Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jessica Gerlemann

American Literature

Beverley Sumey

October 23, 2011

Emerson’s Philosophy and Transcendentalism

Emerson believed in the deity and the divine of nature and God with the soul. He wrote self- reliance about how in some cases the oversoul should be one with nature. In his senses the oversoul is what many people think of the holy spirit of God and or the trion for some in certain cases. Emerson focuses on the unity of oneness with nature. "Man is his own star and the soul that can render an honest and a perfect man." This poem as part of the introduction shows the beginning of Emerson’s philosophy. Man being his own star is important because in the end with the help of God, God’s image is brought out in the best of us and we are the only one who can teach ourselves to truly shine for him. Trying to achieve a perfect human stand with others and making ourselves whole as a person obligated to morals and living righteously in society so as to not bring reproach upon God was likely an important aspect of his faith to him. Perfecting oneself was important in future growth of knowledge and learning about life so by doing this he was helping others to see the necessary and important things in life. "Trust thyself." In this quote I think Emerson is importantly trying to make a point that the only one you can really trust to make the right decisions for yourself sometimes is "yourself." You can learn from other people’s perspectives, retention and opinions but in the end you are the only one who truly understands you. At some point Emerson uses the symbolism of the perfection of the rose so perfect in it’s beauty. To lead a life of that similar to a rose is to find true peace and harmony.


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