Sunday, April 07, 2013

Preparing My Talk

So I got my talk slip from Mom today when she got back from the Hall.  For some reason since then I've just been enthused about the Bible and what it says.  Did you know when Babylon got invaded by the Medes-Persians that there were about 120 Satraps/Prefects that Darius set over his entire kingdom and that several servants of Jehovah communicated with them over the years when the Earthly Kings and their Kingdoms were still in place?  Daniel's interpretation of the dream was real. And we are now at the feet which one day will become a mountain much like that of Mount Zion and there will be nothing left of this divided system.  Instead we'll have a Godly kingdom. One of which we will all be equals and we don't have to quarrel about our needs in order to survive.  I was just reviewing over some of the chapters of Daniel and Revelation tonight and I was so interested in what I had researched.  For instance, several of God's servants then had to try and get along with the officials from Babylon which were the Satrap (a viceroy or governor of a province) or Prefect. (An official lower than a satrap in Babylonian government.) So basically I also learned that Babylon is identified and where Babylon took place was in Hilla, Iraq.  And there is a note about extremism.  If your government was corrupt wouldn't you want a chance at a fair God?  Did you know there is a such thing as God-Ordained Warfare in which servants were allowed to God to war to execute God's righteous  laws?  Also at one time God used Israel as an executioner in which he assigned the Israelites the sacred duty of serving as executioners in the Promised Land to which he brought them. Also, Santified warfare was something of religious practice where those fighting had to remain ceremonially clean.  I think if war can be sanctified in a way to promote God and prevent wrong extremism practices as terrorism then it should be allowed although we however need to remain neutral and objective about the case of any war when war can be so easily prevented.  Just some interesting things I learned to think about.  Also reading Revelation brought back my memories of the plagues and brought to light some nice scriptures.  I read 3 or 4 chapters all the way through to the end of Daniel and then read almost all of Revelation!!


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