Friday, April 17, 2020

President Trump is a Remarkable President!

WE HAD SO MANY--> Struggling to make ends meet around here and I was having problems and my neighbors themselves were having problems providing for their families. Must I say how remarkably Noble the Cares Act is? Leaders, this is a good example for all your economies. The way of providing is smart. Yes, we must pull Ourselves out of the mess of debt but we do have survivors out there! I've never seen any President fight as a hard-nosed Businessman and Provider the way that President Trump has. Sometimes all of us go through a lot of Hell and that isn't mistaken. Yet, We need to Remind One Another to Not Give UP & To Try Again~~!!! Because imagine where we would be without our Nobles-Our Honest and MOst Good-Hearted People who make the BEST WARRIORS MIGHT I ADD?.. I'm talking to all you Good & Honest People Out There Struggling with a Lost Heart! Have FAith!! God has commanded you to do the work of his Kingdom. That solely wherever we go the work of mankind saves Us and This Beautiful Earth!!! To See One Man, A Glorious Father, A Strong-Nosed Businessman with a tackle as Swift as Jesus Iron Rod and A Soft, Beautiful Wife who taught all your children to be the Best they Can Be!!! We Worked Hard For YOu. They Most of ALL Worked hard for You! Yes, Now ...!!! Now it is time to open our Noblest Books and Learn. We are at Home and it's TIME TO Learn! Open your Bible's and History Books. ALL Your Ancestor's were teaching you THIS! For Love of World!!!! God's World ForLoveOFCountry Our Heavenly Father, We come to you at this time to ask for your blessings FOR YOUR KINGDOM. To lead us in ways of survival. To teach our hands Art, and Our Hearts to See With Our Mind. To Hold this World Forever indebted to survive because YOU Bless Us because We Are Your Creation! Please,...Let YOUR LOVE LIVE In OUR HEARTS. Please, when you say We Should Ask, Let Us Receive for Our Needs to be Provided For. May Your Kingdom RUlE This Earth to Times INDEFINITE NO MATTER WHAT NATION TRIBE OR TONGUE. LET US HAVE YOUR STRENGTH AND GIVE US YOUR BREAD AND PROVIDE FOR US YOUR EYES AND HEART TO SEE OUTCOME FOR THE HUMAN RACE TO TIME INDEFINITE. LET US WORSHIP TOGETHER WITH FULL HEARTS AND SEE FRIENDSHIP & BROTHERHOOD RATHER THAN WOES. AND LET US LOOK TO THE STARS AND KNOW CREATION, OUR GOD, AND OUR ANCESTORS WILL FOR HUMANKIND. Providing is Sometimes Hard Love is Sometimes True But For Every Sacrifice For God God Resurrect YOU! GOD & LORD OUR HEAVENLY PROTECTOR IN FATHER AND SON WE ASK FOR YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, IN YOUR NAME AMEN.


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