Monday, January 28, 2013

You Might Ask, "Where Are We Now?"

I finally can say I want to just divorce the world because it is getting so screwed  up! I don’t know what to say about businesses any more.  Every one we’ve been to has provided crappy services and I can hardly stand it anymore.  And if it’s not that then people are robbing banks or screwing one another over and turning on each other angrily until somebody gets shot or in many cases several people get victimized.  It’s sad that this is today’s reality.  It can’t be, can it?  Regardless, it needs to be corrected~ We need correctional offices and young business entrepreneurs in America the melting pot. Instead it seems our children aren’t getting the proper education or party through the secondary education they need to take on the world.  What’s worse is that we allow ourselves to be devalued by all these terrible immoral things like pornography or gruesome violence.  What is the world coming to? Matthew 13:35 “I will open my mouth with illustrations. I will publish things hidden since the founding.”  The truth is we allow ourselves to deceive one another when there is no honesty anymore.  I can hardly imagine surviving in the world on my own without the help of my family because it is getting to be so trying and scary now.  It’s not what it used to be.  There are a lot of dishonest people doing dishonest things, running dishonest businesses and hurting innocent people.  I can’t see how America is going to thrive again under these circumstances!  When I think of America I want to think of a place that is leading the world and is neighborly and cares about its finances and the world it provides for its children. And sex-trafficking and drugs shouldn’t be so horrible that it hurts our children and our families from progressing into a world that allows them to have a wonderful life.  Life should be full of life. Not just a sad mistake of choices and no one to care to correct the down-trodden who need the guidance.  Life is many things.  We just have to remember to make Lemonade.  When I think of America I want a life for my children, my cousins, my aunts & uncles and my friends. Family should be a priority and I shouldn’t have to give warnings for people to back off and take a hint when I’m not interested.  I want America to have its voice back. No matter what President we have, he will struggle. But is it really fair to blame him for all the poor choices other people make? Now granted, if a President makes poor choices he is not ready for his responsibility yet.  But what good is it if we damage his reputation by slandering him?  He is only human too is he not?  “If he provides for the birds of the heavens will he not likewise provide for your soul?”  So here’s to say I wish the world well, but I do not wish to be a part of it any more.  Its disgraces of fornication and the scarlet-colored wild beast.  Isaiah 1:18-20 says “Come, now YOU people, and let us set matters straight between us,” says Jehovah.  Though the sins of YOU people should prove to be as scarlet, they will be made white just like snow, though they should be red like crimson cloth, they will become even like wool.  If YOU people show willingness and do listen, the good of the land YOU will eat.  But if YOU people refuse and are actually rebellious, with a sword YOU will be eaten up; for the very mouth of Jehovah has spoken it.” Isaiah 1:18 is an analogy or comparison for us to see that sins are like the scarlet colored beast in the Bible book of revelation that holds the golden cup of fornication. Also, it shows he is purifying us by changing our sins from scarlet to something pure and as white as wool.  And when he says, “though it should be red like crimson cloth, they will become even like wool,” shows that the crimson cloth is being compared to past sacrifices of blood being poured out and that also of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice which when repentant atones for our sin now so that we can gain an inheritance of everlasting life.  In the end, the best gift is life. Life in itself is a rollercoaster, but it is what makes us who we are. And given the gift of life from God we should be much more appreciative and do good works in our life!


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