the Earth. We had levels of authority that clearly all old civilization was learning about. And isn't it odd we have all this History from Egypt with the proper burial and Greeks with their fine taste? All these stories of Great Spirits and Demons once roamed the Earth. Can you believe that the Great War of Armageddon might have been the times of WWII already much-so and the Wars before that? It may not make sense to you now but it made sense to me long-ago already and I want you to understand the Earth's purpose and the understanding of Human-History and the computational longevity that mankind achieved for itself with the help of God! You see..., Doctor's always talk about longevity. Longevity was a calculation of survival. And the History proved to us that we were supposed to have a second Eden. We had times of hard-ship and distraught war-fare. Now look at us all? We have this sickness and yes I do think we came close to the World ending. BUT-We have this understanding.., that we are able to pick up again and survive with God's Purpose. Now this is why I feel we have achieved God's Kingdom. Because the purpose came about where we had a Strong World. It came about because our leader understood a computational abstract for the World's survival. And there is no need for you to be jealous because with hard work and effort you can do it with Your World Leader's too. When I say this I mean Nobles. I mean that I think we have found our Purposes and that now it is time more than ever to help one another press on to maturity! You see, old ancestors knew God's Purpose was for all the salvation of Mankind. He realized everybody had a purpose and that there was a time for everything. That yes, you must not give up on Honest and Noble adventures and that yes you must give up the devil to his temptation and he will stop harassing you. That with a little support and everyone's fair effort going out towards the World Endeavors that for once and all God said his Kingdom is Here! And Must I SAy, Does Anything good come ever from anything negative? And that straying from God's will only proved to increase suffering and illness. Well, now our only challenge is surviving this illness. But Our Leaders are being NOble...! In the U.S. we've had our share but I can say I hope the good faith spreads to your part of the World too to alleviate your suffering as well. Hold onto the concept of God's Kingdom. For with it is the gem of Mankind's survival. We musn't give up! And...must I say that President Trump will go down in History being one of the Most Remarkable President's because of the Warrior inside of him to tackle this Humongous mess and provide for us all! He started the Cares Act and they put the bill into action. Now, I'm curious how many other leaders did this. But he provided for us and I helped him provide. And when you lead you must understand if you have the headship that part of the Responsibility is Providing for your family. Now, although this isn't perfect everyplace God did promise us that "when you ask,..." "You Receive."


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